Senju's Naruto

Chapter 107

The lark released the eagle falcon back to pass on the information, waiting for the next stage of the order, so they couldn’t just withdraw from the country of soup, after all, what if there were any tasks that they needed to perform here?

Therefore, these members of the dark squad set up camp near the hot springs in this dense forest, and in any case, they had to rest for two days first.

Although there were no people folded in this time, there were still a few dark members injured, and it wasn’t just the lark who needed to rest, right?

The lark and their side all need to rest, not to mention the squad of the two brothers Golden Horn and Silver Horn, the team of Golden Horn except for him barely left his life, the other four ninjas were all killed by Uchiha Kagami, Silver Horn and Golden Horn brothers have a deep relationship, naturally they can’t leave him alone.

Coupled with this sudden encounter with the ambush of Konoha Hidden Village, and the fact that there are also masters who use the Thunder Shadow Secret Legend, even if the two brothers Golden Horn and Silver Horn have big hearts, it is impossible to continue to let the team advance.

Therefore, they also found a hidden place, and after leaving some signals, they also set up camp and began to recuperate, waiting for the arrival of the large army behind to clarify the situation before talking about follow-up actions.

Two days passed like this, and the situation in the country of soup became complicated, and a large number of Yunyin Village Shinobi “620” people passed through the territory of the country of the moon and entered the territory of the country of soup together.

The lark side has already recovered to a complete state, and took the time to ‘resurrect’ the guy of the chicken, but the chicken did not stay here with the lark as soon as he came out, but soon returned to the country of fire, on the one hand, it is useless for him to stay here, even if it is useful, he can also psychic him, since this is the case, he can continue to help the lark do a lot of things when he returns to Konoha Hidden Village, such as learning the art of flying thunder god, the art of Yin sealing, and what kind of filthy soil rebirth.

On the other hand, there are not many people who know the inside story of the chicken, many people used to see him as the shadow avatar of the lark, but there is no extra thought, now if the chicken appears in Konoha Hidden Village for a long time, if Yunyin Village really has any spies in Konoha and the like, it can also pass him the wrong information that the lark is still in Konoha Hidden Village, and even more able to cover the identity of the lark here.

The Golden Horn side is more miserable, even if he has the ability of the tailed beast to help him, he can’t recover as quickly as the lark, and even with the bloodline of the six immortals, he can’t be reborn with severed limbs.

If he has the opportunity to snatch his broken arm back from the lark later, then he may be able to pick up something, but if he can’t snatch it back, then he will basically be a ‘one-armed knife king’ in the future.

At this time, in the camp of the two brothers Golden Horn and Silver Horn, from the appearance of this guy in the Golden Horn, except for missing an arm and a broken horn, he couldn’t see any too obvious injuries, that is, his face was very pale, and his breath was very weak.

Obviously, he is still in a state of serious injury, and this state is estimated to last for a long time, and he will not recover in three or two months.

A palm lifted the curtain of the tent, and then Yinjiao walked in with a bowl of hot soup in his hand, looked at the golden horn lying on the bed, his breath was still not very stable, and said: “Big brother, I asked someone to get a bowl of mountain chicken soup, it’s very replenishing, you can taste it quickly…”

After hearing Silver Horn’s words, Jin Jiao barely hung a smile at the corner of his mouth, and said: “I didn’t expect that there would be such a scene, which reminded me of the memories when I was a child, when you were injured, I gave you stew.” ”

Silver Horn smiled and said: “Big brother, you don’t have to be so sad, winning or losing is a common thing, just don’t lose your life, I see your injury, it can be fine in a month, and when you recover, let’s find out that bastard, eat him alive, and avenge you!” ”

“That’s right, this matter can’t just be settled! Damn Konoha! Golden Horn mentioned the mysterious guy and said very angrily, his excitement, and the injuries involved have recurred, and he coughed twice, and calmed down his breathing before it passed.

Although these two brothers are very cruel and violent, looking at the brotherhood between them alone, it can be seen that they are not ruthless and unrighteous people, but they just care less.

While feeding the golden horn chicken soup, Silver Horn said: “Big brother, you said before that the tricks used by that guy are all from the thunder shadow vein?” ”

“That’s right, this kind of thing, can I still admit that I am wrong? Silver Horn, you also know that the things in the vein of Thunder Shadow, even if the prestige and status of our two brothers in the village, are in contact, this suddenly appeared such a guy, can I not suspect something? I said why this Konoha Hidden Village can act, maybe it is the second generation of that bastard guy has some deal with the people over there in Konoha, does he also look at the two of us unfavorably? Golden Horn said with some annoyance while drinking the soup.

Silver Horn also frowned when he heard this, and then said: “And at the last moment, that guy said that he failed to complete the expected goal, I think this goal should be to kill the eldest brother you, so if you think about it, maybe there is really some conspiracy behind this!” ”

A trace of cruelty flashed on Jin Jiao’s face, and he spoke: “That’s why I want you to stop, wait here for those people behind to follow before acting, and I have to ask the guy in the second generation about this matter!” ”

Although Jin Jiao said this, he also understood that even if he really questioned the second-generation Thunder Shadow, Lei Ying would not really admit anything, no matter whether there was some misunderstanding behind this matter, and what the truth was, the result was already doomed.

And this matter, he can’t have any evidence in hand, the ninja present at that time, the four who can testify to him are already dead and can’t die anymore, Silver Horn, as his brother, there is nothing to stand up for what he said, and the rest will not be regarded as ‘evidence’.

So the golden horn just wants to have an attitude, if the second-generation Thunder Shadow this guy does not mean to stop the war, but continues to start the war, then he temporarily believes that there is a conspiracy behind this, find Konoha to take revenge, if the second generation of Thunder Shadow changes his mind, then this war is likely to be a conspiracy against his two brothers Golden Horn and Silver Horn, maybe it is the second generation Thunder Shadow, the old fox who wants to borrow the hand of Konoha Hidden Village to clean up the guys in their Yunyin Village who don’t listen to him much.

“If it really comes to this point, the second generation don’t blame me for doing things ruthlessly!” A cold gleam flashed in Jin Jiao’s eyes, and he whispered softly.

On the other side, Skylark and a group of ninjas from the dark part were roasting a complete wild goat around a bonfire, looking very uncomfortable.

“Vice Minister, if we bake the fire like this, the smoke may reveal our location at any time, isn’t it a little inappropriate?” Hinata asked.

While bending down and sprinkling seasonings on the roasted whole sheep, the lark spoke: “Dead serious, you don’t always worry about this, worry about that, this first, over the years, the economy has been sluggish, the country of soup is the same, this barren mountain, there are many bandits and thieves, someone lights a fire or something, it’s normal, even if someone sees it, they won’t think much about it, this second point, you think about it, normally, there will be ninjas like us who have nothing to do with a bonfire and smoke?” ”

Since Hinata Riten said that he already knew that Skylark and Ape Flying Sun Chopper would call him dead in private, Skylark this guy also didn’t mean to hide at all, there was no need to do anything private, and he called .0 in front of Hinata

Fortunately, Hinata also knows that there is no malice in this guy of Skylark, plus the relationship between the two has grown by leaps and bounds in the past three years, and it is very close, so he is not angry and cares about anything.

After hearing the lark’s words, Hinata shook his head and said, “Ordinary ninjas with common sense would not do such a thing when they are on a mission. ”

“Isn’t that it? This is habitual thinking, you see, if you suddenly see such a firework below, do you think it is a little more likely to be a ninja, or a little more likely to be a bandit? The lark turned the roasted lamb over and asked with a smile.

Hinata thought about it seriously, and then said, “Bandits…”

“That’s right, therefore, our current behavior will not only not expose our identity, but also effectively provide some cover, so you don’t think about these things or not, hurry up and use your white eyes to see if this wild goat is cooked inside…” the lark said while greeting Hinata.

“Deputy Minister, my white eyes are used to detect enemy situations and fight, not to…” Hinata said very seriously as he listened to the lark’s words.

“Look at you, you’re here again, what are you doing so seriously? Everyone is their own people, and no one will laugh at you, this white eye must also come from life, to life, don’t always take it as an aid to fighting, you occasionally use it to push and take, make a dish, it is also very normal, come and see, otherwise you will eat the sandwich raw 1.3 Don’t blame me for not being good at craftsmanship…” The lark said without care.

His words also made Hinata Ritian completely lose his temper, shook his head a little helplessly, and then the meridians on the corners of his eyes surged for a while, and he observed this roasted whole sheep with his white eyes, and then said: “Vice Minister, it has been baked, and it is in a state of scorched outside and tender inside.” ”

When the lark heard this, the corners of his mouth grinned, and he said with a smile: “Your white eyes are really practical, I really envy it…”

While speaking, the lark grabbed the roasted whole sheep with a stick, and then the two members of the dark department who were originally sitting next to him also stood up, one took out many dishes and chopsticks and placed them on the flat ground, and the other put his hand on the short knife behind his back.

In the next second, the cold light came out of the sheath, and the dark member’s hand flashed with a sharp cold light, and the roasted wild goat was dismembered in a few back and forth, and the pieces of meat fell very accurately into the plates laid out.

Looking at this scene, the lark smiled and said: “Shuomao, your Qimu family’s sword technique is really sharp…”

The young man under the mask of the dark member also had a smile on his face, and he spoke: “You are incomparable to the minister, and the arm of the golden horn is also said to be unloaded…”

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