Sentinel of American Comics

Chapter 140 Meeting at the Expo

Flushing, New York.

Crowds of people poured into the Science and Technology Museum like sea water. Tonight, the World Expo belonging to Stark Industries will be officially held here. Scientific and technological achievements from different countries can have a free display area after passing the review by the organizer.

Sean entered the center of the Science and Technology Museum from the VIP channel unobstructed. News reporters from major TV stations took their seats early, and Pepper Pepper was backstage directing the layout of various facilities. For this grand personal show, Tony prepared four There are Mark series armors with different coatings, and he himself will appear on the stage wearing the latest steel armor to make his debut.

"Where's Tony?" Sean couldn't help but ask when he saw Pepper walking over.

The playboy who had come to the end of his life received a week of short-term treatment at Umbrella. The lithium dioxide medicine could temporarily suppress the symptoms of palladium poisoning. Dr. Helen Zhao's regenerative cradle was enough to give Tony a small lift. The surgery removes the remaining shrapnel from the body. No need for a long recuperation period, and you can immediately move around happily.

Next, it depends on Tony Stark's own genius mind. In the original timeline, it was Nick Fury who handed Howard Stark's relics to him, and then Tony found clues to the new element from his father's lifetime video, and then replaced the palladium element energy plate to complete Iron Man. of new rebirth.

In this regard, Sean just gave a little hint. If Tony is really as unique and peerless genius as the newspaper said, then he will naturally find clues and find the precious treasure left to him by his father.

"Since he came back from Umbrella, he has been immersed in the laboratory. In his heart, steel armor is the most important thing." Pepper complained vaguely.

The secretary always felt that Tony was hiding something, and he was always running to Umbrella recently. She looked at Sean with expectant eyes, wanting to learn the truth from him.

"Tony often told me that Pepper is his best helper, more important than Jarvis."

Sean avoided Pepper's probing eyes. Now the secretary has been promoted to CEO of Stark Industries. Her shrewd and capable style has eliminated the dissatisfaction with Tony within the board of directors, and at the same time stopped some unpleasant rumors. The attack breaks itself.

He couldn't help but feel lucky for Tony. Previously, Obadiah shielded the playboy from the wind and rain, allowing Stark to indulge in sex and enjoy life; later, Pepper Pepper helped manage the company, otherwise no matter how talented a person is, If you are outstanding and busy with tedious chores all day long, sooner or later you will be exhausted and lose your original patience and passion.

"Men and women are different. A proud person like Tony will not let the person he cares about worry at all. He can give you everything he has, but he will not tell you the pain in his heart."

Sean smiled faintly, and Tony, who was dressed formally in the background, came towards us. He winked at Pepper and said with a smile: "If you are really curious, why not ask yourself."

After a few words of greeting, he was pulled away by Tony on some random excuse. The two of them walked to the corner of the backstage and whispered in a low voice: "What did you say to Pepper?"

Facing Stark's question, Sean shrugged and said, "Miss Potts is just worried about your physical condition."

"So you told her everything?"

"Of course not. I promised you to keep it a secret, but she should have guessed it after a while. After all, you are choosing a successor, and your behavior is so abnormal, as if you are arranging funeral arrangements, everyone will be suspicious."

Sean looked at Tony's nervous look and couldn't help but feel funny in his heart, and continued: "She will soon come into contact with that terrible reality, so you have to speed up the process and solve your own problems."

Tony, who was different from his previous gloomy expression and regained his vitality, said with a proud smile: "My old man still taught me a lesson after twenty years. It won't be long before Iron Man will be reborn from the ashes!" "

Hearing these confident words, Sean probably guessed that Tony had discovered the huge treasure left to him by his father. It was advanced technology that exceeded a century. At that time, it could not be successfully completed due to limited materials and resources, so Howard had no choice but to open it. The key to all this was given to his son. Unfortunately, before the secret was revealed, the business tycoon who single-handedly established the military-industrial empire died in an accident.

"Then I wish you good luck." Sean patted the other party's shoulder and prepared to leave.

"I heard that you are contacting the procurement officers of the Ministry of National Defense and trying to enter the military industry?" Tony hesitated for a moment and stopped the young man who turned around. "I packaged up Stark Industries' weapons manufacturing factory and sold it to Hammer Industries. Although that guy Justin Hammer is an incompetent waste, he has enough background and abundant funds. In comparison, he is an incompetent waste. Brela is too immature.”

As a former military industrial giant, Tony certainly knew the inside story of military procurement and some of the hidden rules in the industry.

Generally speaking, if you want to become a national defense contractor, you must first obtain procurement qualifications from the Ministry of Defense, and military industrial companies will occupy different positions on the procurement list according to their own strength and importance. The higher the ranking, the more procurement discounts and hidden subsidies you will receive. For example, Stark Industries was previously ranked in Category A, standing at the top of the industry and accounting for most of the military's procurement share.

Companies like Hammer Industries and Cross Technology with insufficient qualifications or accumulation can only retreat to Category B and follow Stark Industries to pick up scraps. As for Osborne Industries, which has failed miserably, It will be postponed further, which is enough to prove how fierce the competition in this market is.

Now that Stark Industries has withdrawn from the competition, leaving behind a huge purchase share and order quantity, Hammer Industries is eager to buy the weapons manufacturing factory, just to fill the vacancy in this area. The other military industry companies are also gearing up and can't wait to get a piece of it. Unfortunately, Umbrella wants to enter the field of military procurement at this time. Even with General Ross's recommendation, it can barely squeeze into the procurement list, and there is no huge profit at all.

"Remember what I told you before, Umbrella has found a genius-level weapons designer." Sean looked calm and pointed at Tony's chest, "His achievements will not be lower than yours."

Iron Man chuckled, his arrogance clearly revealed, and said firmly: "The Ark Reactor is an advanced technology that no one can copy within twenty years!"

He didn't believe that anyone could invent a gadget like the shoulder-to-shoulder chest. If the technology was so easy to copy, the military wouldn't go out of its way to get it.

Sean smiled and did not answer. He was looking forward to the surprise that Ivan Vanke was about to bring. Umbrella has been able to achieve what she is today by stepping on the corpses of her predecessors along the way.

Walking leisurely in the huge venue, it was not yet the start time of the expo, and no spectators from outside came in, so it was not crowded. Young people walked around, admiring this grand one-person show that attracted a lot of attention as onlookers.

Some frustrated scientists rushed to the venue early with scientific research results, hoping to find investors with outstanding vision here. However, Sean took a few glances and found that most of them were conceptual designs with no prospects for application development.

People who can be called geniuses in this world are similar to rare animals. Not every time there is a dusty pearl waiting for others to discover it.

Sean looked around casually, and out of the corner of his eye he caught a glimpse of a tall figure wearing a peaked cap, standing in a specially set up nostalgic exhibition area where Howard Stark in 1942 was playing. Black-and-white video of the 20th "Tomorrow's World" Expo held at that time, with 64 countries participating, and many novel products on display, such as tape recorders, tapes, nylon, etc., which triggered a technological craze.

The handsome man looked at the old video played on the screen. In the screen, Howard Stark was showing off a suspended car, claiming that it was a unique anti-gravity technology. Before he could finish his words, a burst of snow appeared from the car body. Electric sparks hit the stage with a thud.

Seeing this scene, the man couldn't help but laugh. There was a faint look of nostalgia in his eyes. He looked very young, but there was a sense of old age in his body.

ps: The author also wants to update more, but I am not a full-time person. I have a lot of things recently, and I am still handicapped...

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