Sentinel of American Comics

Chapter 150 Cruise Ship and Bell Tower

Cheerful music echoed in the night sky, and a luxury liner decorated with colorful lights sailed out of New York Harbor. In the spacious cabin inside the ship, many guests were talking and laughing, and bursts of laughter broke out from time to time.

A conspicuous banner was hung on the ceiling with countless colorful balloons and ribbons, "The people of New York thank the Fantastic Four." It can be seen from the invited guests that there were also New York Police Department and government officials, this was not a simple event. private party.

"Sorry, I just wanted to have a small party, but Johnny's big mouth..."

Reed pulled Sean and hid in the corner, looking a little embarrassed. He originally planned to hold a friend's party at noon, but who knew that after being promoted by Johnny, a bunch of irrelevant people were invited, except for the Fire Department and the New York Police Department. Bureau, as well as various journalists and freelance writers, as well as a bunch of hot model girls.

Reed, who was ill-prepared, could only change the party time to the evening, and also changed to a luxury liner with more space. Fortunately, he was no longer as embarrassed as before, and he could hardly afford to pay the rent.

Ever since Doctor Doom made a scene in Manhattan, the Fantastic Four have gained a lot of exposure. Although Reed's scientific research path was not smooth - after the bankruptcy of Doom Group, no investors were willing to come to him anymore, but there is an alternative way to become famous. But it started here. Advertising endorsements for various furniture products, invitations to talk shows, and announcements flying like snowflakes made the Fantastic Four instantly become household names.

"It's a nice party, just a little noisy." Sean shook his head, and the noisy sound waves almost drowned out his voice.

Stone Man Ben was sitting on the bar, chatting happily with a blind black girl, while Susan couldn't stand the noisy atmosphere and hid in the room to rest. The protagonists of this party have become marginalized people. Among the Fantastic Four, only Johnny is at home like a fish in water. He keeps showing off his super powers to the beautiful girls. A bunch of flames on his fingertips sway and twist like a magic show. , changing into various shapes and postures, attracting everyone's applause.

Reed watched all this with a headache, and finally sighed helplessly, and went to the deck with Sean to enjoy the breeze, "I heard that SHIELD is looking for you?"

The young man nodded. Tony's intervention made Nick Fury determined to let him go. To be honest, this made Sean a little frustrated. He was originally prepared to deal with the interrogation and detention of the black director.

For example, the prepared public opinion offensive completely brought S.H.I.E.L.D. to the surface and exposed it to the public eye, and then used the White House and the military to further press, put pressure on the World Security Council, and even allowed Skynet to capture Dr. Zola. ——The leader of Hydra who lives in the online world triggered conflicts within SHIELD...

If the black director insists on not giving in, Sean doesn't mind severely injuring SHIELD at once, but he didn't expect Tony to come out halfway. Iron Man must be still complacent at this time, thinking that he has done himself a big favor. He also repaid the previous favor by the way.

"They also approached me and Susan, hoping that the Fantastic Four could join, but I later refused." Reed leaned on the railing and whispered: "I always feel that as a scientist, you should not have too much contact with government departments Contact, especially for someone with super powers like me.”

This Mr. Fantastic seems to have something on his mind. Reed, who seems to be successful and famous, still longs to be an ordinary scientist in his heart, immersed in academic research and exploring the truth, instead of being like a star who is busy on TV and dealing with things every day. Magazine interview.

"Everyone in New York knows that the Fantastic Four are the most popular superheroes. Even Iron Man is not as popular as you." Sean joked.

Rather than intervening in international disputes and insisting on upgrading steel armor, Tony, like the good neighbor in New York, likes to do more practical actions, such as stopping robbers who rob cash trucks, or participating in firefighting. , comparing the two, people naturally prefer the latter, because these are closer to their lives.

"When are you going to propose to Susan?" Sean patted Reed on the shoulder. Superheroes, like ordinary people, will also be troubled by the trivial things in life.

The gentle-looking Mr. Fantastic was stunned for a moment, then shook his head with a wry smile, "We are all hesitant and unwilling to take that step. Sean, marriage is a big event, which means forming a new family and welcoming a new life. There are a lot of problems that give me more headaches than those mysterious subatomic chain reactions."

Facing Sean, who had a good impression on him, Reed, who was about to get married, poured out his inner thoughts without hesitation. Being obsessed with the mysteries of science, he not only had longing for his future married life, but more importantly Fear and panic.

Sean blinked and asked a question: "Do you love Susan?"

"Of course." Reid didn't hesitate.

"Do you love science?"

"Of course." Still a decisive tone.

"Choose one of the two, which one do you want?"

Sean looked at Reed who was in a dilemma and laughed and said: "Children only make choices, of course adults want them all."

Reed was stunned for a moment, and then smiled to himself, as if the fog in his heart had been cleared, and it suddenly dawned on him that the question he had been struggling with for a long time was actually that simple.


In an old church in Queens, New York, a depressed Eddie Brock walked in, dipped his fingers in holy water, and made the sign of the cross on his chest. He sat dejectedly on the bench, looking at the crucifix with sad eyes on the wall, and poured out his inner depression and sorrow.

"I am Bullock. I come before you today, full of humility and humiliation. I want to ask you something... I think you can kill Peter Parker!"

In the church, facing Jesus, Eddie poured out his inner hatred to the omniscient and almighty God. He was a young photographer at the Daily Bugle. He wanted to get a formal job position through his own efforts, but everything happened because of Peter. And ruined, that guy can always get first-hand news, whether it's pictures of Spider-Man or Umbrella's latest trends.

No matter how actively Eddie searches for news material, he can never be better than Peter. The stingy boss James will definitely not hire two people. If he cannot get valuable news, he will lose this temporary job sooner or later.

"Fuck Peter Parker! Fuck Spider-Man!" Eddie cursed in a low voice. He used his accumulated savings to buy a new camera, but it was trampled to pieces by Spider-Man not long ago.

The bell rang, and the depressed and troubled young photographer seemed to hear the sound of painful wailing. He followed the sound and approached the unattended bell tower. He stuck his head out and looked upwards, and vaguely saw a figure rolling on the top floor, making loud noises. The hoarse moans sounded like they were undergoing extremely painful torture.

"Hey, need some help?" Eddie tried to ask.

No one responded, and the bells rang one after another. The black figure frantically hit the huge copper bell hanging on the top floor, and his hands seemed to be pulling something on his body.

"Maybe he's a lunatic. It's better to leave quickly."

The young photographer felt that the situation was strange and turned around to leave. But at this moment, a small piece of wriggling black material slipped from the bell tower above and landed on him.

The bell kept ringing, and the black liquid followed the arms and quickly covered the body like flowing liquid, wrapping Eddie's body tightly, like a dark beast with an open mouth, instantly covering the young photographer The teacher was completely devoured.

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