Sentinel of American Comics

Chapter 163 Dr. Donald

The stars are dim and dark clouds cover the sky.

Sean stood alone on the balcony. He promised to go to SHIELD's temporary station here with Harry tomorrow and ask Coulson for the confiscated experimental materials and equipment.

In the thick darkness of the night, the vast land looked like a prostrate and peaceful ancient beast. The breeze blew against Sean's face, like the sound of air flow caused by breathing. In the far distance, the dense dark clouds were torn open by lightning, and turbulent and violent energy fluctuations burst out.

"Asgardian, I hope you can bring me a little surprise."

The young man's eyes turned to the rich night. There should be a temporary fortress building there. SHIELD was very interested in all supernatural items and events. Thinking of what happened on the original timeline, he couldn't help but laugh. The God of Thunder from Asgard may now be used as a mercenary for illegal invasion, being imprisoned and detained by black-clad agents.

"Asgard, the guardian of the nine realms?"

A faint golden light flashed across Sean's bright and deep eyes. He was very much looking forward to meeting the son of the God King from a foreign land.

Contact with Thor can help him unravel the mysteries of the Nine Kingdoms and collect information on multiple civilized races, such as the dark elves thousands of years ago and the frost giants who were expelled and repelled by Asgard.

In the vast universe, the earth is not the only civilization, and it is not alone.

While his thoughts were wandering, Harry rushed in recklessly, as if something big had happened, with a trace of anxiety on his face.

Half an hour ago, Jane insisted on rescuing Thor who was taken away. She saw a vague human figure in the astronomical photos taken a few days ago, and thought that what the blond man said might be true. It comes from another world, an alien civilization unknown to humans.

Dr. Selvig, who was invited to assist in the investigation, felt that Thor was just a liar or a tramp who talked nonsense, and was not worthy of belief at all. Besides, he knew how terrible SHIELD was, and those black agents were nothing. A kind person would never let Jane take risks for the sake of a stranger she has known for less than a few days.

"If there really is an Einstein-Rosen Bridge, then there must be something on the other side of the bridge! It is possible for unknown civilizations to cross this bridge!"

Jane pointed to the book of Nordic mythology and said seriously: "Those stories passed down may not be false. If there really was an advanced and unknown civilization, then we might have been like the people of the primitive tribes a long time ago. Worship them as gods!”

Dr. Selvig had a headache. He couldn't think of a way to persuade Jane, who had a firm attitude, so he had to agree with helplessness.

"It's done." Daisy tapped her phone and made a victory gesture. "Leave this kind of problem to Harry, he will definitely be able to solve it."

The young girl who followed Jane from New York to New Mexico for six credits had a pretty good impression of Mr. Osborn, whom she had recently met. "Harry told me that his friend knew people from SHIELD and might be able to provide some information." help."


"You have our guys, who have the most professional training in the world, looking like a bunch of minimum wage supermarket security guards, and that hurts. In my experience, there has to be some level of strict special treatment. Only with training can you defeat them. Where were you trained? Pakistan? Chechnya? Or Afghanistan?"

Facing the silent intruder, Colson showed good patience. He firmly believed that violence can make most people speak, but it cannot always work. Only verbal induction and mental oppression can quietly break the A person's psychological defense allows him to reveal the secrets hidden in his heart.

"The way you fight is more like a mercenary. Did you learn it in South Africa? I know that some organizations will spend a lot of money to hire excellent elite soldiers like you. No matter what, we will get the information we want. Believe me, for Many of us here are very good at this.”

Coulson stared at the blond man who was as silent as a sculpture. The man looked lost. He was sure that he couldn't get much useful information at the moment, so he turned and left.

The moment the door was closed, a handsome man wearing a long black trench coat was projected on the glass mirror. There was a wicked smile on his handsome face, and his eyes were moving slightly, as if he was always preparing for some mischief. It is full of evil charm that attracts everyone's attention, but also subconsciously makes people stay away unconsciously.

"Loki, why are you here?" Thor, who remained silent, was a little surprised. "What happened? Tell me, is it something about Jotunheim? Let me explain to my father..."

It was because of his arrogance and recklessness that he wanted to start an ancient war, a battle between Asgard and its old enemy the Frost Giants, so he was deprived of all his divine power and war hammer by the angry God King Odin, and was demoted and exiled to the earth. Learn the virtue of humility and how to be a true king.

"Father is dead!"

Loki's eyes were full of sadness. This famous evil god in Norse mythology is best at change and deception. "The expulsion of you and the threat of war are too much for him to bear. You don't have to blame yourself. I know you love him." , I also tried to tell him, but he couldn't listen. It's really cruel to keep Mjolnir next to you knowing that you can no longer pick up Mjolnir."

The king who ruled Asgard had fallen into a deep sleep, and Thor had been exiled to Earth, so Loki took advantage of the situation and took over the king's scepter, temporarily taking the king's place.

"Now the burden of the throne falls on my shoulders. The condition of the truce with Jotunheim is that you will be banished forever, and your mother will not allow you to go home. I am here to say goodbye, brother, and I am sorry." Loki said affectionately Bingmao, full of strong emotions, there may be some performance elements, but it seems to reveal true feelings.

"No, it's me who should apologize. Thank you for coming here to see me." Thor advocates bravery and fighting, but is not good at people's calculations.

Seeing that his once-high-spirited and arrogant brother believed his words, Loki turned around and a smile appeared on his face. He wanted to prove to his father that Thor was not a truly suitable king of Asgard. To become the Lord of the Nine Realms and gain the supreme glory like Odin, the father of the gods.

"Goodbye." Thor watched Loki's figure gradually disappear into the space, like a phantom.

"Goodbye?" Colson, who happened to walk in, had a strange look in his eyes, "I just came back, Doctor Donald."

"It's hard to believe that a doctor has such excellent fighting skills. Doctor Donald Blake, I heard that you were born in Norway and are a fan of Norse mythology. Do you think that the thing that fell in the crater was used by the mythical God of Thunder? Hammer? Doctor, you should see a psychiatrist."

Coulson walked in, as if all his original questions had been answered. Instead of treating Thor with the cold attitude of an intruder, he smiled gently, "Your friend is waiting for you outside, Dr. Donald, drink less wine next time." , which is good for you and everyone else."

The gentle and loyal middle-aged man said wisecracks and walked out with the confused blond man. He saw an anxious Jane and some people he had known recently.

"Hi Dr. Donald, nice to meet you."

A young man came forward with a bright smile and enthusiasm, as if he had met an old friend he hadn't seen for many years.

ps: I saw a reader handing out a red envelope backstage. Ahem, it’s better not to waste money. Most of the people grabbing it are robots, so it’s useless~

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