Sentinel of American Comics

Chapter 164 The Secret of the Nine Realms

Harry received a distress message from Daisy and quickly rushed to SHIELD's temporary command post with his friend Sean. Coulson was a very talkative person most of the time, at least on the surface, and the other party also knew it. The Umbrella founder has a rich background.

Therefore, even after hearing that the blond man who rashly broke in was actually a Norwegian doctor and a fan of Norse mythology, which sounded far-fetched, Coulson still chose to let him go and hand him back. All research materials and instruments and equipment.

This is not out of fear or fear. It's just that by leaving this inexplicable intruder, we can't get more useful information. As for the data about astronomical phenomena, SHIELD has already backed it up, so there is no extra information. Use value.

As long as there is no direct conflict between the two parties, Coulson believes that there is nothing wrong with selling Sean to save face. Just like Director Fury often said, a smart hunter must know how to make his prey relax his vigilance, so that he can catch the right one. Opportunity.

"Coming to New Mexico for vacation?" the middle-aged agent asked intentionally or unintentionally. His immediate boss had always maintained a certain degree of suspicion about this young man.

"Yes, this is a place worth remembering by the American people. In 1680, the Indians drove away the Spanish. More than a hundred years later, this land was included in the territory of the United States. Sixteen years later, the Civil War started here. , until 1945, when the United States tested the first atomic bomb here, ushering in the world’s nuclear era.”

Looking at the blond man being pulled away by Dr. Selvig and Jane, Sean spoke in a tone full of emotion, summarizing hundreds of years of historical events in an understatement.

"There are too many traces of history left here, which are worth seeing."

Harry next to him was stunned, hearing Sean's serious nonsense, and he was sincerely impressed by his friend's superb acting skills.

“I thought young people today don’t like studying history.”

Colson was speechless. He had just asked casually, but he got a sincere answer. Judging from Sean's serious expression, it didn't seem like a casual excuse.

"History is worth commemorating. We can learn a lot from it. There is an old saying in the East. Use history as a mirror to see clearly the rise and fall of countries and the change of dynasties." Sean smiled lightly.

The middle-aged man with a kind appearance was silent. After working as an agent for many years, it was difficult for him to judge the true face of the young man in front of him. The other person's character was by no means gentle and humble on the surface. He acted decisively and straightforwardly, while maintaining a low-key style. It seems to be shrouded in a layer of fog. Only by going deeper can we see the truth behind it clearly.

After chatting for a while, Sean took Harry out of SHIELD's temporary command post. He made up Thor's identity at will, and Coulson knew it well. He could find out just by searching the database. Dr. Donald from Norway was a non-existent figure.

"Thank you for helping us get back the research materials...and Daisy's iPad." The young female astronomer was full of gratitude.

Thor, who was covered in mud and disgraced, understood the situation at this time. He was no longer as arrogant as before. After experiencing the blow of being unable to pick up the hammer and the bad news of Loki's arrival, the prince of Asgard seemed to have Quite a few changes have also taken place.

"This is all Harry's credit." Sean provided the assist at the right time, giving the limelight to Master Osborne. After all, he was not pursuing the girl.

The group returned to the private mansion. During the journey, Sean showed great interest in Jane's research, and Thor also explained Asgard's theory to everyone.

"Your ancestors called this knowledge mythology, while Jane regarded it as science. I come from a place where the two are considered equal." Thor, who recovered from the blow, marked several key points with a pen. "My father explained to me this way, your world is one of the nine kingdoms in this galaxy. They are connected to each other through the branches of Yggdrasil, which is the World Tree."

"This is the Atrium, where we call it Midgard, which is Earth, this place is Vanaheim, and Jotunheim. I'm from Asgard..."

Dr. Selvig on the side was dubious about this. As a famous astronomer and physicist, he never believed that these heroic figures spread in mythological stories or religious classics actually existed, and the people behind the car Harry and Daisy didn't care at all, they were busy playing games online on their iPads.

Only Sean listened very seriously. He was very interested in Asgard, which has always regarded itself as a protector. When the earth's civilization was still in the barbaric stage, they came to this planet and defeated the frost giants. Before that, , the dark elves who attempted to engulf the Nine Realms were defeated by Asgard's legion.

It was precisely because of these two grand battles that swept the nine realms that Asgard established its strong position. Odin, the king of the gods, and his eldest daughter Hela, led the warriors of the gods to conquer the nine kingdoms and continued to launch It was an extremely glorious peak period when the territory expanded. However, with the disappearance of Hela and the Valkyrie Legion, Asgard also stopped the pace of continuous conquests and ushered in the peaceful years of self-cultivation.

Even Thor, the future king's heir, may not know the above history. Odin has already buried his eldest daughter Hela and the road of conquest in the vast and endless historical books, and few people understand it.

After telling everything, Thor looked out the car window at the night sky. He missed his relatives and friends far away in Asgard. Perhaps my father was right. A reckless, arrogant, brave and warlike king could not bring happiness to the people.

On the other side, Sean and Jane discussed this astronomical discovery that shocked the world. The female astronomer seemed to remember something, and her face suddenly became frustrated and annoyed, "SHIELD, no matter who they are, those people will definitely use Powers to do anything to ensure this research never becomes public."

An unknown race that exists outside of Earth’s civilization?

Once this kind of news is confirmed, it will definitely cause huge turmoil, just like throwing a huge boulder into a calm lake. SHIELD, which is dedicated to maintaining world order and stability, will certainly not sit idly by.

Moreover, an unknown person like Jane in the astronomy community has almost no authority. Even if all the research data is compiled into a report and published, no one will believe it. The academic community will only treat it as eye-catching nonsense and exist in the world. The fantasy in fairy tales will undoubtedly end up being thrown into the wastebasket.

"No, we should let humans know the truth." Sean's eyes were bright, showing unswerving persistence. "The astronomy you study is the mother of all sciences. It started when ancient Homo sapiens first looked up at the stars. , the seeds of earth civilization have been sown. Exploring truth and pursuing facts is the mission of every scientist."

Jane listened blankly to these words, and was deeply touched for a moment. Dr. Selvig, who originally introduced her to the door of astronomy, was a maverick scientist, a performance artist who was unrestrained by nature and liked streaking. Doctrinal arguments have always been excluded by mainstream academic circles and considered to be absurd conjectures.

Therefore, this female astronomer was not bound by conventional cognition. She felt the firmness in Sean's tone and suddenly felt a surge of confidence. She nodded heavily and said, "You are right, I shouldn't be affected by these difficulties." Intimidated.”

A faint smile appeared on Sean's lips, and he whispered: "Miss Foster, are you interested in joining Umbrella? I am willing to make a strong guarantee for your great research."

The young man added with a smile: "I am deeply honored to be able to witness this great change."

Jane met the other party's eager gaze, stared at the young face with a gentle smile, and nodded subconsciously.

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