Senju's Naruto

Chapter 141

The black tentacles are actually not messy things like lines, but a large number of specially treated blood vessels.

Through the combination of the heart and blood vessels, the importance of the rest of the tissues is stripped away, and Chakra, who can control various deceased attributes in the form of secret arts, uses various ninjutsu.

This is exactly the same as the effect that the lark wants, of course, he does not want to use the heart as a medium, but needs to change to a certain extent, so that this earth grievance technique and part of the concept of soil rebirth art are combined with each other, so that the bones of the deceased can be ‘activated’!

With the fact that this guy was adopted by the lark and lived in Konoha Hidden Village, it has been less than half a month, to say that Konoha Hidden Village, there are still not too many waves, but the atmosphere has become much heavier.

From time to time, the corpses of ninjas who died on the front line are transported back by the logistics department for mourning and burial, and the originally slightly empty memorial monument has many names on it.

Even some ninjas could not even return their bones, and all that could come back was a blood-stained Konoha forehead guard and a suicide note.

Dressed in black, Skylark was participating in a memorial service for the victims with some of the ninjas who remained behind in the village.

This memorial service is simplified, after all, the war on the front line is not over, and when this war is completely over, presumably a unified and solemn large-scale memorial service will be arranged in the village to remember these ninjas who died in the war.

Standing next to the lark is Senju Moka, originally she was supposed to serve as the guard of the Senju Gate, galloping on the battlefield of the Yu no Kuni front, but because in the previous battles, she also suffered some setbacks and suffered not minor injuries, so she returned to Konoha Hidden Village a week ago for recuperation, this is not an exception, many injured ninjas have also been sent back, so now in this Konoha Hidden Village, you can often see some ninjas walking around with bandages ~ walking.

And this is still good luck, some ninjas even completely lose their combat effectiveness, without arms or legs, that is a normal thing.

This also made the larks who remained in the village feel the weight of war again.

Senju Moka’s abdomen and left shoulder were bandaged, perhaps because of the long standing at this memorial service, her wound was slightly broken again, and some blood was faintly visible on her abdomen.

The lark saw this scene, but he didn’t say much, what reason could he stop a ninja from sending off his comrades who had fought side by side for the last step?

He couldn’t figure it out.

As an elite Shinobu of the Senju clan who once came out of the chaotic world of the Warring States, at this time, Senju Moka’s face did not show too sad expression, but there was some loneliness under his eyes, as a ninja, death is like a shadow, which is not an unacceptable thing.

When this memorial service came to an end, Senju Momoka took out a Konoha brace from his pocket, and the steel cast on it also lost a horn, and there were more blood stains, which seemed to have the aura of fierce fighting on the battlefield.

Senju Taohua handed this forehead protection to the lark beside him, and said with some sadness: “This was sent back this morning, Ban Yun’s forehead protector… If I hadn’t been injured carelessly, I wouldn’t have left the team, and if I hadn’t left the team, Ban Yun might not have died silently like this, let alone left only a protective forehead… I really don’t have the face to see Lianhua, the rope tree is still so young, he has no father, I… Skylark, go and return this brace on my behalf…”

The lark glanced at the forehead protector, and then felt a pain in his heart, according to the generation of relatives, Senjusaka Yun is his uncle, although he does not have much intersection with him, but how can he also be a family, for so many years, basically see one or two sides every day, and often eat together in the evening.

Unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye, his uncle could not even transport the body back, leaving only a bloodstained forehead protector, and the wife and son who had just given birth at home.

“Why do you need the shroud of Mag, life is green everywhere… This is the fault, Aunt Momohua, Uncle Ban Yun, as a good and qualified ninja, before he stepped on, it was already inevitable, as a ninja, it would end up like this, isn’t it? Yun’s opening whispered.

Then the lark stretched out his hand to the bloodstained forehead, but he didn’t take it, but pushed it back along the hand of Senju Taohua, and continued: “I won’t blame you, I believe that the kid of the rope tree will understand when he grows up, it’s no one’s fault, it’s just war, it’s so simple and … Ruthless! ”

Listening to the lark’s words, a tear fell from the corner of the corner of the Thousand Hands Taohua’s eyes, and he whispered softly: “War… yes, this damn war has always been so simple and merciless…”

In order to divert this sad topic, the lark asked softly again: “What happened to the war on the front line?” Every day I see people coming back lying down… Although we have a detailed flow of information on the dark side, I still want to ask someone like you who has just come down from the battlefield…”

Senju Mokawa put the forehead into his pocket again, and then responded softly: “At least a week ago, our Konoha Hidden Village was still in an absolutely advantageous position, in the frontline headquarters, Nara Luxun he estimated that it would take at most another month, if it is fast, or even two weeks, this Yunyin Village side should not be able to hold on, it is very likely to collapse completely…”

“It’s been a week now… In other words, before this spring arrives at the latest, will our war with Yunyin Village be over? The lark raised his eyebrows and said softly.

“According to the estimate, Nara Lu Xun expects that before the total collapse of Yunyin Village, the second generation of Mei Lei Kage will open his mouth to find peace… But war is such a thing, no one can really determine anything, before everything is settled, unexpected things will happen at any time. Thousand Hands Taohua said after thinking about it.

“Does the second master have any ideas over there?” The lark thought for a moment and asked.

“Perhaps affected by this chaotic war in various countries, the Wind Country Sand Hidden Village, which was originally silent, has also become a little restless recently, you should know, right?” Senju Mokawa asked.

The lark nodded when he heard this, although now they in Konoha Hidden Village did not put the Land of Wind and Sand Hidden Village in their eyes, but how to say that people are also one of the five major powers, and even one of the five hidden villages, if they really start crazy, it is also difficult to entangle.

Therefore, after the war with Yunyin Village, there are also many people on the side of the Dark Department and the Intelligence Department who are watching the movements of Shayin Village, and four of these five countries have opened the melee mode, in case of any defeat scene, Baoqi Shayin Village will come out to reap the benefits of the fisherman.

·0 Ask for flowers···

And Skylark is the deputy minister of the Dark Department, at this time, Naruto-sama and Sarutobi are on the front line, and he can’t really care about anything, if there is any important situation, the Dark Department will still report to him as soon as possible and listen to orders.

Therefore, he also knew that there were indeed some small movements on the side of Shayin Village, and he might be waiting for some time.

“Although even if there is really a bad decision to be made on the side of the Sand Hidden Village, we in Konoha can handle it, but…” said Senju Moka, and looked at the surrounding group of people dressed in black and mourning, and then continued: “But as you said, war is very ruthless, so in order to avoid this sad activity being held again, Kuruma believes that it is necessary to prevent war before it happens, if the Yunyin Village side is really willing to bow its head…”

“Don’t look at the two of us fighting to the death now, if Yunyin Village is really willing to bow down, the second master is ready to accept it, maybe he will reach an alliance to deter Shayin Village and nip the threat of war in the bud, right?” The lark said with a sigh.

…….. 0

Want to ask whether the Thousand Hands is angry with these people in Yunyin Village? Hate or not? The lark thought that he must be angry and hateful, after all, this war was also provoked by them first, although the current advantage was achieved, but Konoha Hidden Village also lost a lot, and sacrificed a lot of people.

This is all a blood debt, but the lark knows very well that if it is necessary to the extent, the Senju will definitely agree to form an alliance with this damn Yunyin Village!

The reason is that because he is a Hokage, he has to implement a ruthless attitude, which is not a derogatory term, nor is it just for the village.

This ruthlessness means that he is a thousand hands, as a Hokage, before making these decisions, he cannot mix his feelings into it, and he must be like a robot to make the most rational judgment, even if this judgment will be unacceptable, but correct, is right! This is true ruthlessness!

She didn’t answer anything to the lark, because Senju Momoka understood that the lark already knew these things, and then she glanced at the lark and asked, “What about you?” After resting for so long, rest again, this war will be over, and you really are not ready to go to the front again? ”

The lark smiled when he heard this, and then said: “I will go, there are still some things on my side, but it is estimated that there will be a result in the next two days, so I am also preparing to gather people and go to the front.” ”

Senju Momoka smiled, although she hated war very much, and at the same time she had just come into contact with the sacrifice of her family, but she didn’t have any idea of stopping the lark from going to the battlefield, for no other reason, because the lark was a ninja, and a ninja of the Senju family!

“Are you ready to go over and play the role of the final blow?” Senju Taohua said with a smile and a joke.

The lark looked at his aunt’s mood seemed to change a little, and also said with a smile: “The first knife of this war was cut out by me, and the last knife of this war, even if I don’t cut it, I have to go and see it…”

“Although you are already a powerful ninja, as an aunt, I still have to remind you, lark, go to the front, be careful in everything…” said Senju Mokawa softly.

The lark also nodded, and then said: “I will, rest assured, I will come back with victory and glory… Factory”_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,

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