The Grizzly Club on Fifth Avenue.

When Sean saw General Ross again, this old man, who was energetic and full of fighting spirit, no longer had the strength and majesty that he had in controlling all situations before. His left hand was bandaged and he had a depressed and gloomy look on his face.

The lit cigar was placed aside, and a bottle of strong wine was half drunk, which proved that the general's mood was indeed extremely bad. As a determined soldier, he was reduced to drinking to drown his sorrows.

"I can't help with SHIELD. That guy Fury is more stubborn than me. I have made suggestions many times that that huge organization needs to be controlled. They are a group of dangerous elements and have no national honor!" Rose complained bitterly.

No one in the military likes those black agents. They all believe that S.H.I.E.L.D. is an uncontrolled time bomb. They have repeatedly asked Nick Fury to hand over part of his power, especially the permission to open the database to the Department of Defense. , to ensure homeland security and resource sharing.

It's a pity that the black director never responded directly once, and kept talking about him. In other words, he simply ignored the military's proposal.

"General, it's already a great help for you to stand up and speak for me." Sean poured a glass of wine for the other party. "I saw the news about the explosion in the laboratory of Colvo University in Virginia, and then heard that you and Betty was injured and hospitalized, so I wanted to come over and visit.”

General Ross's face softened a little and was no longer so serious. It was rare that the young man in front of him was not a villain who followed the crowd. "I wanted to speed up the progress of the experiment. Because I wanted to hide the true purpose of this project from Banner, I initially only asked him to He was involved in the initial work, and was not even involved in weapons applications. He thought he was doing research on radiation resistance."

"But he was so overconfident that he even did experiments on himself. As a result, a major accident occurred. But from another perspective, my initial goal was achieved... You have never seen that beast, almost A perfect creation, invincible, powerful and fierce, stronger than a super soldier!"

The old man took a sip of strong wine, with a hint of fanaticism in his eyes. He could not forget the powerful sense of oppression brought by the green giant beast. Even a hundred elite warriors could not compare with the terrifying destructive power it showed.

"In my opinion, Banner's body should be completely owned by the US military, but he escaped. Even though I launched a hunt, he still ran away!"

General Ross slammed his cup on the table, with annoyance in his voice. The failure of this plan had a great impact on him, especially because many people accused and claimed that super soldiers were an outdated antique and should be focused on. On Tony Stark's steel armor.

The old man sneered at this. A piece of steel armor costs tens of millions of dollars. If it is equipped with complete firepower, coupled with energy drive and artificial intelligence, the cost can easily reach hundreds of millions. Who else but the prodigal playboy can do it? Can you afford such a flashy and expensive toy?

"Which weapon kills the most people in the world?" General Ross patted Sean on the shoulder and said vaguely: "The single weapon that kills people is the AK47 assault rifle. In the more than sixty years since its birth, it has killed millions. people."

Sean nodded, of course he knew about this famous weapon with the former Soviet Union coins, the Mozambican flag and the national emblem of Zimbabwe on it. It has countless fans around the world and can be found in the mountains of Afghanistan and the desert towns of Iraq. There is even a saying that its black market price is used internationally as a standard to judge the degree of turmoil in a country - in areas with relatively stable societies, the price of AK47 is approximately between US$230 and US$400; if the price is as low as US$100 or so, which may indicate that the state of conflict in the region suddenly stopped. If the price of an AK47 is higher than $1,000, it indicates that the conflict in the region is long and ongoing.

In the 1970s, there was a widely circulated saying: The United States exported Coca-Cola, Japan exported Sony appliances, and the Soviet Union exported AK47. It is the most popular automatic rifle in the world and the favorite weapon of soldiers. It won't break, jam, or overheat, and it will still fire normally even if it's covered in dirt or sand. And the method of use is simple, even a child can get started quickly.

"In my opinion, the best weapon should be like the AK47, which can be used by people all over the world. The ultimate goal of super soldiers is to create an unrivaled elite force. Stark's steel armor, flashy Just a toy.”

General Ross sneered. He had no good impression of the Iron Man. He turned his bandaged arm to the side and sighed: "If all our soldiers become like Captain America, with amazing physical fitness and extremely strong physique, , like a Spartan warrior, never afraid and full of fighting spirit..."

In the bottom of his heart, he was always thinking about Banner who had escaped. To be precise, it was the incomparably powerful green beast. Unfortunately, he escaped from the military's pursuit and disappeared without a trace.

"General, I have brought you a new weapon. Its cost is nothing compared to expensive steel machines, and it can be put into production immediately."

Sean looked at the drunken General Ross, his palms spread out, and a warm and shiny gyro lay quietly in his palms. Ivan Vanke did not disappoint him, and he quickly copied the Ark reactor.

"The energy core of the steel armor?"

The military had been paying close attention to the steel armor in Tony Stark's hands, so General Ross recognized what this shiny gadget was at a glance.

The most difficult problem in replicating steel armor is energy power. If a nuclear reactor that outputs huge energy is to be reduced to the size of a palm, this is currently difficult to achieve. The lack of strong technical support has made the military unable to overcome this problem. This is a difficult problem.

"I think the general's opinion is very reasonable. To be honest, can a war machine costing hundreds of millions of dollars really become a new cutting-edge weapon that is being vigorously promoted? Or does the military also have the courage to spend money like Tony?"

Sean was playing with a replica of the Ark reactor. The generals of the Ministry of National Defense were pursuing steel armor technology, which in his opinion was not worth the gain. Even though Tony had given his friend Colonel Rhodes a war machine, no one could imitate it, and there was a lack of Jia Weiss's artificial intelligence system would be difficult to put into large-scale combat even with an entire elite army of steel soldiers.

"It is the development trend of weapons in the new era. From cold weapons to hot weapons, how long has it taken us to evolve? Now, this little thing can instantly make the form of war jump from a duel of hot weapons to an energy-based one. dispute."

Sean stared at General Ross with sharp eyes. He knew that the military has been vigorously developing the application of energy weapons, but the problems of energy consumption and miniaturization have not been solved, which means that the energyization of weapons can only stay at the conceptual level. It was regarded as a vague and illusory design idea.

"Can you come up with a new weapon that satisfies the military?" General Ross's brain, numbed by alcohol, instantly became sober.

He realizes this is an opportunity to redeem his image and authority within the Department of Defense, having screwed up the super-soldier clone plan, but new energy weapons sound good too.

"Of course, I found a weapons manufacturing expert who is no better than Tony Stark." Sean smiled back, his tone full of confidence.

An Ark reactor that no one can imitate within twenty years? Hopefully Tony won't feel too embarrassed the next time we meet.

With a smile on his lips, the young man picked up a glass of strong wine on the table and clinked it with the excited General Ross. The ice cubes hit the glass, making a crisp sound.

"God bless America!"

Listening to the old man's impassioned words, Sean smiled lightly and remained silent.

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