Self-disciplined, I am invincible

Chapter 1225 Conjecture about insect egg parasitism

"Which one?" Li Dan asked.

Guokui looked at Li Dan: "Create the one that removes the Zerg eggs."

Li Dan: "..."

Guokui said: "There are many humans in that world, but I don't remember whether it was the Zerg invasion or our invasion of their territory. After all, it was too long ago, but the fighting has never stopped since I was born.

The Zerg are very powerful, especially the high-level royal family, who are almost immortal.

However, they seem to be unable to successfully breed offspring on their own. No one knows the specific reasons. There are many rumors. I only vaguely remember two types. Of course, the truth or falsehood has not been confirmed. "

Li Dan became interested: "Tell me which two?"

"The first one is the big world outside, ruled by all races. They follow the laws of survival of the universe, and the weak eat the strong. Then one day the Zerg comes. I don't know where they come from. In short, this world rejects them.

The survival rate of offspring is very low, so they began to attack humans and other creatures, quietly using them as hosts, allowing the larvae to absorb their cultivation and grow, and constantly improve.

When the Other Shore Realm is complete, the mother insects are awakened, allowing them to break out of their 'shells', and then step into a higher level of cultivation. At this level of cultivation, they can fully adapt to the laws of survival of the universe. It can be regarded as a kind of transformation from weakness to Too much pretense. "

Li Dan didn't speak when he heard this, but frowned deeply.

This is similar to what Si Yunya guessed that day.

But not entirely.

Guokui continued: "The second one is that the Zerg cannot practice."

"Can't practice?" Li Dan was stunned when he heard this answer.

Guokui scratched his head: "It seems like this. It doesn't mean that you can't practice, but that it is extremely slow. It's ridiculously slow. You are like humans and monsters. Monsters generally have a long lifespan, but their cultivation is slow, and it's so slow. You have to go through various three-nine heavenly tribulations.

Humans are different. They possess great wisdom in their small bodies. With a little enlightenment, they can be directly promoted to the next level. Some geniuses can even complete the thousand-year journey of monsters in just a dozen years.

That being the case, why not take a shortcut? "

"So, they are like thieves, just waiting for the time to pick the fruits of victory, right?" Li Dan was filled with anger as he spoke.

He thought of the insect eggs in his body.

After practicing so hard for so long, it was easier for them in the end.

Guokui nodded: "Yes, that should be the case. Of course, it still needs to be confirmed. Wait, I remembered something again. It also said that it seems to be a change in the way of practice... Oops, I have a headache. All speculations cannot be confirmed."

Guokui patted his head irritably, making a loud noise.

Li Dan also sighed after hearing this.

No matter which one, it can't change the fact that he and countless other human beings are parasitized.

Guokui continued: "But in my memory, of course, I heard the generalissimo and others say in meetings on weekdays that this kind of insect eggs can help us practice faster, because they have a kind of continuous breakthrough. The faith to break out of the cocoon.

This belief and some other incidental things can greatly give the hosts the enterprising spirit, other decisions, etc. "

Hearing this, Li Dan thought of Liang Zhichao.

It seems that it is true!

Guokui walked around with his hands behind his back, and then said: "It seems that there are three thousand small worlds that have been silently parasitized by the insect mothers sent by the Zerg. I have also heard what you said about your own world. I can understand this. Tell you responsibly.

The thousands of universes you talk about can only be regarded as one of these three thousand small worlds, and they should have numbers. Well, that’s right! "Guokui said seriously.

Li Dan couldn't help but swallowed.

As far as I know from the outside, the Ziwei Ancient Star, Kunlun World, Confucian World, Yuanyang World, Hongyuan Hengjie, Daochen True World, Five Directions Universe, etc., as well as thousands of other worlds, it turns out that there are only three One of a thousand small worlds?

Are you kidding me?

If this is still called small, how big should the truly huge world be?

Moreover, there are three thousand such worlds and countless creatures, all of which are actually parasitized by the Zerg.

This is absolutely terrible!

Guokui said: "There is no doubt that what I said is the truth. I remembered this incidentally with the incident of the Immortal Relics. Let's talk about the main topic. In short, the Immortal Relics that holds the secret of the core machine was arrested.

Moreover, they were so well hidden that the Four Immortal Dynasties used almost all their power to find them.

Since then, the machines used by the Four Immortal Dynasties to remove insect eggs have been constantly moving to avoid being discovered.

But despite this, soon after each move, a large number of Zerg appeared in that area.

This is not a coincidence at all. The Zerg must have parasitized the Immortal Relics and others for the second time, and used their memories and thoughts to make countermeasures, just like the mother-child swords in your human weapons. "

Li Dan could probably guess something when he heard this.

"Are the people of the Fourth Immortal Dynasty all trash? Since they have created this machine and it has begun to be countered, why can't I upgrade it again?" Li Dan couldn't help but ask.

Guokui shook his head: "You are really right. That machine is huge, and the materials used are almost made with 90% of the four immortal dynasties. No one can create the next one, let alone the tedious construction process. Medium, upgraded again.”

"Okay!" Li Dan didn't know how to evaluate it for a moment.

Guokui drank some water to moisten his throat, and continued to tell Li Dan the information he remembered: "Since then, the human race has begun to protect the Immortal Relic Clan more closely, and they will all be tested every month to see if there are any Be parasitized and prevent backyard fires.

It was okay in the first few years, but as it became more frequent, the Immortal Relics were not happy anymore.

It was too annoying, and he couldn't leave the sight of the four immortal dynasties to prevent infection and parasitism. Some people gradually refused to be tested.

Who would be happy for someone of his own clan to make such contributions to the Four Immortal Dynasties, only to be treated like prisoners in the end?

Especially the new generation is at the age when they are eager for the outside world. This behavior restrains their natural tendency to study new things.

Until one time, someone refused and was accidentally beaten to death by the Immortal Alliance soldiers.

Since then, it has completely exploded. "

Guokui said this and sighed heavily.

Li Dan can also imagine this situation.

But if you think about it carefully, there is nothing wrong with either party.

One longs for freedom!

One just in case, to protect the entire extended family!

“That time, many immortals left, and no one could stop them.

Not long after, a group of people came back. After seeing the outside world, they felt it was very cruel. However, after being tested, they were quietly parasitized by the insect mother for a second time, and then the Immortal Alliance spent a huge price to eradicate them.

Although they were not the Zerg royal family, the second eradication was extremely painful. Some people could not endure it and died, which once again aroused the dissatisfaction of the Immortal Relics.

The four great immortal dynasties were also unhappy. After all, resources were not spent on the frontline battlefield, but had been spent in the backyard.

Until that time, a testing machine was testing the Immortal Relics again, and the Zerg army suddenly arrived.

Many Immortal Relics died, many members of the Immortal Alliance died, and some senior human race officials were captured. More importantly, the machine was snatched away, and some of the descendants of the Immortal Relics who held various important positions in the four great Immortal Dynasties were arrested. Damn it.

They accused the Immortal Alliance of not providing protection for their descendants, and the four major Immortal Dynasties were even more worried that the Zerg would use the descendants of the Immortal Relics to blackmail them and do some terrible things.

The distrust was completely buried at that time. "

When Li Dan heard this, he didn't say a word for a long time.

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