Chapter 60: Black Dragon


Chu Ming supported himself on a small mountain peak, feeling slightly relieved when his feet landed firmly.

Fortunately, the bottom of this Clear Dragon Spring is not soft soil.

But does this mean that the skeleton of the black dragon is embedded in the mountain?

Because of the dim light, Chu Ming stood still, waiting for his eyes to adjust to the darkness before feeling his way forward.

The bottom of Clear Dragon Spring seems wider than its surface, but the terrain is extremely complex, surrounded by various stone corals, and occasionally deep caves with dark currents appear.

"It seems there is nothing strange here."

As Chu Ming continued to go deeper, the sound of dragon roars in his ears became clearer, and the spring water was no longer scalding, gradually becoming cool, and the spiritual energy within it began to surge.

It seems not advisable to stay here for long.

After turning around a small mountain, Chu Ming looked at the dark and pitch-black cave in front of him, and after a brief thought, he decided to return the way he came.

Even with the help of spiritual energy, his breathing circulation could not last too long, and he had to go to the surface to breathe every once in a while.

Chu Ming started to float up, but at this moment, a blue light suddenly flashed from the depths of the cave he had just passed.



In an instant, the surrounding spring water began to freeze, which made Chu Ming's expression slightly stunned, and his pupils contracted.

He found that his feet were frozen tightly by the ice, unable to move at all!

Why did the spring water freeze?

Without time to think about the reason for this strange phenomenon, Chu Ming gathered his spiritual energy in his palm and hammered the ice block with force, while also summoning the True Child Pill to help.

However, these ice blocks, filled with a faint black mist, froze even more quickly, and even climbed up to his waist.

Not to mention breaking them, not even a gap appeared.

This is bad!

If this continues, I'm done for!

Chu Ming tightly covered his mouth, his face turning red from holding his breath. After a brief flash of images in front of his eyes, his consciousness gradually sank into endless darkness...

"Become my servant and accept the blessings of your master."

"Become my servant and accept the blessings of your master."


A deep and neutral voice echoed in his ears, stimulating Chu Ming to slowly open his confused eyes with a slightly furrowed brow.

When his consciousness gradually awakened, he sat up and shook his head vigorously, trying to drive away the voice in his mind. However, its tone suddenly became sharp, filled with doubt and confusion.

"Wait! Why did you wake up? Why weren't you deceived by my illusion? Why?"

My illusion?

Chu Ming snapped back to his senses and suddenly realized, then he quickly looked around to assess his surroundings.

It was pitch black, completely dark, with no light visible except for the faint white glow emanating from the small area where he was lying. It seemed as if the entire space had been swallowed by darkness.

"Where am I?"

Chu Ming stood up and looked around, then narrowed his eyes and took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down. He began to recall what had happened before.

Clear Dragon Spring, freezing...

"Why weren't you deceived by the illusion? Could it be that you have some means to resist illusions, kid?"

"Who are you?"

Chu Ming couldn't help but wonder, his mind sinking into a brief contemplation.

Could it be that the owner of this voice brought me to this strange place? And then wanted to make me indulge in illusions through some means?

Ha, ridiculous!

I have the term "Ethereal Heart," so ordinary illusions are useless against me.


After hearing Chu Ming's question, the voice gradually became high-pitched, filled with endless arrogance.

"Since you asked sincerely, this dragon will tell you."

In an instant, a bright dot suddenly appeared not far in front of Chu Ming, then rapidly expanded, dispelling all the surrounding darkness.


Chu Ming quickly covered his face, waiting for his eyes to adjust to the light before slowly opening them, only to find his pupils shrinking.

In front of him, a huge black-gray cave came into view. Compared to the cave where Clear Dragon Spring was located, this one was even larger and wider.

Of course, there was only one reason for this, which was the presence of a several hundred meters high iron fence not far away, and trapped inside the fence... a black dragon?

"Hehe, how about it? Are you scared by this dragon's heroic appearance?"

The black dragon raised its head in a very anthropomorphic manner, and the breath it exhaled turned into hot streams, dispersing the murky air filled with particles around it.


Chu Ming did not refute, after all, the sight of this black dragon, with its wings spread out, blocking out the sun, made his heart start pounding violently!

The dragon's entire body was jet black, with no other color except for the whites of its eyes around its vertical pupils.

Its sturdy hind legs supported it on the ground, its front claws crossed in front of its chest, and its huge head had distinct edges and corners.

The constantly expanding scales on its body were like stones, emitting a simple and profound aura, and faintly visible within the gaps was the flowing ice-blue blood.

"Human, as long as you become this dragon's servant, I will..."

"Wait! Let me ask a few questions first."

"Who are you? Where is this? Why did you bring me here? Why are you trapped in a place like a dungeon?"

Chu Ming's rapid barrage of questions hit the black dragon like cannonballs, leaving it stunned for a long time, its majestic eyes filled with surprise.

"Aren't you afraid of this dragon?"

"Why should I be afraid of you?"

Chu Ming pointed to the black iron fence with complex patterns and laughed lightly.

"Haven't you heard? Tethered dogs are the most docile."

"Do you dare to compare this dragon to such a lowly species?"

The black dragon instantly became furious, stomping heavily and ramming into the iron fence, causing the entire cave to tremble violently.

However, after a black-golden light flashed from bottom to top, the iron fence remained unchanged, motionless.

"If this dragon can escape, I will crush you into pieces!"

"Then let's talk when you get out."

Chu Ming smiled slightly, sat down on the ground, and his brain began to spin rapidly, thinking about how to escape from this dangerous situation.

Although the black dragon couldn't harm him, this was still its territory. If he wanted to leave, he had to coax it into talking.

Chu Ming's eyes narrowed slightly, then he put on a gentle expression and softly said, "How about we chat? I guess you've been bored being trapped here for so long, right?"


The black dragon slowly released its front claws gripping the railing, sighing like a human, and then sat down like Chu Ming, its vertical pupils staring at him intently.

"Kid, you are the only human in nearly a thousand years who has penetrated into this dragon's soul."


Chu Ming's pupils shrank after a moment of confusion.

This is actually inside the soul?

Thanks to [卑微小任i], [大大不醉酒], [书友尾号1695], [关灰绿豆子], [嗨嗨嗨00] for the support!

Thanks to [书友尾号5195], [未知的路t], [年轻人耗子喂汁], [书友尾号7839], [书友尾号1759], [麻友希mayuki], [G8door], [墨子妖云], [左奈子], [看书不付钱], [蜻蜓爱上尖尖角], [九十九条咸鱼], [书友尾号7277] for the monthly votes!

(End of this chapter)

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