Senju's Naruto

Chapter 106

Near a hot spring pool in the dense forest of Yu no Kuni, after Uchiha Kagami wrote some information in a small scroll, a dark member behind him quickly channeled an eagle falcon, and then Uchiha Kagami put this information in the small box on the eagle falcon’s feet and said, “Okay, send the information back.” ”

Then, under the command of the dark member, the eagle falcon that was channeled out spread its wings and flapped twice, and then flew away at a very fast speed.

Only then did Uchiha Kagami look at the lark who was soaking in the hot spring pool at this time, and said with a smile: “I thought you were so fierce, but I didn’t expect it to be a ‘soft-footed shrimp’, no wonder you ordered to evacuate, not to fight with Silver Horn’s team, it turns out that you kid can’t bear it…”

At this time, the lark guy listened to Uchiha Kagami’s words, glanced at the corner of his mouth with some disdain, and said: “You still dare to look down on me, in other words, can you just do better than me?” ”

When Uchiha Kagami heard this, he smiled and said: “This is true, your guy’s strength is growing too fast, I think I can’t keep up with your rhythm… But seriously, I was a little surprised that the Thunder Chakra mode was so strong… It seems that I will have to think about it when I go back. ”

“That’s right, even if it’s a little late to start with other practices, but that Thunder Heat Knife can be studied well, maybe we can use the ‘Peerless Thunder Hot Knife’ together in the future…” said the lark as he stood up from the hot spring pool.

Then he walked to a flat big stone by the pool and lay down, and said: “Not to mention, this bubble hot spring can indeed quickly relieve my sour and numb state, Brother Ritian, please help me press the back…”

Hinata was also resting in this hot spring pool at this time, and after hearing the lark’s words, he spoke: “Deputy Minister, is this an order or a private request?” ”

“Huh? Does it make any difference? The lark was stunned for a moment and asked.

“If it’s an order, I’ll do it now, but if it’s a private request, I feel like I’ll want to continue soaking for a while.” Hinata said very seriously.

“You guy, you still say that I always say behind my back that you are a ‘dead man’, don’t you?” The lark complained a little helplessly.

Then, without waiting for Hinata Riten to speak, he continued: “Look, we are now in the territory of the country of Tang, and a war has broken out with Yunyin Village, just like just now, there may be an enemy at any time, and my current state is not very good, your Hyuga clan just happens to be proficient in this aspect of meridian combing, so I want to ask you to help me press my back and alleviate the side effects of my war just now, you shouldn’t refuse in public or private, right?” ”

Hinata Hinata listened to the lark’s words, thought for a moment, and then spoke: “It is indeed the deputy minister who said so…”

Then he didn’t delay anything, stood up, rolled up a bath towel, walked behind the lark, turned on the white eye mode, observed the lark’s physical condition, and said: “Many meridians have been forcibly expanded, and now they are slowly recovering and contracting themselves, and it is normal for you to have these sore and numb feelings, I will help you sort out…”

As soon as the words fell, Hinata pressed his palm on the back of the lark, and then a warm chakra flowed out of his hand, helping the lark comb the meridians in his body.

“Oh, comfortable… Go down, hey, yes! With a little force… Ah~~~~~ Addictive… Yes, yes, this is the place, oh, a little lighter, you hurt me…” the lark kept yelling while enjoying Hinata’s massage and drinking.

The lark himself did not feel that there was anything wrong with those words just now, Hinata Ritian was also a dead man, and he would not think much about it at all, but the rest of the members of the dark squad couldn’t help but laugh, and the laughter was indescribably obscene.

Uchiha Kagami was just about to untie his clothes and go into the hot spring, when he saw two almost naked men lying on their stomachs not far away, pushing and shoving, one of them was still babbling something that always felt misunderstood, and his heart instantly lost interest in wanting to soak in the hot spring.

I saw Uchiha Kagami wearing his clothes again, and said with a somewhat ugly face: “I said, this broad daylight, Lang Lang Qiankun, can’t you two guys pay a little attention?” ”

Listening to Uchiha Kagami’s words, the lark was first stunned, and then seemed to understand something, his face froze, and then quickly said: “Just as the so-called ‘smelly in the heart, look at everything is smelly’, you guy himself thinks dirty, will think more about this, my thousand-handed lark walks right, sits straight, what is the impact?” Is it still illegal for me to massage it? ”

“Okay, okay, I can’t talk about you guy, it’s a crooked one.” Uchiha Kagami is also too lazy to think about these with the lark.

However, the lark is also cheeky, even if he didn’t notice it just now, he noticed it at this time, there are so many subordinates around, he also wants to be majestic, so although he is very comfortable by Hinata, he didn’t shout like just now.

After a while, Uchiha Kagami seemed to remember something, walked to the pile of strange things that had just been sorted out, casually looked inside, took two out, and walked to the lark.

“By the way, these two things are your ‘trophies’, what are your ideas?” Uchiha Kagami asked with a smile.

I saw that he was holding a bloody hula cha arm in his hand while pinching a red and white feather fan.

That arm is the arm of the golden horn that was cut by the lark, and the red and white feather fan is the ninja ‘banana fan’ of the six immortals.

When Golden Horn fought with the lark, not only was his arm cut off, but it was also regarded as ‘explosive equipment’, and even his six ninja tools ‘banana fan’ were in a fierce fight and fell into the battlefield.

At that time, neither he nor the lark had time to pick up the thing, and then he was disposed of by the other four ninjas of Yunyin Village, and the Uchiha Mirror who cleaned the battlefield a little was picked up, as was the arm.

The lark first glanced at the bloody arm, and then said with some disgust: “Can you take it far?” Isn’t it a bad feeling? ”

“When you cut this thing off, why didn’t you feel that the diaphragm should be used? It’s really pretentious…,” Uchiha Kagami complained a little angrily.

Then the lark thought a little, and said: “Then how to say that the golden horn also inherited the bloodline of the six immortals, this arm still has some value, go back and give it to Lord Naruto, see if he is interested in studying it, in case he comes up with something famous and solves the puzzle that they can eat the tailed beast alive, then we can also get some such masters to come out, if you don’t figure out something, then concoct it, and collect it as a souvenir.” ”

“Collect someone else’s residual value broken arm? You guy really has enough heavy taste…” Uchiha Kagami muttered first, then shook the banana fan in his hand and asked, “What about this thing?” Six ninja tools, you guy can be considered earned. ”

When the lark was evacuating before, he said that he failed to achieve the expected goal, which is not to say that their mission failed this time, but simply failed to achieve the expected goal of the lark, so that the Golden Horn guy survived, and due to his limited state, he was not able to bite back the silver horn team.

But from the perspective of the mission alone, they not only succeeded, but also succeeded perfectly, their mission this time is to block the vanguard of Yunyin Village, kill some if they can, with the intention of intimidating Yunyin Village, your war intentions have been discovered by our Konoha, while there is no big trouble, neither side has declared war, if you retreat, then this matter will be regarded as if it did not happen, turn the page.

If we still dare to come, then we are already ready for war, hammer you have no negotiation!

From this strategy, it can also be seen that even so far, the Hokage-sama of Senjuma wants to try his best to prevent the outbreak of war and continue to maintain the peace that will be shattered at any time.

And the larks what did their dark squad do? Directly hammered the golden horn to death, with the status of this guy in Yunyin Village, it will inevitably set off a wave, which is enough to intimidate Yunyin Village, so it is not wrong to say that their task has been completed perfectly!

As for these six ninja tools ‘banana fan’, it is indeed like what Uchiha Kagami said, it fell out of thin air and made a lot of money.

I’m not interested in using this banana fan, which of you is interested?” Take it and use it yourself…” The lark glanced at the banana fan, thought about it, and said.

He really didn’t have much interest in this thing, and although it seemed to be a very powerful thing, it didn’t quite fit his fighting style…

Hearing this, Uchiha Kagami looked at Hinata Hinata, as well as the rest of the dark members, and asked, “Do any of you want it?” ”

Hinata Hinata said while pushing the meridians to the lark, “I’m not interested.. (King’s).”

The rest of the dark department members did not really want to ask for this thing, they all shook their heads, Uchiha Kagami saw this and said a little helplessly: “I’m actually very interested in this thing, but I tried it, this thing is used, the Chakra energy required is too large, I will be drained after a few strokes at most, it is too chicken, and it can’t be effective in my hands… You better keep it yourself, after all, if no one needs it, this thing should belong to you. ”

The six ninja tools, indeed, require a large amount of chakra to use perfectly, the two brothers of Golden Horn and Silver Horn have the bloodline of the six immortals, and there is also the Chakra energy of the nine tails in the body, so it is very easy to use, but an ‘ordinary person’ like Uchiha Kagami, it is difficult to use the prefecture perfectly.

The lark looked at the red and white plantain fan, and finally smacked his lips and said: “According to what you say, our people of the Thousand Hands clan should be okay to use… Since you don’t need it, then I’ll take it back, see if she wants to give it to Tsunade, if she doesn’t want it, then give it to my brother who hasn’t met and use it later… It should be a ‘meeting gift’ for him…”

Uchiha Kagami also smiled when he heard the lark’s words, and said: “Then you are really a big brother, and the six ninja tools should be used as a gift, great, okay, since you have these ideas, then I will go and put it away for you.” “_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,

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