The morning light rises from the horizon, and the sky turns slightly white. The warm sunshine envelopes the entire Westchester. This suburban county in upstate New York borders Connecticut and Long Island to the east, Putnam County to the north, and Westchester to the west. Located on the Hudson River, it is famous for its developed economy and is also a famous education center.

Uninformed outsiders would never imagine that the retro-style castle standing in the suburbs of Westchester is actually a special school for mutants. It is privately funded by Professor Charles and enrolls mutant children for free, teaching them how to The ability to control oneself, and spread the beautiful idea of ​​living in harmony with mankind.

Qin pushed the old man in the wheelchair and walked through the spacious school. The bright sunshine penetrated the clouds and fell between the lawns and tree shades. In the open space for free activities, many children, under the leadership of their teachers, played various sports and walked around the pleasant gravel lake. At the end was a small dock. In fact, if you go deeper, you will find a hidden treasure inside.

It was a specially built underground bunker during World War II. After special transformation by Professor Charles, it became a training ground for the younger generation of mutants, specializing in fighting exercises and combat drills. It was here that the first generation of X-Men gradually grew up. , at that time, he and his friend Eric had not yet parted ways. Together they became familiar with their own abilities, talked about their vision for the future, and jointly resisted the evil conspirators who attempted to destroy the world.

Walking through the breezy gravel lake, Qin pushed the professor to the shade of a big tree. When she was a student, she often sat here and read Jane Austen's novels.

The professor sat in a wheelchair, looking at the dense forests and wetlands in the distance. The breeze blew by, and the fresh morning air blew into his face. Long-lasting memories like faded old photos suddenly became clear and vivid. At that time, Charles did not need to rely on a wheelchair to move around. He had just graduated from Oxford University, and he was full of high spirits and full of vitality.

"Eric and I once talked about the future of the country under the steps of the Lincoln Statue, and we also cooperated with the state department to fight Sebastian Shaw, a terrible scientist. He gets his power from the genes of mutants, Trying to subvert the entire world..."

Professor Charles had a touch of nostalgia in his eyes. Since he last saw his old friend in Manhattan, he has often fallen into self-doubt. Who is right between him and Eric? With the Watsonton attack, Fermenting and intensifying, the calls for the Mutant Registration Act have become louder and louder, and the living environment of our compatriots has become more severe.

The fragile peace created over the years has been broken, which makes the professor who has always played a leader a little confused. He is unwilling to go to extremes like Eric and let the world be invaded by war, but if he continues to hide, he can't seem to see it. Hope for peace to come.

"You and Magneto teamed up to defeat him. Mr. McCoy often talked about these glorious deeds. Of course, the one he mentioned the most was Mystique Raven!" Qin covered her mouth and chuckled, obviously knowing who The rough love story of "Hank the Beast".

Hearing the familiar name, the professor smiled faintly. Of course he also knew this interesting story. Unfortunately, Raven did not stand on her side. Instead, she chose Eric to fight against the human government with the Brotherhood and strive to establish a mutant world. Beautiful Home.

"Qin, you, Scott and Ororo, go to Los Angeles to find a mutant named Kurt Wagner. He is a circus performer who can move instantly." The professor put his hands on his knees and warned: "He sent a distress call to the college, saying that the military was looking for him and that Eric and the fraternity members were wanted, and we couldn't just sit back and watch."

Charles often uses brainwave enhancement machines to find compatriots with powerful abilities. Those mutants with unstable powers can be easily discovered by search, while children with immature abilities are difficult to detect.

The circus performer with the ability to teleport seems to be being hunted by the military. He must have key intelligence information. The other party sent a distress signal to him through several mutants who often associate with the school.

"Do we need to dispatch so many people?" Qin asked worriedly.

The professor nodded. He was worried about conflict with the military, so he sent out the younger generation of X-Men. With the strength of these students, even if they encounter the Brotherhood, there will be no harm.

"It's a pity that Logan is not here. He went to search for his own memories." Charles sighed. If Wolverine is still in school, then there is no risk of anything happening.

Hearing the word memory, Qin's eyes suddenly jumped as he was pushing the wheelchair. The intense fire flashed away, and then quickly returned to normal, without even the professor noticing.


Washington, D.C., secret combat command center.

Based on the photos taken by the satellite, Stryker saw that the Blackbird fighter plane located at Xavier School for Gifted Youth had taken off. He was secretly proud and mobilized the powerful young mutants. The next step was to deal with Professor Charles.

In the name of the White House, he sent an invitation to Charles Xavier to discuss the capture of Magneto and the dispute between humans and mutants.

The unsuspecting professor will naturally agree happily, but what is a bit troublesome is that the other party brings a burly beast with blue hair. If it were not for the mutant inhibitory drug developed by Umbrella, the beast with infinite strength and outstanding thinking would be impossible. Hank may bring changes to Stryker's plan, but everything is not a problem now.

McCoy, a tall man with thick hands and feet, was once a researcher for the CIA. He was later discovered by the professor and Magneto. At first, he only had abnormally large feet and strong physical strength, but McCoy felt deeply inferior to his body deformity. , chose to develop a medicine to cure himself, but who knew that the result would be a genetic mutation, and the once handsome appearance was covered with blue hair, like a tall beast.

"I don't think you should come here, Charles." As an old man at the same time as the professor, Beast Hank was wary of humans to a certain extent.

He felt the hostile eyes of the Secret Service bodyguards and felt a little nervous. Now was the time when the conflict between mutants and humans was sharp. As the leader of mutants, Charles came to the White House hastily, which undoubtedly put himself in a dangerous situation.

"Peace needs to be fought for by yourself, Hank." The professor kept smiling. He tried to check with his psychic abilities. Although these Secret Service bodyguards were full of hostility, they were only targeting the mutant community.

McCoy pushed his wheelchair into a reception room in the White House. The secretary brought two cups of coffee and said softly: "Please wait a moment, Mr. President will be here soon."

Watching the secretary open the door and leave, McCoy, who was huddled on the sofa, vaguely felt something was wrong. Many small holes suddenly opened on the wall of the room, and a large amount of ether gas was sprayed in, turning into a light mist and quickly dissipating!

The professor's eyes flashed, and his psychic abilities spread out like water waves. Before they were completely radiated outward, harsh sound waves penetrated the barriers of the room, stirring the brain like a sharp knife!

The bald old man instantly covered his head, dissipating the psychic power that controlled his mind. McCoy reacted immediately. He picked up the sofa and threw it against the wall, but there was a muffled "thud" sound, and his face was covered with blue hair. On the door, he was instantly furious. He jumped to the door like a wild animal, tearing open the door panel like tearing paper. He saw a group of fully armed soldiers crowding outside the door. Several sharp needles pierced the skin and cold liquid was injected. .

McCoy roared loudly, his voice suddenly weakened, and even the blue hair on his body gradually faded and disappeared. Before the beast Hank could be surprised by his own changes, he fell into a coma and fell down!

The professor, who was breathing a large amount of ether gas, felt dizzy. He tried his best to open his eyelids and saw an officer striding in and putting some kind of metal instrument on him. His spiritual will, which could have been extended infinitely, suddenly seemed to It was like being isolated and blocked, like a tall adult being locked in a small cage, and an unprecedented uncomfortable feeling swept through his body.


Before his consciousness entered darkness, the professor saw a cold face. He knew that person, William Stryker.

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