Sentinel of American Comics

Chapter 141 Sleeping for Seventy Years

The black-and-white video records the technology and creation of the last century. The flickering light and shadow seem to bring the handsome man back to that era. His face shows a complex expression, as if he is nostalgic, but also seems to be a little regretful, as if he is that period. Witnesses of history.

At that time, he was far from as tall and strong as he is now. He was just a thin little man weighing less than a hundred pounds. Unfortunately, his father died from German mustard gas, and his mother was a nurse who was shot by a stray bullet and died. In addition to having There are no other relatives or friends who have gone through similar experiences.

The smoke of World War II filled the air in that chaotic era. Due to the agitation and publicity of public opinion, almost every young man at that time was eager to join the army and go to the battlefield to win the war.

Because of his thin body and failed physical examination, the handsome man was rejected by the recruiting officer several times in a row. If he had not gone to the Stark Industries Expo with his friends, he would not have encountered a turning point that changed his life.

"Nostalgia is not a good habit." A clear voice interrupted the man's memories. He turned his head and found a young man walking over.

The other party pointed to the black-and-white video that was still playing. In the screen, Howard Stark was giving a speech, explaining his vision and yearning for future technology. Like his son, the business tycoon who later built a huge military-industrial empire liked the feeling of being popular, but the only difference was that Howard was more of a businessman.

"Most people won't stay in this exhibition area. No one likes these outdated gadgets." Sean looked at the handsome man wearing a peaked cap, who was quite low-key.

He didn't expect to meet this legendary figure here. According to the timeline, he should have just woken up and was temporarily staying in SHIELD.

"When I look at these, I feel as if I have just woken up from a dream after a long sleep." There was a touch of sadness on the handsome man's face, like a veteran remembering the glorious past.

His name is Steve Rogers, the famous Captain America, a beneficiary of the Super Soldier Serum. He once led the Allied forces to defeat the Nazis and destroyed Hydra's crazy plan to conquer the planet.

"You look a lot like a friend of mine." Sean said softly.

The appearance of this handsome man is very similar to Johnny the Human Torch in the Fantastic Four. If he didn't look more calm and completely lacking the frivolity and liveliness of Johnny himself, then maybe Sean would feel that he had recognized the wrong person.

"This sounds like an old-fashioned way to pick up a girl." The man glanced at the black-and-white video with nostalgia. It was a lost time that he could never get back.

"I wouldn't use such a lame excuse to talk to a war hero." Sean smiled lightly. He stood next to the man. The video tape was played again. With Howard's voice, the vicissitudes of 1942 Time flows in this quiet space.

The man was a little surprised and smiled bitterly: "You know me?"

"How many children in America have not read your comics? How many have not collected Captain America cards and visited World War II museums?"

Sean looked at the tall, muscular and handsome man and chuckled: "Hello, captain."

Steve seemed quite surprised to have his identity revealed. He had just woken up from a deep sleep and felt unfamiliar with everything in the outside world. It's like opening your eyes after waking up, opening the curtains and looking outside, only to find that the world has changed. Your former partners and lovers are either no longer alive, or have grown old, leaving you alone.

"Does anyone remember an old antique like me?" Steve laughed at himself.

After he was rescued from the glacier by S.H.I.E.L.D., he gradually woke up from his deep sleep. When he crashed, under the influence of huge water pressure and extremely cold temperatures, he almost lost consciousness instantly and was frozen. The super soldier serum allowed his body to maintain an extremely slow metabolism under those circumstances.

After sleeping for seventy years, Steve felt a little uncomfortable when he woke up. As a soldier, he found that the war was victorious; as a man, his lover was old and lying on the hospital bed, and most of the friends he once knew had passed away. This unspeakable loneliness made Nick Fury... He hired a psychiatrist for counseling.

"Heroes never go out of style, no matter what era they are in." Sean hummed softly: "Who is the strong and brave man who saves America - the man with big plans and the stars and stripes."

Hearing this familiar melody, Steve's cheeks twitched. Those days of selling national debt for the senators can be called a rare dark history for him.

As the only successful super soldier, he was not sent to a dangerous battlefield filled with gunfire as he wished. He braved the hail of bullets and fought hard to end the war. Instead, he became the best tool for politicians to promote national debt. He chanted on the stage every day. He wrote good lines and performed funny shows. If he hadn't rescued his captured friend Bucky later, Steve might not have become a war hero.

"Introduce yourself, Sean Sipers." The young man stopped teasing the senior.

Time has the power to change everything. This song was inspiring during the war years and inspired people to contribute to the country, but now it seems like a irony.

This is enough to prove that times have changed. It is no wonder that when the former Captain America woke up again, his heart was full of confusion and hesitation. He once swore to defend the national flag and peace, but today the United States no longer needs his protection.

"I'm learning how to use the Internet recently, and I often see your news." After withdrawing the thoughts in his mind, Steve showed a friendly smile.

He had to slowly adapt to many things in the new era. In the past seventy years, this war hero had missed too much. Love and other things had all disappeared over time.

Steve, who rarely talked to other people, caught a glimpse of the man in black in the crowd from the corner of his eye. A trace of apology appeared on his face, "Sorry, it seems I have to leave first."

"I live in Brooklyn. I'll treat you to a drink next time." Steve smiled heartily, patted Sean on the shoulder, then turned and left.

Staying in S.H.I.E.L.D. all day long, either facing psychiatrists, various government officials or agents in black, no matter who you are, will get tired. This was the first time he came back to do activities alone, but he was still followed by a group of secret service agents.

Looking at the disappearing figures of a group of men in black, the smile on the young man's face gradually cooled. He couldn't help but be curious about how SHIELD would investigate him.

When the Stark Industries expo is over, maybe the divine prince from Asgard will come to this planet and officially lift the mystery of the Nine Kingdoms.

If the birth of Iron Man ushered in a new era of superheroes, then the arrival of the Asgardians announced to everyone that the earth is not a unique civilized race.

Perhaps until then, people will realize that apart from this blue planet, there are still vast galaxies waiting for them to conquer and explore. A small planet can no longer carry the rapidly developing earth civilization. After setting foot on the sky and ocean, human beings will set their sights on the boundless universe.

Sean's solemn expression couldn't help but relax. He was looking forward to that day, and even more eager to welcome that era of stars and sea with his own hands.

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