Self-Discipline! Sven Scum At Naval Headquarters

Chapter 65 The Big Bosses Of The Headquarters Gather, Special Regular Meeting! 【Nine Updates For Sub

Naval Headquarters Marineford。

The big characters of [Justice] are written in the very center, and the seagull, which represents peace, has an indescribable momentum.

The merchant ships of the Golden Heavenly Heaven were transferred to the holy land of Mariejois in the Sabaody Archipelago.

At this moment, Garp and Gion's warships resist the port.

As a welcome Marine, it is already waiting here.


The densely packed Marine stood neatly on both sides.

In the center of the greeting team, the flying squirrel Vice Admiral was already waiting here.

On the warship, Garp stepped out, and behind him, Bai Ye~ and Gion followed.

At this moment, Gion has calmed down a lot of mood-.

Calm, calm!

It's time for the headquarters, you can't be so panicked anymore.

Gion tries to avoid visiting Bai Ye.

As long as I don't look at him, he can't influence me!

That's right, it is!

Thinking, Gion sneaked a glance at Bai Ye.

As a result, I watched Bai Ye push the gold wire glasses and smile at her.

Gion trembled inwardly.

Not good!

Before blushing, quickly put his face away.

This guy's face is simply poisonous!

By this time, the flying squirrel Vice Admiral had arrived in front of Garp.

“ Vice Admiral Garp!”

Seeing this, Garp smiled.

"Such fanfare? I'm just going to East Blue for a vacation, right?"

Hearing this, Gu Rat Vice Admiral laughed bitterly.

"This is a special order from Marshal Kong, let me be sure to receive you!"

"Now, there's a special meeting for you to attend!"

Garp sighed and subconsciously scratched his head.


"Just came back, don't you worry so much, or [the craftsman's thing?"

The flying squirrel quickly shook his head.

"Vice Admiral Garp, I don't know! Don't dare to talk about it!"

"It's just that it seems that this special meeting is going to begin... It's the one above!"

The person at the top?

Garp stunned, World government?

"Are you the troublesome guys again?"

"I really don't want to deal with them, I already knew that the old man would not come back!"

"Vice Admiral Garp, you're laughing!"

Vice Admiral laughed wryly.

However, he subconsciously leaned towards Garp, and that action seemed to be as if the raw Garp had run away.

Garp raised an eyebrow.

"Zephyr taught you this?"

"Your little movement is a bit big!"


Garp laughed suddenly, which made the flying squirrel Vice Admiral's face a little unbearable.

He doesn't want that either.

No way, the top gave him a death order, and Garp must be brought with him.

"Don't worry!"

"Since the old man is back, he has no plans to slip away!"

"Lead the way!"

Garp felt out a handful of senbei, tore it open and ate it.

At this time, he seemed to remember something, and then looked back at Gion and Bai Ye.

"That's right!"

"I'm going to a meeting now!"

"Gion, you can take day and night to the training camp!"

"When the meeting is over, Zephyr should pass!" During this time, he will ask you!"

What the!?

As soon as Garp finished speaking, Gion was stunned.

She was just about to stay away from Bai Ye, but Garp got him this file?

"You can watch him!"

"Otherwise, this kid might have done something!"

Gion petrified.

How do I watch him when I ride a horse?

However, without waiting for Gion's rebuttal, Garp left directly with the flying squirrel Vice Admiral.

Only Gion was left messy in the wind in place.

At this time, Bai Ye calmly walked in front of Gion.

Then, he gently raised his right hand, exposing his wrist very gracefully, and gave Gion a position.

Seeing this scene, the corners of Gion's mouth twitched, looked at Bai Ye, and snorted coldly.

“ Bai Ye!”

"Don't even think about it!"

Hearing this, Bai Ye just pushed his gold wire glasses and then smiled.

Seeing this, Gion was stunned.

Bai Ye obviously didn't say anything!

However, it seems that everything is said.

And then

Gion then reached out and wrapped his arm around Bai Ye's wrist.

The two walked out.

Like an elegant pair of aristocrats attending a banquet.

Let's not talk about this side.

At the moment, the conference room of the Naval Headquarters is full of important people in the entire Marine right now.

Led by the current Naval Headquarters Marshal Empty.

To the right of the void, Sengoku Zephyr and Tsuru sit, and next to it, there is also an empty space, apparently reserved for Garp.

On the left, are Sakazuki, Kuzan and Porusalino.

At this moment, the door of the conference room opened, and Garp walked in laughing.

Although the atmosphere in the conference room seemed to be very oppressive, Garp didn't seem to know how to observe words.

Instead, Tsuru glanced at Garp and couldn't help but speak.

"You enjoyed this East Blue vacation, Garp!"

"I heard that you took your subordinates to find a massage girl in Sabaody Archipelago?"

Hearing this, Garp burst out laughing.


"It's just a vacation, what's wrong with relaxing!"

"I'm just afraid it's other guys looking for massage girls!"

Zephyr next to him grinned.

Bai Ye's affairs, he heard a little.

After all, Tsuru passed the gas with him in advance.

Garp thinks highly of him, however, there are also big problems.

Sven scum is a problem child that Zephyr has never been exposed to.

None of that, though.

At this moment, the sturdy old man sitting in the first place pointed to the vacant seat of the crane's narration.

“ Garp!”

"Take a seat, let's start this meeting right away."

Garp nodded, walked around the table, sat down in his seat, and then grinned as he looked at Sakazuki, Kuzan, and Porusalino in front of him.

"You three guys, it looks like it's a foregone conclusion to be the next Admiral!"

This kind of meeting, sitting in this position, can say a lot.

At this time, Porusalino on the opposite side smiled and then spoke.

"Vice Admiral Garp, don't say that!"

"The three of us are just observing this meeting."

After all, Admiral, who has not been officially crowned, cannot participate in such high-level decisions.

Hearing this, Zephyr glanced at Porusalino.

0 begging for flowers.........


"You guy, before you sit in Admiral's position, have you learned this smooth modesty?"

"I don't remember teaching you that!"

Porusalino hurriedly waved his hand.

"Teacher Zephyr, spare me, I've been graduating for many years, and you're still so harsh and terrible.

"However, on this occasion, at least save me some face!"

"You guys say yes? Sakazuki, Kuzan!”

Porusalino looked at the two people sitting next to him.

Sakazuki was expressionless and did not answer Porusalino's meaning.

Instead, Kuzan sighed.

"Well, listen to what the marshal says!"

"Since we are observers, let's say less than two words!"

Looking at everyone's mouths, Sora didn't stop it, just laughed at all this, and only then spoke when they all quieted down.

"Okay, since everyone has arrived!"

"Let's start the meeting!"

"Today, I mainly say two things!"

"First, there is a candidate for the next marshal, a decision has been made above!"


"Sengoku will participate in the campaign for marshal, this is already a certainty!"

With that, Sora glanced at Zephyr and Garp and smiled.

"As for Zephyr and Garp, you are not required to participate at the same time, but one of you must be running!"

The voice just fell.

There was a sudden moment of silence on the scene.

Sengoku's face was calm, as if he had known all this for a long time.

As for the others, they stared at Fa and Garp.

Zephyr and Garp also looked at each other and then grinned.

"Hey, Garp, you're the legendary Marine Hero, it's time to play your part!"

Zephyr smiled and spoke.

Garp didn't care, laughing and refusing.

"Zephyr, you've taught most of the Marine elite right now!"

"If nothing else, just this room, I'm afraid that half of the people were taught by you!"

On the opposite side, the corners of Kizaru's mouth twitched.

Just step on a horse and say that there are three of him.

"So, if you participate in the marshal campaign, they will vote for you, and the old man's vote will also vote for you!"

The voice just fell.

The scene suddenly fell silent.

Everyone stared straight at Garp.

Sengoku and Tsuru, in particular, looked confused.

Can you say this nonsense?

Soon, Garp realized something was wrong.

"No, the old man won't vote for you!!"

"It's not right, the old man's vote, not necessarily for you!"

Watching Garp explain more and more rigidly, the first empty sighed.

"Okay, Garp, don't explain!"

"On the question of you and Zephyr, two who participated in the marshal campaign!"

"The solution is given above!"

"This is the document issued, let's take a look!"

Speaking, Sora sent the document down, and after everyone read it, their pupils suddenly shrank.

Zephyr, on the other hand, immediately clenched his fists, and his head was even more bruised.


"Man above, play me! Chuan?".

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