Senju's Naruto

Chapter 140

Two days later, the lark really returned to Konoha Hidden Village with a big grin on his horns.

To be honest, before entering this prosperous Konoha Hidden Village, Kakuto still had some doubts in his heart, although he had already received the golden bricks worth fifty million taels in his scroll, he still had some doubts about whether this would be a trap bait to relax his guard and trick him into coming to the Jedi of Konoha Hidden Village.

But when he entered Konoha Hidden Village, the Thousand Hand Skylark guy was still so ready to recruit himself, which also made Kakuto gradually put his heart down.

The lark guy with the horn did not run around, but directly came to the territory of the dark part, as soon as he pushed open the door of the dark part, the lark saw a few guys dealing with some things, and then the lark saw the dead No. 2, and stopped him and said: “Go and bring the wanted warrant file, and also, prepare a Konoha guard for me, and bring the list of registered ninjas…”

After hearing the lark’s words, the Death Serious No. 2 first glanced at the honest Kakuto who was following behind the lark, and then nodded and said, “Yes, Deputy Minister!” ”

After Death Zhengjing No. 2 went to run an errand, the lark sat on the sofa with his butt, and then beckoned the opposite diagonal and said: “Don’t be so nervous, come, sit, just like you have arrived at your own home…”

Kakuto glanced at the lark, then sat down as well, and then spoke: “As soon as you came into Konoha, you took me to such a confidential place, aren’t you afraid that I will collect some information that I shouldn’t know?” ”

“Hahaha, don’t look at it here seems to be very high-end, in fact, there is not much confidential information, so don’t think about it, at the same time, this is also a sign of my trust in you.” The lark said with a big grin.

Jiaodu didn’t say anything when he heard this, just sat there in silence, and the lark didn’t continue to talk nonsense, picked up the teacup and drank two sips, and was very leisurely waiting for Death Zhengjing No. 2 to send what he wanted.

Not long after, Death Zhengjing No. 2 walked back with some files, put all these things on the table in front of the lark, and said: “Vice Minister, everything you want is here…”

The lark nodded, and then picked up the folder with the four big words ‘wanted files’ written on it.

Then, the lark flipped through it casually, and the records in it were all wanted criminals or traitors with clear prices in countries like Kakuto.

Of course, there is also Konoha Hidden Village, after all, how can this huge village all love each other? There should still be scum, and among them there may be some poor people who have suffered great grievances.

But the lark didn’t pay too much attention to these, and after flipping through a few times, he found the wanted person given by the Taki Hidden Village, and on the first page there was a headshot of this guy Kakuto, followed by some relevant information about him or something.

The lark looked at this scene, smiled, and then said: “This photo is quite handsome, you haven’t learned this grudge art at that time, right?” ”

Kakuto glanced at his wanted warrant, and then spoke, “That’s all archival materials from almost ten years ago… It’s crazy to want to catch me with this. ”

“Hahahaha, then you people in Taki no Kuni are really unreliable…” said the lark with a smile.

Then he didn’t say much, he pulled out the information of the wanted warrant, and then threw it to Death Zhengjing No. 2 and said: “Later, I will cancel all the wanted people about this guy in our Fire Country, and the files will also be eliminated…”

As the deputy minister of the dark department, he still has this power, after all, the dark ministry is a real power department that does this black life, and the lark has fixed this matter, and even if others want to find out what is going on in the future, they will not have the right to investigate, unless Naruto-sama personally asks.

Death Zhengjing No. 2 also quickly nodded and said, “Got it, Deputy Minister!” ”

After seeing what the lark did, the last vigilance in his heart was also relaxed, it seems that this thousand-handed lark really wants to recruit himself, not some conspiracy.

Think about the development prospects after this, ziah!

After arranging the matter of this wanted order, the lark made another file of the ninja of Konoha Hidden Village, and then flipped through it twice, because the dark department is a special force directly belonging to Naruto-sama, so the information of the rest of the departments of power, they can access it at any time, unless it is the kind of special documents and information personally approved by Naruto-sama.

At this time, the file in the hands of the lark was the file of most of the ninjas in the village, and there were several copies on the table.

“Go and prepare the relevant pen and paper, guy also log in to our Konoha’s name, record it as a special Shinobi, special mark, I just give him a suitable identity.” He really had to become a ninja in Konoha, got it? The lark said without raising his head.

This kind of thing has not been done by the dark department in recent years, such as buying traitors from the rest of the village, providing Konoha with some confidential information, and Konoha will extradite them to live here, while giving them a decent identity and so on.

Therefore, Death Zhengjing No. 2 was also familiar with this process, and quickly nodded and said: “Understood, Deputy Minister!” ”

The lark nodded, and then flipped through it casually, flipped to a file, and then the whole person was stunned, scratched his head, and said incredulously: “This is my information?” ”

Death Zhengjing No. 2 glanced down at the file, and then spoke: “Judging from the date marked and the rest of the information, this is indeed the deputy minister, your information is correct…”

“Got it wrong, right? My information shows that I am a subordinate? The lark said with a somewhat hung up face.

Then he turned a few pages back, found Hinata Hinata’s information, and glanced at it casually, are they all good at the upper ninja level?

Although this rating of ‘shadow’, ‘upper ninja, middle ninja, lower ninja’ does not represent the strength of ninjas, after all, in the next few decades, all that can be fought in Konoha Hidden Village is lower ninja?

But now, there is still a certain division of strength, and even if there is none, this represents a certain face.

For example, when the lark goes out to introduce himself to someone in the future, it is difficult to say, “I am the deputy head of the dark department of Konoha Hidden Village, and I am a subordinate Shinobi.” “What if that’s the case?

As soon as these words were spoken, not only the lark himself was disgraced, but the entire people of Konoha Hidden Village were lost by him, and people would immediately think whether Konoha Hidden Village was empty? Declined? Even a subordinate can become the second-in-command of the dark department?

If you change to a guy who knows the identity of the lark, then maybe you will think more.

For example, thinking that this Konoha Hidden Village is really decayed, a Hokage’s related household, a subordinate Shinobi, can become a high official or something.

Death Classic No. 2 nodded, and then spoke: “Deputy Minister, according to my memory and related information, after you successfully became a ninja four years ago, you have not carried out any related acts such as a single promotion assessment, so what is shown on this information is that you are still at the level of lower ninja. ”

“I put your lungs on top, and no one told me to go to the assessment?” I didn’t even know there was such a thing, okay? Looking at my resume, which Shinobi can perform six S-class missions in four years? And completely successful? And this position, the deputy minister of the dark department? Don’t you feel awkward looking at this? The lark said very dissatisfied.

The second of the Death Zhengjing spoke: “It is indeed a little awkward, but there are no regulations that stipulate that Xia Ren cannot perform S-level tasks, nor is there any regulation that Xia Ren cannot hold a senior position, so although these look very awkward, they are all reasonable and legal… We thought Vice Minister you liked this ‘playing pig and eating tiger’ tune, so no one reminded you of anything…”

“What rules and regulations will you Hyuga clan people talk about, and what will you pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger? Am I such a tasteless person? Go, adjust it for me, my level and strength are still qualified, which point meets the requirements of upper patience, there is no need to assess anything, directly change the file to upper patience! The lark said with some annoyance.

However, the second person who died was a little embarrassed and said, “Vice Minister, although our dark ministry can have special powers to record people like this Kakuto-san in the ninja file, this is only a kind of.” According to the regulations, we ordinary members do not have the right to change our files, although you can change the files of the rest of the people, but you do not have the power to change your own files with Minister Sarutobi, so if you want to adjust this file, you need to adjust it by Minister Sarutobi or Naruto-sama, or… You go for next year’s assessment…”

The lark almost didn’t spit out a mouthful of blood, at this time, this Hokage-sama and that ‘Minister Sarutobi’ were both on the front line of Yu no Kuni, could it be that he wanted to call these two back one to change himself? That’s too mentally retarded, it’s strange if you don’t get beaten!

“Rules are dead, people are alive, do you understand?” The lark glanced at the guy a little helplessly and said.

However, the death of the Hyuga clan shook his head and said, “Rules are rules, Deputy Minister!” ”

“I’ve really served you bastards, forget it, let’s talk about it later, go, put it away, and when Naruto-sama or that guy from Hinatsu comes back, remember to remind me of this matter, otherwise if I forget, I’ll count this account on your head in the future!” The lark said viciously.

“Understood, Deputy Minister!” The Death Scripture Number Two spoke and responded quickly.

Then the lark has nothing to do here, after all, the identity arrangements for Kakuto have been arranged, and the next process does not need to be worried about himself.

Casually throwing the newly issued Konoha guard to Kakuto, the lark spoke: “Let’s go, without further ado, let’s study your land grievance technique…”

Kakuto also stood up, followed behind the lark, hesitated slightly, and then spoke: “That… The money hasn’t been given to me yet? ”

Hearing this, the lark almost fell to the ground with a soft foot, and said with some annoyance: “Can I still be such a big ‘wrist’ and lose your money?” ”

“You are Konoha Shinobu…” Kakuto whispered softly.

This sentence made the lark even more angry, and said with some unhappiness: “You are still a rebel in Taki Hidden Village!” ”

“Two minutes ago, I was already a special Shinobi of Konoha Hidden Village… Not according to the rank, just compared to the level of the ninja, I should be your boss. Kakuto suddenly smiled and said. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,

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