Self-Discipline! Sven Scum At Naval Headquarters

Chapter 250 Life Design Diagram, Bring It To You! [Two Changes For Automatic]

Vegapunk's technology is indeed far ahead of this pirate world.

Bai Ye knew that this pirate world was equipped with World War II-era guns and guns, and most of the power of warships was still using wind energy.

The overall technology of the pirate world is not high, and not only is it not high, but it is even low.

Although there are indeed some individual cases, most of them can be attributed to the extension ~ extension of black technology and even Devil Fruit's capabilities.

But one

Vegapunk this guy is different.

He really single-handedly raised the technological level of the entire pirate world.

Although in terms of weapons of mass destruction, Vegapunk did not develop a nuclear-like king bomb.

However, the project of transforming people alone almost shot the technology of the world that Bai Ye crossed.

Not to mention that Vegapunk can even make pure robots, moreover, the strength of this robot is thought of bursting, and even discovered the technology and pedigree factor of the core of this pirate world.

And use the pedigree factor to decipher the truth about Devil Fruit.

Although Vince Mo Ke and Guy Sa and others also master the bloodline factor, in fact, their application in Bai Ye's opinion also uses some fur.

To really look at the in-depth research, it has to be Vegapunk.

"Inspector Bai Ye, this is the lab of Vegapunk, Chief Scientist of our Naval Headquarters! Please come in!"

Senmomaru opened an automatic door and guided Bai Ye inside.

I thought Bai Ye would be all excited and curious, after all, Zhan Zhi knew the horror of Vegapunk.

Although they do not have strong combat effectiveness, his head is definitely the most mysterious and powerful symbol of the entire Naval Headquarters and even this sea.


Bai Ye didn't react at all, and even lit a cigar for himself.

This couldn't help but make Senmomaru's face tremble.

For others, I am afraid that they have long been curious, and they can't wait to turn Vegapunk's laboratory over to see this research result maker that surpasses the world's five hundred plus punk.

Bai Ye really doesn't care.

In the original world, he had seen the magic of science, and he also knew that Vegapunk would study something in the future.

Therefore, Bai Ye will not be surprised if something outrageous appears in the laboratory right now.

No way, the insight is here.

"Senmomaru, aren't you coming in?"

"I can't remember, Inspector Bai Ye, the person Vegapunk wants to meet is you!"

Bai Ye nodded and walked in.

After entering, there were some things Bai Ye didn't understand around the laboratory, and there were a lot of research documents displayed around.

Bai Ye glanced at it and couldn't help but shrink his pupils.

Introduction to Seastone —

On the application of pedigree factor to mechanical life——

The ethical basis of non-living organisms taking Devil Fruit is one

Life modification of life design diagrams

Bai Ye touched it and couldn't help but speak.

"Good fellow, this important secret thing is placed here in random columns!

"Aren't you afraid of being stolen?"

As soon as Bai Ye's voice fell, a voice came.

"Even if it's stolen!"

"Because, except for me, basically no one in this world can understand these things!"

"Even the second seat of the [Science Department] next only to me at the beginning could not understand it!"

The voice sighed.

Bai Ye even heard a chilling loneliness from this sigh.

There is a sense of loneliness that has stood on a high place for a long time and waited for a long time without a challenger.

"You're not talking about the second seat of Guy Sakron, right?"

"Oh? Do you know Inspector Bai Ye?"

"I know, but I'm not familiar!"

Bai Ye looked back and saw a light beam from the eyes of an image phone bug, casting a stereoscopic image in front of Bai Ye.

It was a black shadow, Bai Ye couldn't see the black shadow clearly, he seemed to deliberately hide his appearance.

"First meeting, Chief Inspector Bai Ye, I am Vegapunk, the chief scientist of the [Science Department]!"

"Forgive me for meeting you in this way for some reason!"

Hearing this, Bai Ye paused for a moment and then laughed.

"Maybe it's my inherent impression that chief scientists like you are generally high-minded? It surprised me a little that it was so amiable.

"I always have the greatest respect for people who are full of knowledge!"

Hearing this, Bai Ye couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, and couldn't help but speak.

"Knowledgeable people?"

"Isn't it?"

Vegapunk smiled.

0 Ask for flowers............

"Porusalino contacted me the other day and he gave me a very interesting argument!"

"Electricity can generate magnetism, and when a powered wire passes through the current, a magnetic field will be generated around the wire, and the larger the current, the stronger the magnetic field generated!"

"Based on this alone, Chief Inspector Bai Ye, I know that you and the others are not the same people, after all, to reach this conclusion, it needs to be verified through a lot of trial and error!"

"Science, is rigorous!"

"It often takes a generation or even generations to come up with a relatively correct theory!"

Bai Ye smiled, undeniably on this.

Unfortunately, it is not him who has done a lot of trial and error, but the scientists of Blue Star.

Bai Ye, on the other hand, is just standing on the shoulders of giants and applying these arguments to the present time.

.... 0

"And after that, after using electromagnetism and using electromagnetic force as a driving force, the ultra-electromagnetic cannon you released was honestly a little amazing to me!"

Bai Ye spread his hands.

"Don't say that!"

"If you really want to talk about the content of technology, this point is far from your bloodline factor theory, you think experience, just because you are not involved in this field!"

Hearing this, Vegapunk smiled and nodded.

"You're right!"

"Everyone has what they are good at, as long as they learn from each other, they can improve!"

"Perhaps, we can learn from each other what we are good at!"

Hearing this, the corners of Bai Ye's mouth twitched.

Funny you, right?

What can I do for you to learn? Various equations?

What's more.

What Vegapunk studied, even if he was willing to give it to Bai Ye, he wouldn't be able to learn it.


"There's no need for that, is it?"

"It's okay, I'll give it my money... Here's my research on [Life Design Diagram]!"

With that, Vegapunk's projection then pointed in one direction.

There, there is a thick layer of information.

Seeing this scene, Bai Ye was stunned.


It seems like...

Can he really learn?

"This... Sent me?"

"Of course!"

Very good!

Life design drawing, right.

Take it you billion!.

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