Self-disciplined, I am invincible

Chapter 1226 Do you want to know the truth?

Li Dan didn't know how to evaluate this matter.

It can only be said that even the Zerg tribe did not think of it and did not even use the alienation plan to create such a situation.

Guokui also sighed: "Once all the dark two-headed dragons cultivated in the Immortal Alliance suddenly became furious and killed nearly tens of thousands of Immortal Alliance warriors, the people of the Immortal Dynasty approached the Immortal Relics. It was discovered that they had been parasitized for a long time.

There are also dream witches who can deduce prophets. In the past, when they made mistakes, they could only talk about probabilities. After all, no one can calculate everything 100% every time.

But after all this, the occasional miscalculation and the occasional soldier's death were all blamed on them.

I think they are intentional and parasitic, which is unbelievable. There are too many things that have been completely changed in less than a thousand years. "

Li Dan looked at Guokui: "So, just take action?"

"Well, more or less. The specific situation is still very complicated. I can't remember much, and I haven't experienced much. In short, less than ten thousand people escaped in the end." Guokui said.

Li Dan was stunned: "Less than ten thousand people? Are you sure?"

"Of course I'm sure. There aren't many people in the Xianyi clan to begin with. Their clan only has a million people at full count." Guokui looked extremely certain.

Li Dan stood up: "No, no, in this world, that is, millions of years ago, the Immortal Relics were a universe with more than hundreds of millions, and they were all..."

Just as Li Dan said this, he suddenly reacted.

If less than ten thousand people escaped and came to develop in a small world within this small world, how could so many develop in a short period of time?

They have such excellent resources from the outside world, and are even protected by the four great immortal dynasties, and they have always been in a group of millions.

And after escaping here, why do the world leaders from all walks of life continue to exterminate them?

At that time, it seemed that this world had long been disconnected from the outside world.

They have no reason.

It would be even more impossible if it was a Zerg.

The Immortal Relics are being hunted by the four Immortal Dynasties. If they issue a solicitation, they will definitely be able to recruit them and let them take revenge on the human race.

Either way it doesn't make sense.

What makes even more sense is the one in the pyramid in the distance.

Since he is the first-generation Dream Witch of the Immortal Relic Clan, why is Yin Ting, the Fourth Prince of Great Qin, there?

A protective talisman on the run?

Li Dan had a headache thinking about it and couldn't figure it out.

Guokui also told everything he knew.

Li Dan stood up and looked at the pyramid.

It seems that if you want to know the answer, the only place to go is there.

At least Chen San and the others don't know anything about it at the moment.

Li Dan started directly towards the pyramid and stopped when he reached the 'red line'.

Going any further will provoke an attack.

Guokui also followed Li Dan, looking into the distance.

"I forgot to ask, do you know whose coffin is in there?" Guokui asked.

"The Immortal Relic Clan, the first generation of Dream Witches!" Li Dan said.

Guokui was stunned, and a layer of embarrassment appeared on his face: "How do you know?"

"Chen San told me."

"Who is Chen San?"

"A member of the Immortal Relic Clan."

"In this world?"


"Then how did he know?"

"Did old man Mosaic send it?"

"Who is the old man Mosaic? What a stupid name this guy named Ma has!"

Li Dan was silent and waited quietly.

Two hours later!

"I'm so glad... you're still... alive..." An old voice suddenly sounded from Li Dan's mind.

Li Dan was stunned.

Because this was not the voice of the Fourth Prince Yin Ting who had contacted him.

"Who are you?" Li Dan asked aloud.

Guokui, who was standing next to the sea of ​​flowers, saw that Li Dan had successfully connected with the people in the pyramid again, and quickly went on guard.

"The Immortal Relics...Dream Witch!" The voice came again.

Although he sounds very weak, he is not as weak as the Fourth Prince Yin Ting.

After hearing this, Li Dan hesitated and asked, "Are you a dream witch who is besieged by many people in this world, or are you a dream witch from the four great immortal dynasties?"

Following this question, there was a moment of silence.

"The four major... from the Immortal Dynasty!"

Li Dan's heart was beating fast. This time he encountered a human voice that truly came from the outside world.

"Don't Dream Witches deduce heaven's secrets and often encounter backlash from heaven? How could you live for so long?" Li Dan asked.

There was silence again.

"They... are dead. We are another... branch that has researched... different things..." The old voice came again.

Li Dan understood.

Although there are millions of people in the Immortal Relic Clan, there are branches developing in various directions.

Such as deducing prophets, controlling beasts, making machines to remove insect eggs, and perhaps many others.

"What did you mean when you said you're glad I'm still alive?" Li Dan thought of something and asked quickly.

"You, can't remember?" The old voice was full of doubts.

Li Dan nodded.

"Back then, we developed a technology... similar to the Zerg's 'Shedding of Shells' technology, but... we did not announce it to the outside world. We only... told Grand Marshal Li Gen, because we... this lineage has always been It was secretly supported by Marshal Li."

The old voice became more and more skillful in speaking.

Li Dan was moved in his heart.

Born out of a shell?

This research direction is interesting.

Moreover, Li Gen, the generalissimo of the Eighth Legion, secretly supported a clan of immortals.

Why does it seem like something is wrong with Da Qin?

"In that massacre, in addition to tens of thousands of people fleeing, there were also us...hundreds of us, with the secret help of your father...escaped, on the condition that the new technology that was not yet mature was I did an experiment on you who was already dead, but fortunately... it was successful."

The intermittent sounds came again, but Li Dan's heart was beating fast.

He couldn't help but ask: "Are you sure that I am the Young Marshal of Da Qin you are talking about?"


He answered firmly in the affirmative.

At this moment, Li Dan didn't know why, but he felt suddenly relieved.

He hesitated for a long time, and when he got the answer, he was a little excited.

"How did I die?" Li Dan asked.

"Because of ambition, because of friendship, because of the overall situation, because of interests, and even more because of women!"

This time, the old voice became smoother and smoother, no longer choppy.

Li Dan frowned.

Does this sound like a compliment or a disservice to me?

Why did it end up being a woman?

At this moment, Guokui couldn't hear the voice in Li Dan's mind, but every time Li Dan spoke, he still understood something.

Also got excited.

The young man he met for the first time in front of him turned out to be the young commander of the Eighth Army of the Qin Dynasty.

I'm with the right person.

Li Dan looked at the pyramid: "Are the tens of thousands of immortals who escaped that year the same people who were besieged in this world millions of years ago?"

After a while of transferring the ownership, a sigh came.

"We don't know where that group of people fled to. The people who were besieged in this world millions of years ago were actually a hundred of us who escaped." The old voice said.

After hearing this, Li Dan felt moved in his heart.

"Impossible. Rumor has it that the Immortal Relics tribe was the first to integrate into the small universe of this world. Countless people in it possessed the Qi of Heaven, and aroused the pity of many people. They even traded for a period of time, and were eventually besieged and exterminated."

Li Dan said quickly.

Hearing this, the voice suddenly laughed.

"Do you want to know what happened back then? Do you want to know the insect mother in this world? Do you want to know the truth of the matter?"

Three consecutive loud questions made Li Dan freeze on the spot.

But without any hesitation, Li Dan said directly: "I want to!"

Thank you to [Yuexia Lingfeng] for the 500 reward, thank you for your support!

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