After the succession ceremony of the Holy Lord, Feng Shao and Lin Xiaoran stayed in Ziqing Holy Land for a few more days, and only returned to Wuling City after the wedding of Tang Fei and Murong Pianpian.

After returning to Wuling City, the couple found that Feng Lingyu and Feng Lingxue were closer. In contrast, they were a little alienated from their parents.

This is not good.

In order to avoid raising a son who is not close to him in the future, Lin Xiaoran decided to raise the child himself in the future. So in the following period of time, people around saw that Lin Xiaoran would take his son with him wherever he went. When working, Feng Lingyu lay on the baby bed specially placed by Lin Xiaoran. When resting, Lin Xiaoran hugged Feng Lingyu and teased him non-stop. Even when sleeping, she would deliberately put her son next to her.

After Lin Xiaoran's efforts during this period of time, Feng Lingyu really began to get closer to Lin Xiaoran.

But Feng Shao was a little unhappy.

Every day, watching his son occupy all his wife's time, Feng Shao couldn't tell what he felt in his heart. He once tried to remind Lin Xiaoran that he had said he wanted to have another daughter!

But Lin Xiaoran said unhappily: "You haven't raised your son yet, why are you thinking about a daughter? Let's talk about a daughter when your son is older!"

Feng Shao: "..."

Women's mouths are lies! She has forgotten what she said so quickly!

Feng Shao was indignant, and he couldn't help but feel a little sad when he looked at his son and wife.

In desperation, Feng Shao could only turn his grief into motivation and put his energy into work.

Today, Wuling City has basically entered the right track, and several important projects are gradually coming to the end. Especially the Xiuzhen Academy, which started the first batch of enrollment in the first month of the year.

But the enrollment process was not smooth.

Generally speaking, the traditional way to embark on the path of cultivation is generally divided into three categories, namely sects, gangs and churches.

Among them, the sect is the first choice, because compared with the other two forms, the sect's path of cultivation is more complete, from basic breathing to high-level cultivation techniques, from basic boxing and kicking skills to sect martial arts, it has everything, basically covering all the resources a person needs from the beginning of cultivation to becoming a real cultivator.

However, the sect also has many requirements for disciples. Respecting teachers is the minimum, and not leaving the master is also a common rule in many sects. If it is a righteous sect, there are also rules such as not killing fellow disciples, not killing innocent people, not raping and looting, not stealing, etc. Various precepts restrict the behavior of disciples.

So some people who are "freedom-loving" by nature turn to gangs.

The structure of the gang is relatively loose and there are fewer rules. The largest cultivation gang in the entire upper domain only has the "Five Major Laws" at most, and this is still the rule of the righteous gang. If it is a gang with a bad reputation, there is only one rule of "respect and order". In other words, as long as you don't rebel, basically no one will care what you do.

But such gangs usually don't last long. After all, fewer rules mean it's easy to cause trouble, and easy trouble means more enemies, and more enemies mean it's easy to get beaten. The consequences of being beaten... needless to say.

In addition, the skills that people in the gang can obtain are also extremely limited. The basic skills for joining the gang can usually only be practiced to the innate realm. Unless you have made great contributions, you can't get higher-level skills. As for the supreme skills, only the gang leader and the successor designated by the gang leader can practice. Others, no matter how high your status is, don't even think about learning a little bit. The narrow space for advancement has become the biggest constraint for people in the gang. In comparison, the strict rules of the sect seem a little insignificant.

Therefore, most people who enter the gang dream of becoming a disciple and entering a real sect one day.

As for the church, both the rules and skills are very different from the sect and the gang.

The reason why the church is called a "church" is because this kind of force has faith. For example, the predecessor of Yunjian Pavilion, Tianxin Sect, believed in "Heavenly Way", and its basic doctrine was "to establish one's mind for Heavenly Way", which was a bit like "doing justice for Heaven". Many believers joined Tianxin Sect because they yearned to do justice for Heaven.

Tianxin Sect used faith as its banner and gathered many believers. The first thing that everyone who joined Tianxin Sect learned was to pray to Heavenly Way, and the second thing they learned was the rules of the church.

In fact, seriously speaking, the rules of the church are much more than those of the sect. It's just that the rules of the sect are mostly for the reputation of the sect, so all kinds of crimes are prohibited. The rules of the church are mainly related to faith and class. For example, you can't be disrespectful to Heavenly Way, you can't say words against Heaven, you can't do things that are not in line with the arrangement of Heaven, you can't be disrespectful to the leader, you can't be disrespectful to the messenger and the guardian... and so on.

Although there are many miscellaneous rules, they are relatively loose in the norms of other behaviors, even to the point where rape and looting are not considered violations of the rules. Therefore, most churches don't have a good reputation.

Of course, this cannot be generalized. Some churches also set up some rules like the orthodox sects, and these churches have a better reputation. But in general, this kind of "chivalrous" church is still relatively rare.

As for the church's skills, it is a bit difficult to describe. Because the church usually recruits independent cultivators, and independent cultivators have their own skills. Those who don't have their own skills can only obtain the church's basic skills, and the upper limit of practice is relatively low. Unless you can show extraordinary qualifications, be appreciated by the high-level of the church and be accepted as a disciple, otherwise you can only find a way yourself.

The above three types constitute the basic structure of the entire world of cultivation. Due to the obvious superiority of the sect, most of the good seedlings have been recruited into the sect. The relaxed environment of the church has recruited most of the powerful independent cultivators. As for the gangs, they have fallen to the bottom.

Of course, in addition to these three more common forces, there are also forces such as Yunjian Pavilion and Qingfeng Tower that are between the sect and the church. This type of force eliminates unrealistic belief requirements and adds the treatment and benefits commonly enjoyed by the sect, so its strength can also compete with the sect and the church. In addition, the foundation of this type of force is often in business, and the huge financial resources have also injected it with a steady stream of vitality.

It is worth mentioning here that the holy land is actually the product of a small-scale reform after the super sect has developed to a certain stage. Compared with the regular sect, the holy land has more peripheral departments.

For example, Taixuan Holy Land and Jiuyin Holy Land have the so-called outer gate, while Jiuyou Holy Land and Ziqing Holy Land have the outer pavilion. The outer gate is considered to be the reserve of the inner gate, while the outer pavilion is a parallel sect with a slightly lower status than the inner gate. The outer gate is mainly used to supplement the inner gate and select the best. The outer pavilion, as an extension of the power of the holy land, is responsible for more external actions.

The creation of the outer gate and the outer pavilion is a reform carried out when the sect is too large. Therefore, in the eyes of many sects, the holy land is the final form of the evolution of the sect. However, there are also some sects that do not need to be transformed into holy lands due to their different internal structures. For example, Tiangang Sword Sect and Longhua Temple are representatives of them.

The Tiangang Sword Sect is divided into seven veins, each occupying a hilltop of Tiangang Mountain, and each is managed by a powerful chief. Disciples who worship and enter the Tiangang Sword Sect will be directly assigned to one of the seven veins. Each branch is equivalent to a small sect. Whether it is promotion or cultivation, there are specific channels. In addition, after the huge number of disciples is divided into seven parts, the number is naturally much less, and each branch can manage it completely, so there is no need to set up an outer sect or outer pavilion.

As for Longhua Temple, although it is powerful, there are not many inner disciples. After all, there are still very few people in this world who are willing to become monks. Longhua Temple has more lay disciples, and lay disciples will go down the mountain after learning skills, and will not stay in Longhua Temple all the time. They are busy with their own careers on weekdays and will only come back when Longhua Temple needs them.

In addition to the above, there are also forces such as villas and aristocratic families. These forces are small in scale and have little influence, so I won’t go into details here.

Cultivation is the dream of almost everyone in this world, but it is not a simple thing to embark on the road of cultivation. Whether it is a sect, a gang, a church, a holy place, or a villa and aristocratic family, they will not easily accept people. Not everyone is qualified to practice cultivation. Only the truly chosen ones are qualified to embark on the path of cultivation. This has almost become the eternal truth of this world.

But now, Wuling City has provided a new path of cultivation that is completely different from everyone's understanding -

Cultivation Academy.

The academy is not unfamiliar to the world. But the academies that most people have heard of are those that teach reading, writing, composing and painting. Who has ever heard of an academy that teaches cultivation?

So when they first heard about the Cultivation Academy, most people showed an expression of incomprehension. Many people who only know a little about it couldn't help but discuss it privately.

What is this academy for? Teaching cultivation? Is it the same as a private school, where you can learn cultivation with a gift?

Don't be ridiculous, where in the world can you learn cultivation by giving you ten pieces of bacon?

At least you have to give some spirit stones, right?

More people have seen the reality clearly. Although they still yearn for cultivation in their hearts, they are very resigned to the high tuition fees.

After all, one Lingshi is enough for an ordinary family of three to live a wealthy life for three years.

But the conditions given by the Xiuzhen Academy later surprised many people.

What? One hundred Lingshi per year?

What? If you don’t have money, you can take out a loan?

What? You can work for the academy to pay off your debts after graduation?

What? The academy does not force students to stay in the academy for life?

What? You can enroll as long as you meet the conditions?

What? The academy has hundreds of exercises to choose from?

Rumors came one after another, and were confirmed by Wuling City soon after. Lin Xiaoran, the first dean of Xiuzhen Academy, also solemnly promised in front of everyone that Xiuzhen Academy will treat every student equally, and any qualified and hardworking student will receive strong training from the academy!

As soon as this was said, everyone was moved.

Of course, more people still didn’t believe it.

The main reason was that the conditions were too good, so good that people doubted whether the person who founded this academy was mentally ill!

But there are still many people who think very seriously, what if it is true? What if the conditions given by the academy are really so good?

Anyway, even if I was deceived, at most I would just waste a few years. But if it was true, it would change my life!

In this world, there is no shortage of young people who think they can change the world, and there is no shortage of middle school students who think they are the children of destiny. They have dreams, but are hit by reality again and again. But if there is a chance, they will definitely reach out and grab it!

So amidst the doubts, the Cultivation Academy finally welcomed the first batch of preparatory students.

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