Sentinel of American Comics

Chapter 119 The Doomsday of Mutants

The ticking sound of water drops woke up the sleeping professor. He opened his eyes, his blurred vision gradually became clear, and a figure came out of the darkness.

"William..." He called the other party's name.

The psychic ability that I was so familiar with in the past subconsciously extended from my consciousness. The result was like hitting a solid wall, and an inexplicable feeling of dizziness reverberated and vibrated. The professor felt the strange instrument on his head and realized that humans have found a way to restrain their own power.

"This thing is called a nerve suppressor, which is enough to prevent you from using your abilities." Stryker pointed at the brain, and he smiled proudly: "Charles, this feeling of weakness is not bad, right?"

He has been waiting for this day for a long time. In the past, Stryker was always afraid of the mutants' powerful strength, especially Professor Charles. It was really difficult to find a way to deal with the opponent's unpredictable psychic abilities.

"What did you do to Hank?" The professor asked anxiously, thinking of his companion who came to the White House with him.

"He should thank me," Stryker sneered. "I saved him from having to wear that beast's skin anymore, and he's back to normal now."

The professor raised his hands, only to find that he was firmly imprisoned in the wheelchair. Thinking of the scene he saw before he fell into coma, a chill spread in the old man's heart.

"William, why are you doing this?" The professor tried to persuade Stryker. He knew the root cause of his hatred of mutants. "You want me to cure your son, but mutants are not a disease. They are caused by genetic changes and the evolution of humans."

"Shut up, Charles!" Stryker, who had maintained his composure, suddenly roared angrily. His eyes were bloodshot and he stared at the old man in the wheelchair with incomparable hatred.

"Stop that thing! Charles, you turned my son into a devil. After he came back from your school, he took pleasure in torturing my wife and I's thoughts. He felt that we were the cause of all this... Our minds are filled with hallucinations every day, and those screams of fear echo in my ears day and night. In the end, in order to get rid of the horrific hallucinations in my mind, my wife... drilled an electric drill into her temple!"

Colonel Stryker, who always faced the world with a cold image, had a trembling voice, containing strong grief and hatred. He blamed the professor and mutants for the tragic end of his family's collapse.

It's really ironic to say that after studying mutants for most of his life, his own son is actually a terrible mutant. Destiny seems to have made a silent mockery of Stryker. The tortured colonel has since decided to embark on the path of exterminating mutants. Only by wiping out all those damned bastards can he barely gain inner salvation!

"Although I hate you guys, I still have to admit that mutants are sometimes very useful." He looked at the secretary next to him who had the appearance of an Asian woman.

The bodyguard and secretary named Yuriko is also a mutant. Stryker has physically transformed her. Like Wolverine Logan, she was injected with Adamantium alloy, codenamed "Death Woman". One of the experimental results of the "Weapon X" program.

"Did you deliberately release the mutant distress call in Los Angeles?" The professor, who was thinking clearly, suddenly realized.

"Of course." Stryker admitted frankly. He walked around the wheelchair like a painter showing off his proud work. "I understand you people. Mutants are not invulnerable. On the contrary, you are sometimes better than ordinary people." It’s easy to deal with.”

"For a hypocrite like you who wears a moral cloak and talks about the idea of ​​peace, it doesn't take much effort to lead you into a trap. A circus performer who was coerced by me pitifully asked you for help. As a mutant, Mentor, of course you will send students to help him... Well, you see, with the younger generation of mutants leaving, it will be easier to deal with you."

Stryker wiped his lenses and looked down at the helpless old man. The famous Professor Charles, the omnipotent mind controller, has now become his prisoner.

The colonel stared deeply into the professor's eyes. He no longer needed to be afraid that the old man could read his thoughts. The blue light of the nerve inhibitor on the bald head flashed, imprisoning the other party's powerful psychic ability in this aging body. inside.

"Of course, my ultimate goal is not you, nor will it be the terrorist Eric Lancel. What I want to do is to drive away all the mutants!"

The strong hatred is like a blazing flame, burning Stryker's heart. Only through complete revenge can he get a moment of peace.

"My time dealing with mutants is no shorter than yours, but the most worrying thing is that you never know how many mutants there are in the world, and how to find them-" A cold gaze reflected behind the glasses , "Except you, Charles!"

The professor was so anxious that his spiritual power kept hitting the non-existent solid wall, trying to break through the blockade of the brain. However, the neurosuppressor was like an indestructible cage, locking the world's most powerful mind controller tightly in his body. among.

"Unfortunately, this hallucinogenic potion is too little for you. Your power is much stronger, so I have to find another way."

Stryker waved, and the soldiers outside the door pushed in a man with a numb expression and sinister eyes. The man was wearing a loose linen clothes, and his head had sutures left after surgery. Metal instruments like octopus tentacles were removed from the brain. The back of the neck is inserted into it, which is shocking!

"Please allow me to introduce to you, Mutant No. 143. The fluid secreted by the brain can control other people's thoughts, but it is still in the experimental stage."

"Jason?" the professor exclaimed, looking at Stryker in disbelief, "Oh my God! William, this is your son! What did you do to him!"

Stryker's face was expressionless. His pain and hatred had been vented, and his cold heart would not waver at all. "No, Charles! My son is dead. He is a mutant freak just like you." !”

He glanced at the bald professor coldly and strode out of the room. He still had to deal with the mutant children in the school. After killing them all, he could be free to concentrate on dealing with Magneto.

As for Charles Xavier, at that time, his brain would become the most powerful weapon in his hand.

Colonel Stryker walked out of the detention room and saw Sean in a white uniform. This young man had recently entered the dam base of Lake Akalia to assist in the capture and research of mutants.

"Congratulations, Mr. Colonel. I heard that you captured the famous Professor Charles." The young man smiled gently as always.

Stryker frowned. He was wary of Sean to a certain extent and warned: "Don't wander around, Mr. Sipers, there are dangerous mutants everywhere here, maybe those beast-like hybrids." , when will it show its claws to you."

"Of course, I know the scope of my activities very well." Sean nodded and said with a relaxed expression: "I have always followed the rules."

Looking at the back of the young man who was gradually going away, Stryker warned his subordinates uneasily: "No one is allowed to approach this room without the correct password. Intruders will be killed without mercy! Including me!"

He knew that among the mutants there was Mystique, who could change the appearance of anyone. After explaining everything, Stryker walked out of the dam base and boarded a helicopter bound for Westchester.

Tonight will be the end of the mutant race.

ps: Countdown to release, I’m so nervous, I’ll watch two episodes of “Westworld” first to calm down~

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