Senior brother, stop it, you are the villain!

Chapter 294 The first batch of students

Of course, the Xiuzhen Academy cannot accept all students.

As early as more than half a year ago, Wuling City distributed simple Qi training techniques to all city residents and residents of surrounding villages. This Qi training technique is quite similar to the Qi training technique that Feng Shao distributed when he was still in Taiwei Sect, but Feng Shao modified it after verifying it with many classics he mastered to make it more universal.

In short, this Qi training technique is suitable for most physiques and most people can practice it. People with good qualifications can practice faster, and those with poor qualifications can also practice to a level far beyond ordinary people through their own efforts.

Of course, it is impossible to practice to a high level through this Qi training technique.

The first batch of students selected by the Xiuzhen Academy are children aged seven to twelve who have practiced the Qi training technique and can practice to a certain level.

For this reason, the Xiuzhen Academy has also set up a complete set of testing procedures, trying to test the qualifications of each student participating in the test.

The entrance test of the Xiuzhen Academy can be said to have set a precedent. At least people in the cultivation world have never heard of such a test being required to recruit disciples. Generally, there is a bit of luck involved in recruiting disciples in a sect.

Some people see that the other party has good qualifications, some people think that the other party has perseverance, some people think that the other party has a good character, and some people simply think that they have a connection with the other party, and then they accept the other party as a disciple.

Of course, higher-level sects are more discerning than lower-level sects, but they are also limited. On the contrary, the purely objective test of the Cultivation Academy made many cultivators who came to join in the fun brighten their eyes.

Many cultivators from other sects couldn't help but think that perhaps this set of test procedures for recruiting disciples could also be used as a reference by their own sects.

The Cultivation Academy made a big fuss about recruiting students, and many students came to participate in the test. But if you observe carefully, you will find that most of these students are children from poor families who are barely clothed.

These children are pale and thin, and many of them even stagger when they walk. They opened their ignorant eyes, watching the testers do various tests on them in fear and ignorance, but they felt uneasy in their hearts. Many children even thought that this was a sign that their families were going to sell them out, and they were so anxious that they almost cried.

Looking at these students who were very different from what he expected, Lin Xiaoran couldn't help but frown.

Can these children really support the Cultivation Academy?

In this regard, Dai Zhixin was very optimistic. She comforted Lin Xiaoran: "Sister Xiaoran, don't worry, these children will become the backbone of our Wuling City in the future, and sooner or later they will be able to support the sky. Don't look at their current appearance, what they can achieve in the future depends entirely on how well our Cultivation Academy can teach them."

Dai Zhixin, who knows the original plot well, knows very well that the rise of the Cultivation Academy actually depends on these inconspicuous children. Most of them come from poor families, and cultivation is more like an unattainable legend for them. The reason why they appear here is just that their family members or themselves want to try their luck. Anyway, even if they were not admitted to the academy, they would not lose much.

As for why not many children from wealthy families came to participate in the test, it was mainly because of their distrust of the academy of cultivation. After all, the legend of cultivation was popular, and everyone had heard of some things about the cultivation sects, but no one had ever heard of such a thing as a cultivation academy.

Feng Shao also agreed with Dai Zhixin's opinion. Although he didn't know what would happen in the future, most of the inner disciples of the entire Taiwei Sect were recruited by him personally. Many of them were not even as good as these children when they first became disciples! With the previous experience of recruiting people, Feng Shao naturally felt more confident.

After taking a look at the panicked children in the academy square, Feng Shao calmly turned his gaze to the people who were surrounding the door and looking around. Some of these people came from other sects to inquire about the situation, some came from big families to watch the excitement, and there were even many who were waiting to see the joke with bad intentions. Although they didn't say it, Feng Shao knew from their teasing eyes that they didn't think highly of these children, let alone the Cultivation Academy.

But the Cultivation Academy will eventually teach them a lesson.

The entire test lasted from morning to evening. There were more than 2,000 children participating in the test, but in the end only 200 passed the test and obtained the qualification to study in the Cultivation Academy. When Lin Xiaoran announced the list of candidates, the children below were stunned for a long time. They seemed to be unable to understand what happened for a while, and they didn't understand what the admission qualification of the Cultivation Academy meant to them.

They passed the test in a daze, and pressed their fingerprints on the enrollment contract in a daze (most of them could not read, so they could only press their fingerprints), and then they received their daily necessities in the Cultivation Academy under the guidance of relevant staff members in a daze, and finally officially became the first batch of students in the Cultivation Academy in a daze.

In short, the whole process was daze.

They just vaguely felt that their lives seemed to be undergoing a major change.

After the enrollment work was completed, the onlookers left while talking as if they had just watched a big show. To be honest, until the end, they couldn't figure out what this cultivation academy was trying to do. It's not like a sect, it's not like a church, it's not like a private school. What kind of name can this kind of thing that doesn't belong to anyone come up with?

The voices of the crowd reached Lin Xiaoran's ears, and Lin Xiaoran was so angry that his face turned red. But then her expression condensed, and a trace of murderous intent was revealed in her eyes.

Humph! I don't believe that I, the eldest lady of Yunjian Pavilion and the wife of the city lord of Wuling City, can't teach these children well!

These children will one day become legendary figures in the entire Dongzhou, and even the entire Shangyu!

After the enrollment work was completed, the cultivation academy officially started teaching.

In order to enable all students to develop morally, intellectually, physically, aesthetically, and labor-intensively, Dai Zhixin personally formulated the students' curriculum. In addition to the most basic cultivation of skills and martial arts, the curriculum also includes courses such as alchemy, refining, collecting herbs, and formations, as well as worldly courses such as literacy, arithmetic, music, painting, and ideology and morality.

When they first saw the schedule, everyone in the academy, including Lin Xiaoran, couldn't help but look dark.

You said you teach cultivation, and I can understand teaching courses such as alchemy, but why do you have to teach music and painting? Also, what is ideology and morality? Which sect would teach this?

But Dai Zhixin said confidently: "Don't underestimate these courses. These courses will determine whether we will teach pillars that benefit society or scum that harm society in the future. Although we cannot ensure that every student can grow up to be what we want, at least these courses can help children avoid some detours."

The thoughts of people in this world are still relatively simple, not as complicated as those in the present world. The experience of the present world tells us that although the ideological and moral courses cannot ensure that a criminal will not be taught out, the overall improvement of citizens' quality is real. The simple thoughts of the people made Dai Zhixin think that it was necessary to offer ideological and moral courses.

But some people still felt that such courses were unreliable, and some even gave direct feedback to Feng Shao. To their surprise, Feng Shao supported Dai Zhixin's decision on this matter. He even felt that it was necessary for students to undergo military training...

But finally, seeing that these children were pale and thin, Feng Shao temporarily gave up this idea.

At the beginning, these children were still worried about their future. They didn't know what was waiting for them, and many of them even cried on the day of enrollment. But the children of the poor had to take charge early, and they quickly overcame their fears and began to try to adapt to life in the academy.

Because the children were not in good physical condition, even if they practiced the Qi training formula, they could not really embark on the path of cultivation for the time being. For this reason, the academy specially formulated a set of recipes for the children to help them improve their physical fitness in the shortest time.

So for the first time, these children ate food that they had never dared to think of before, and they could even eat enough, which made them flattered. After a few days, not only did they lose their anxiety, but they also began to sincerely thank the college.

Many children even secretly vowed to find a way to repay the college in the future. Even if they had to go through fire and water for the college, they would not hesitate.

The simple children were completely bought by a few meals.

After improving the children's physique, they finally started their own practice. They didn't know that there were many people in the outside world waiting to laugh at them. They only knew that they would repay the college with their actual actions in the coming days.

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