Self-Discipline! Sven Scum At Naval Headquarters

Chapter 66 Bai Ye Is The Illegitimate Child Of 【Five Elders】, Right? 【Ten Updates For Subscription】


"Guys up there, play me!?"

After reading the document, Zephyr stood up on the spot.

It can be said that it is furious.

The bruises on the head truly explain what it means to be angry and rushing.

Almost instantly, Zephyr's whole body seemed to erupt with a terrifying qi.

Then, directly clenched his fist, he smashed it towards the table.

"I look!"

"I didn't sincerely let me participate in this meeting!"

"In that case, don't open it!"

Seeing that Zephyr was about to get angry, everyone was stunned and dodged one after another, for fear of being affected.

Instead, Sora, who was sitting in the chief, calmly stretched out his right hand and pressed it on the table.

In an instant, the pitch-black Armament Haki directly covered the entire huge table.

The next moment, Zephyr's fist smashed down.


With a bang.

The void exploded, and the huge impact caused the floor under the table to collapse instantly, and the next moment, the entire room seemed to collapse.

However, at this moment, the cold air hit, and in the blink of an eye, the shattered floor was frozen, and the "one seven seven" scene was stabilized.

Right now, the floor was shattered, but the table covered in armed colors was intact.

Kizaru shook his head quickly.

"Teacher Zephyr, it's still as scary as ever!"

At this moment, seeing Kizaru's lewd look, Aokiji next to him sighed, and his body was cold.

"Kizaru, you say less!"

"We're here to observe!"

"I'll be beaten up by Zephyr later, don't blame me for not reminding you!"

After speaking, Kizaru immediately shut up.

It's almost Admiral, and he doesn't want to be embarrassed by Zephyr.

At this moment, Zephyr vented, and Tsuru immediately made a move, and his right hand gently stroked Zephyr's back.

The ability to wash the fruit is activated.

Then came Zephyr's anger.

"Really, Zephyr, you guy, the student has been teaching for several sessions... And so violent!"

Next to him, Sengoku saw this scene and spoke.

"He, since you want to use the ability, you should have done it in the first place, and the conference room was almost destroyed!"

Tsuru glanced at Sengoku and said calmly.

"You forced him out of this fire, you have to let him out!"

"It's just a conference room floor, Sengoku, you pay for it?"

Hearing this, the corners of Sengoku's mouth twitched, knowing that Zephyr's anger was indeed related to him, so he nodded.

"Okay, that's no problem!"

The question of money is a trifle.

At this time, when the scene quieted down, Sora withdrew his hand, and the pitch-black Armament Haki disappeared.

"Is the fire over? Zephyr!"

"When you're done, sit down and continue the meeting!"

After being washed away by the washing fruit of the crane, Zephyr did calm down.

However, after sitting down, looking at the documents on the table, my heart was still very irritable.

"Wasn't this [Seven Warlords of the Sea] project previously proposed by Sengoku refuted?"

"Why is it passed again now?"

"Legalize pirates, do the world government's wine bags really want to come out? They dare to simply scrap us Marine!"

After Zephyr finished speaking, there was a pause before he spoke.

"Zephyr, don't get excited!"

The "Seven Warlords of the Sea" plan is not just promulgated, isn't it written in the document? It's a test run!"

"If it is really inappropriate, it can be terminated at any time!"

Hearing this, Zephyr sneered.

"Only a marshal can terminate, right?"

Sora nodded.

"That's right!"

"So, the top directly selected me to run for this marshal, right?"

Sora shook his head.

"It's not like that, it's all voluntary!"

A good horse is all voluntary.

This "Seven Warlords of the Sea" plan is about to be thrown directly in Zephyr's face, and the entire Naval Headquarters, who doesn't know that Zephyr hates pirates.

As a result, you legalize pirates, which is simply testing the bottom line of the law.

It is clear that Zephyr is forced to run for [marshal]!

Want to end the Seven Warlords of the Sea? Okay, go and be a marshal!

In fact, Zephyr had expected this result!

After all, Garp has strength and fame, but he is notoriously stinking face to the people above, especially the Draco people, and no one will give face.

Even Admiral is not right for this.

So, you expect Garp to be a marshal to listen to the people above?


Garp can't stand the stinky faces of the people above, and the people above don't want to watch Garp every day.

So -

It can only be Zephyr on the scalp.

Know this though.

However, this kind of persecution still made Zephyr unhappy.

If you really say it clearly, I don't understand, why do you do it?

"Marshal Kong!"

"There's no need to do that, is it?"

"It's a little too much!"

Next to him, Garp opened his mouth to speak, but Tsuru pushed him with his elbow and didn't let Garp speak.

Sora, on the other hand, listened to Zephyr's words, but only spoke calmly.

"Zephyr, do you still think you're running for Sengoku?"

Zephyr was stunned, a little puzzled.

Sora said directly.

"These words should not be singled out, but here are all my own people, I will not organize these imaginaries, and you should not take it to heart."

"If it's you, Garp and Sengoku in the campaign, it's definitely playing for Sengoku!"

"After all, the people above have let Garp run for marshal with this stinky face, and obviously don't care about the campaign!"

Next to him, the corner of Garp's mouth twitched.

What do you call me this stinky face?

"However, judging from the strategy of promulgating the trial operation [Seven Warlords of the Sea], although it is not explicitly stated, it is clear that the above intends to exclude Garp!"

"That is to say, they clearly want you to campaign with real guns, and whoever wins will become a marshal!"

Hearing this, Zephyr calmed down a lot.0

After all, if he was really asked to go and play for Sengoku and deliberately made the "Seven Warlords of the Sea" plan to provoke him into the game, he would really be angry.

He may even resign from Marine directly.

At this moment, seeing Zephyr calm down, the chief smiled Sora.

This smile was seen in the eyes of the crane, and then sighed.

Zephyr, Zephyr.

You are still calculated by the top, and you really don't have a good brain!

Whether it's to accompany Sengoku or use the Shichibukai plan to get Zephyr into the game.

The aim was to get Zephyr to run for marshal.

First give a very bad choice to make Zephyr angry, and then give a relatively good choice.

Zephyr look, yo yo! This does not seem unacceptable.


These two choices seem to be different, but in the final result, they are the same!

However, the crane did not break it.

After all, it is also fair to let Zephyr and Sengoku two real guns campaign!

Whoever becomes a marshal will do!

At present, the scorching air in the conference room has gradually eased.

Empty let Zephyr make an immediate decision, but silently announced the second thing.


"Next is the second thing of the meeting!"

"How to say this... It was personally said by the top, so to speak, this meeting is to say this!"

Hearing this, everyone was stunned.

They all know that this meeting is to be held by name from above.

As a result, will this be for the marshal's business?

What else is more important than running for marshal?

Sora took out a document and deliberately coughed twice.


"There's something about the latest release of [Five Elders]!"

"[Five Elders] Let me bring you a word!"

"Zephyr, Sengoku, you two must bring the special trick Bai Ye up at 0.1!"

"And then what?"

Tsuru asked.

Sora shook his head.



Everyone was stunned.

Sora nodded.

"Yes, it's gone!"

The voice fell.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then you look at me, I look at you, with a confused face.


Gather these bigwigs just to say this?

Two alternate marshals, Zephyr and Sengoku, were also named.

Five Elders is almost clear -

Bai Ye, I'm covered, you guys watch it!

So -

"This Bai Ye... Who is it!"

Even Sakazuki couldn't help but ask.

This horse is the illegitimate son of Five Elders, right?

And only the keen crane seemed to sense something.

"Sven scum..."


"Bai Ye is... the spoiler released by the Five Elders!"

Naval Headquarters。

I'm afraid it won't be too peaceful.

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