Self-Discipline! Sven Scum At Naval Headquarters

Chapter 251 Bai Ye Is A Big Fool, E=Mc2! [Three Changes For Automatic]

"Of course, this is only the most basic theoretical part of my life design diagram, if I really want to fully interpret the life design diagram, I am afraid that this laboratory will not be able to fit it!"

Bai Ye nodded.


He knows it all!

However, he does not need the full version, just this basic theory.

Anyway, it's just to let your [King's Treasure] generate treasures.

At this time, Bai Ye smiled and spoke.

"Okay, since you have taken out this kind of thing Vegapunk, then I can't be shabby here..."

"However, I don't have a codex note like yours!"

"I can give you a research conclusion!"


Vegapunk snorted coldly and then spoke.

"What form?"

"Hmm" three three three

"A equation!"


Hearing this, Vegapunk tilted his head, obviously a little blind.

"What is it?"

"Mass-energy equation, an equation that describes the equivalent relationship between mass and energy!"

Vegapunk shook his head quickly.

"It's not... I mean, what kind of data does this Erhc stand for?"


Bai Ye was stunned for a moment.

Indeed, not the same world, this letter meaning is indeed impossible to be completely unified.

"E stands for energy, M for mass, and C for the speed of light!"

Hearing this, Vegapunk thought thoughtfully.

Originally mass and energy were two completely different concepts.

"Can the concepts of speed of light, energy and mass be linked...?"

"Is it convenient to reveal what this mass-energy equation is mainly used for?"

This is really new knowledge for Vegapunk, and it is completely outside his scope.

"For what?"

Bai Ye touched his chin.

What the theory of relativity can be applied to, he really doesn't know.

Nuclear energy? Nuclear weapon?

It seems to be.

"This is the theoretical basis of a super-weapon of mass destruction!"

Hearing this, Vegapunk was stunned.

"Oh? Is it the same field as Guy Sakron's design?"

Hearing this, Bai Ye hurriedly waved his hand.

"No, no, no, the weapons of mass destruction I'm talking about here and what Guy is studying are completely two things!"

"The weapons of mass destruction he dabbled in were pediatrics!"

"The core temperature of the weapons of mass destruction I am talking about here can be raised to 100 million degrees Celsius in an instant, and everything within a radius of one kilometer will be vaporized in an instant!"

"Its explosive power is equivalent to 10 million tons of TNT equivalent, and the energy released by the explosion exceeds 4,000 megajoules!"

"Maybe I have no idea what I said, this weapon has the ability to instantly wipe any country in this world off the map!"

Smaller countries are directly gone on the spot.

Larger countries will not be absent on the spot, but the radiation released by nuclear weapons is enough to block the future of the country.

And Bai Ye's description obviously stunned Vegapunk, even a little unbelievable.

"Where did such a lot of energy come from?"

Bai Ye smiled.

"That's why we have this mass-energy equation..."

Bai Ye certainly wouldn't say anything like nuclear fission and nuclear fusion.

Although Bai Ye doesn't think Vegapunk can really get the nuclear weapon thing out alone.

But what if, what if?

The lethality of this thing, Bai Ye knows.

If you really want to make it, what kind of chicken Pluton Poseidon Uranus, you may have to stand back.

Power aside, radiation alone is quite terrifying.


This stuff Logia is not necessarily immune.

After all, the instantaneous release of nuclear weapons explosions, including shock waves, instantaneous nuclear radiation, electromagnetic pulse interference, nuclear pollution, optical radiation, etc., are real.

Among them, there are elemental attacks, when the time comes, if you really get it, you will die on horseback!

Hearing this, Vegapunk was silent for another moment.

He didn't think Bai Ye was lying to him.

If this equation is roughly the same, it does seem feasible.

It's just that what he didn't figure out was where did this energy come from with the power of the weapon described by Bai Ye?

Can't figure it out.

This scientific expert who has been leading the pirate world for 500 years fell into a confused thinking for the first time (

He feels that he may have to study this so-called mass-energy equation application for some time in the future.

"By the way, Chief Inspector Bai Ye, is it convenient to extract some of your bloodline factors?"

Vegapunk said suddenly.

"You seem to be Thunder Fruit ability, I may be able to add your Devil Fruit ability to my research!"

Hearing this, Day and Night smiled and waved his hand on the spot.

"I don't have to, I'm not interested!"

He didn't want to be the subject of Vegapunk's research.

It's even more impossible to casually let Vegapunk extract his own bloodline factor.

"That'll work..."

"However, there is one thing I need to talk to you about!"

Bai Ye glanced at Vegapunk's projection and spoke.

"Is it about Yamato again?"

"That's right!"

Vegapunk smiled.

"Since Inspector General Bai Ye mentioned it, it seems that there is no error in the data on my side

"Yamato, she's a direct descendant of Four Emperors, right?"

Bai Ye nodded, took a puff of his cigar, and spoke.

"Did you tell anyone else about this?"

"Not really, I heard Yamato is your lieutenant-"

"It's best if you don't say it, if you do, there is no calendar!"

Bai Ye knew that Yamato's identity would be hidden.

However, he didn't care either.

Even if it was exposed, he could keep her.

Of course -

If the people above have to make a fuss about Yamato against Kaido, it will give Bai Ye the opportunity to lift the table.

At that time, Bai Ye can also take a group of people from the Naval Headquarters for this reason.

"That's the end of it!"

"I also have to study the life design diagram you gave me!"

After that, Bai Ye picked up Vegapunk's [Life Design Map] notes and casually threw them into his [King's Treasury].

Treasure: Life Design Drawing

Rating: EX

Category: Inherent treasure

Liberation: theoretical knowledge of life design diagrams; Calculus power MAX!

PS: Ask for flowers, ask for tickets!!!。

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