Sentinel of American Comics

Chapter 142 Fury’s Suspicion

Night enveloped the earth, and there was silence between heaven and earth.

On the banks of the Potomac River, the Trident Building, the landmark building of S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters, stands here, across the river from the Washington Monument. Not far away is the famous Lincoln Memorial, a Greek temple-style building made of pure white granite and marble. The building stands out.

Nick Fury strode into the office, followed by his confidant Coulson. Since inviting Tony Stark to join SHIELD, the one-eyed director has set his sights on the Fantastic Four. Unfortunately, Reed was unwilling Working closely with government departments, he prefers to be a scientist who immerses himself in research.

The first phase of the Avengers plan was temporarily faced with an embarrassing situation, which gave the originally confident Nick Fury a headache. He finally got the World Security Council to pass the plan, but suddenly he encountered recruitment problems. Difficulties, this is undoubtedly a great irony.

Fortunately, there is good news. As the war hero who has been sleeping for seventy years wakes up, the Avengers finally find their first member, Captain America, a super soldier from World War II who has a strong will and good moral character.

Those government officials will not take an outdated war hero seriously. As for the military, they are thinking about how to crack the secret of the super soldier from Captain America. Only S.H.I.E.L.D. can stop everything, so the name Steve - Rogers' tall man thus became a member of this secret institution.

"Captain Rogers is out today." Colson reported after entering the office.

This legend, who is almost a household name in the United States, only really woke up not long ago, and caused a big mistake due to a misunderstanding. After regaining consciousness, maybe because of his former military nature, Steve - Rogers cooperated with SHIELD's various examinations, including weekly psychological tests.

This makes Nick Fury very satisfied. In fact, he doesn't like dissolute libertines like Tony Stark who don't follow the rules and always cause a lot of trouble. But Steve, known as Captain America, doesn't Likewise, as long as it is a reasonable request, the other party is willing to do it, even if it means dealing with some White House officials and military personnel.

"He is the best soldier in the world and we don't need to worry about him leaving or disappearing."

Fury sat on the black chair. Since the last time Stryker's plan failed, Magneto's brotherhood seemed to have disappeared, and the mutant academy in Westchester was also quite peaceful. This made the original The black director, who was worried about causing some trouble, quietly let go of the huge stone in his heart.

"Captain Rogers is just going out to relax, don't be so nervous. For a soldier who has been sleeping for seventy years, the war is over and he has nowhere to go."

Colson nodded silently, thinking that he didn't know when he would have the opportunity to ask his idol for an autograph. He has been influenced by comics since he was a child and has collected a bunch of little Captain America cards. He is an absolute true fan.

"Where's that playboy Stark?" Fury pondered for a while and asked again.

He still has not given up the idea of ​​​​pulling Iron Man into the Avengers. In addition to the steel armor with extremely strong combat capabilities, the black director values ​​​​the other party's scientific research capabilities even more.

"Busy with the exhibition, and judging from his physical condition, the symptoms of palladium poisoning seem to have been relieved." Colson shook his head. The playboy was really difficult to get close to, even if he had a good relationship with Miss Potts. Friendship, it is difficult to find out any information.

Nick Fury's face showed no signs of good or bad. He thought for a moment and asked Coulson to pull up the information about Sean Sipers, emphasizing that it was a paper document.

"Whether it is a database or video data, sometimes it is unreliable. This ancient method is often safer." Fury looked at the file box brought by his men.

There is not a lot of information about this new genius, and there is nothing worth recording in detail. From the perspective of a bystander, this is a legendary story of an unknown boy starting from scratch. If it fell into the hands of a reporter, it would be a wonderful story. He wrote a piece of chicken soup for the soul with twists and turns and inspirational process, so as to win the tears and emotions of most readers.

But Nick Fury is an experienced agent leader. He has a keen sense of smell and precise judgment. His only remaining eye shines brightly, like an extremely patient and experienced hunter, tracking prey hidden in the darkness.

"Colson, do you believe that such a person exists in this world?"

Fury picked up the information and said with a sneer: "My parents both died. I finished high school with a large amount of compensation. I showed my talent in college and developed a promising genetic drug together with the down-and-out scientists..." … He has almost no bad habits, neither drunken nor indulged in sex. He has no arrogance like young people. He has a gentle attitude and is modest and decent... If this kind of person runs for president, even I will want to vote for him. ."

Coulson couldn't help but feel dumb. He had read the information and found nothing unusual, but when the officer said this, it seemed... a little too perfect?

Drawing out a miniature map of the holographic projection, Nick Fury kept clicking and marking, muttering to himself: "Gangster vendetta... Frank D'Amico on the West Coast, Sean Sipers at that time I just happened to be on a graduation trip with Harry Osborne and others..."

"Osborne Industries stock price fell, Kurt Connors' laboratory was repossessed... received an unexpected capital injection, interestingly, the source of the funds was James Wesley, and the Hell's Kitchen real estate tycoon once worked for Wilson -Fisk works... Coincidentally, Mr. Fisk, known as Kingpin, was killed in a terrorist attack."

Red circles were marked one by one. With his keen intuition and the massive resources mobilized by SHIELD, Fury easily caught the clues, just like a hunter quietly following the traces in the grass.

"The Hand...the Fantastic Four...the fall of Watsonton...the Mutant Defense Project Group...the dam base at Lake Akalia...Strike killed...mutants gone!"

As the marking was completed, an invisible large network was connected, and at the center was the young man with a gentle smile. Fury lowered his voice and said fiercely: "I found you!"

Coulson witnessed all this, and felt an inexplicable chill in his heart. He had met Sean Sipers, and he was an outstanding young man in terms of actions and personal impressions.

But who would have thought that Nick Fury, as the director, could find so many secret clues from a trace of suspicion. No one, except for experienced secret service chiefs, would associate a New York genius with a bright future with the man behind the scenes with an ulterior secret.

"We don't have enough evidence." Colson reminded carefully, "James Wesley's capital injection was transferred to the official account of the State University of New York, and it was claimed to be a charity fundraiser, and Frank D'Amico was killed. That night, it was determined that Sean Sipers was in the room all night, and none of the cameras captured the killer's face."

Maybe Nick Fury's guess is correct, but SHIELD doesn't have enough evidence. All the connections established by the black director are just specious inferences. Maybe they are logically correct, but if you look at it from another angle, It can also be called a groundless conjecture.

Fury's eyes flashed with thought. He knocked on the table and stared at the holographic projection with bright eyes. Sean in the center smiled brightly. No one would think that this young man had an unknown side.

"No one can hide themselves perfectly, just like the path of a wild beast, there will always be some insignificant traces left behind."

There was a hint of coldness in the black director's one eye. He looked at Colson and said solemnly: "Soon we will know what this New York genius who is as dazzling as the sun is really like."

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