Senior Sister, Please Help Me Practice

Chapter 59 Bathing Together

Chapter 59: Bathing Together


Chu Ming jumped up as if his butt was on fire, looking around vigilantly.


"Ming'er, can't you even recognize your master's voice? Your master is so sad..."

At this moment, a breeze blew away the mist above the Clear Dragon Spring, and a graceful figure, like a mermaid swimming in the water, suddenly leaped out in Chu Ming's terrified eyes, causing ripples.


Wu Zuirao gathered her wet hair and let the water droplets slide down her delicate collarbone, with a faintly charming smile on her face.

"It seems that my Ming'er is quite healthy-looking."


Chu Ming snapped out of his daze and followed Wu Zuirao's gaze, only to suddenly realize that his swimming trunks were nowhere to be found!

"Master, why are you here?!"

Chu Ming hurriedly covered his embarrassment, but the next second, Wu Zuirao gently pressed him down on the red stone bank, lifted his chin with her right hand, and smiled playfully.

"Can't I come here?"

"Ah, well..."

Chu Ming then remembered that the Clear Dragon Spring seemed to be open to the elders of the Heavenly Evolution Sect all day long... But isn't this too coincidental?!

He had just planned to come and practice with his senior sister during lunchtime when there was no one around, but he unexpectedly ran into his master.

"Um, Master, how about you put on some clothes first?"

After stealing a few glances, Chu Ming averted his gaze, and his cheeks flushed.

After all, those exposed ripe fruits were too tempting. He was afraid that if he looked a few more times, he would regret not being able to resist taking a bite.

"Giggle... Have you ever seen anyone bathing in a hot spring while wearing clothes?"

Wu Zuirao covered her mouth and chuckled, her plump body trembling, gazing affectionately at Chu Ming.

"So, your master took away your indecent pants. You don't mind, do you?"

Who said I don't mind?

I do mind!

My senior sister will be here soon!

If she sees me without pants, won't she scold me and run away in embarrassment?

Then our bathing plan will be ruined!

Chu Ming immersed his body in the Clear Dragon Spring, staring wide-eyed at Wu Zuirao's blushing face, and suddenly remembered an important question.


If my senior sister sees me and my master facing each other like this...

"Master, my senior sister will be coming in soon. How about you leave first?"

Chu Ming anxiously suggested, but Wu Zuirao pouted her small mouth, showing a hint of displeasure and resentment.

"Ming'er, you're so heartless! You're afraid of disturbing your private time with Muxi, so you want to chase me away!"

"No, I didn't mean that."

Chu Ming forced a bitter smile and was about to explain, but then he heard a slightly shy call from behind.

"Chu Ming, where are you?"

Oh no!

My senior sister has come in!

Chu Ming looked dazed, suddenly at a loss.

At this moment, Wu Zuirao, with a smile on her face, slowly approached him, her right hand moving down gently, licking her lips, her eyes filled with spring.

"I didn't expect my Ming'er to be so well-endowed. It seems that I will be blessed in the future."

"Master, you..."

Chu Ming took a deep breath, and then the red mist in front of him suddenly surged, and in an instant, Wu Zuirao disappeared without a trace.

And in the moment she disappeared, there was a "plop" sound, and An Muxi also stepped into the Clear Dragon Spring, slowly coming to Chu Ming's side with her right hand holding her left arm.

"So you're here..."

Even though the mist was thick, one could still see An Muxi's exceptionally beautiful crimson face, her watery eyes covered in a layer of mist, filled with shyness.

To actually bathe together with Chu Ming... how embarrassing!

Is it strange for me to wear this outfit?

But as he said, it's quite comfortable...


While An Muxi was lost in her thoughts, Chu Ming took a deep breath, and the nervousness of being discovered instantly relaxed. He then focused his attention on the enchanting figure in front of him.

Her high-tied black hair perfectly accentuated her snow-white neck, and her delicate collarbone and fragrant shoulders were dotted with water droplets. Her fair skin was exposed, revealing the charm unique to a beautiful young girl.

Moreover, even though the brownish pool water wasn't clear, one could vaguely see the mango wrapped in a black swimsuit.

This was a color specially chosen by Chu Ming, as only black could set off An Muxi's fair and delicate skin like sheep fat.

Sure enough, the effect was exceptionally good!

There was a hint of heat in Chu Ming's eyes as he approached An Muxi with a light smile.

"Sister, you look so beautiful... ah!"

Before he could finish speaking, An Muxi crossed her arms and forcefully pushed him away, her face flushed with embarrassment and anger.

"You... why aren't you wearing clothes!"


Chu Ming emerged from the Clear Dragon Spring, spitting out a few mouthfuls of water before suddenly remembering that his swimming trunks had been taken by his master.

He quickly rummaged through his spatial bag and pulled out a large fluffy handkerchief to wrap around his waist, looking somewhat helpless.

"Sister, listen to me, it wasn't intentional."

"I won't listen!"

An Muxi hurriedly stopped Chu Ming from approaching her, slowly immersing her body in the Clear Dragon Spring, sitting cross-legged, and taking a few deep breaths before emphasizing.

"We're here to cultivate, not to do other things. While no one is around, let's quickly break through using the Clear Dragon Spring."


Seeing An Muxi close her eyes, Chu Ming didn't want to disturb her, so he also sat cross-legged at the edge of the Clear Dragon Spring, immersing his consciousness in his dantian and activating the Heavenly Evolution Inner Scripture.

In an instant, a vortex slowly formed around him, and there were faint signs of boiling in the spring water.

However, Chu Ming, who had condensed his consciousness, did not notice this. As abundant spiritual energy continuously poured into his dantian, his five full Qi Seas began to violently tremble.

One breath, two breaths...

After more than ten breaths, the five interwoven Qi Seas suddenly condensed together, forming a huge Qi Sea that pulsated like a heart.

Within it, colorful light flickered one after another, eventually turning into emerald green and slowly splitting into six evenly dispersed Qi Seas...


Chu Ming suddenly opened his eyes, feeling a twitch in his dantian. The unbearable heat and tingling sensation gradually subsided, and everything became dull and tasteless...

"Hoo! Finally reached the Qi Refining Sixth Layer."

Chu Ming lay on the red stone, staring blankly at the stalactites on the top of the cave.

He thought it would take an hour to break through this time, but he didn't expect to finish it in just half an incense stick's worth of time!

It seems that this Clear Dragon Spring is quite effective!

"But why is it so cold?"

Chu Ming shivered and then looked at An Muxi not far away, only to find her frowning, and ice crystals were faintly forming on the surrounding water surface.

She froze the spring water?

Chu Ming couldn't help but be surprised, but he didn't dare to disturb An Muxi, who was in a critical moment of breakthrough. Instead, he idly looked around and noticed that there was a faint red spring water gushing out at the spring eye.

"I remember there seems to be a black dragon skeleton at the bottom of the Clear Dragon Spring?"

Chu Ming's thoughts suddenly became active, and his eyes brightened. He took a deep dive into the Clear Dragon Spring.

After opening his eyes and gradually adapting to the environment in the spring, he looked at the uneven rocks at the bottom of the spring, his eyes gleaming, as if he could faintly hear the sound of a dragon's roar.

Is it really there?

(End of this chapter)

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