Sentinel of American Comics

Chapter 165 Visitors from outer space

At noon the next day, four Asgardians dressed in strange clothes walked into the town of Old Bridge. Their strange clothes attracted the attention of passers-by. They wore medieval-like retro armor, carrying axes, long swords and shields. It's like I just ran off the set of Lord of the Rings.

The residents of the town looked at this strange combination and were curious about whether there was any Renaissance festival about to be held in the town. However, the three warriors of Asgard and the female warrior Sif from Asgard were not aware of it. They thought it was just Human beings in backward worlds have crude knowledge and have never seen heroic warriors from outside the territory.

In the eyes of these Asgardians, the impression of the earth still remains in the ancient barbaric era. At that time, humans lived a primitive life of hunting and living in groups, and had not yet developed the current technological civilization.

What's more, Asgard has always regarded itself as the protector of the Nine Realms, and believes that the nine kingdoms in this galaxy all rely on their protection and protection to live a peaceful life.

"Logically speaking, if Mjolnir has descended on this place, Thor should also be here. How about we find a few Midgardians to be our guides?" said a man who looked like a swordsman.

There was a hint of arrogance in his expression, as if this kind of thing was a great honor worthy of being happy. The swordsman named Fandral raised his head and held his chest high, like a rich man who accidentally walked into the slums, unconsciously bringing him with him. A sense of condescension.

"Loki has ascended the throne of Asgard, but Thor is the real candidate for king. I am absolutely unwilling to surrender to the conspirators!" Sif, the heroic female warrior, said loudly.

In her heart, only the mighty Thor is worthy of becoming the true future king of Asgard.

"But where should we find Thor?" Vosta, who was walking in front, asked gruffly.

This strong man carrying an ax has thick golden-red hair and a rough appearance, making him look like he is playing a character in some fantasy world.

The three warriors of Asgard and the female warrior Sif, who risked committing treason, were stunned for a moment. Because they could not bear Loki becoming king, they opened the Rainbow Bridge through Heimdall and came to Midgard ( Earth) this backward and remote world to find the relegated Thor.

The four Asgardians who stayed there for a while hesitated and found that more and more residents were watching, and some people were taking pictures with their mobile phones. The flashlights that turned on made them think it was some kind of magic or weapon.

Fortunately, there was no awkward language barrier between the two worlds. The female warrior Sif was the first to speak out and asked a small town resident who was watching: "Midgardians, we are from Asgard, come to find Or. Son of Din, the brave and wise leader—Thor, God of Thunder.”

The series of prefixes made each other dizzy, and the crowd burst into laughter. They all thought that these four "medieval characters" were a group of enthusiasts of Norse mythology, performing a performance similar to a comic exhibition.

"Reporting to the command center, we saw the God of War Princess Xena, Robinson and Samurai." Two S.H.I.E.L.D. field agents who were eating burgers saw the Asgardian quartet walking into the town and said to them in a teasing tone. Commander reports.

At the same time, twenty minutes ago, in SHIELD's temporary command post, the data monitoring center received a huge energy signal. Although it only lasted for a very short moment, it was still located at the specific coordinates, northwest of the town. Somewhere fifteen miles.

Coulson immediately led a group of agents to the destination, but what was left to them was a complicated and obscure strange symbol, like some special ancient language.

"Get a professional linguist." Coulson said to Sitwell, a bald agent wearing glasses.

Based on the first-hand data obtained from Jane, S.H.I.E.L.D. suspected that the root cause of atmospheric anomalies was caused by huge energy impacting space. Perhaps someone was conducting some ulterior secret experiments.

However, their suspicions were soon overturned. The sunny weather that was bright and sunny a moment ago was obscured by dark clouds at some point. A huge funnel-shaped vortex stirred up the airflow, forming a magnificent smoke column.

Amidst the rolling sand and dust, the smoke column like a huge tornado slowly dispersed. Coulson, who was hiding behind the car, saw a huge metal armor, like a silver-white giant, standing on the ground as if it appeared out of thin air. , whole body shimmering with cold light.

"Is this a new toy made by Stark?" Coulson had an ominous premonition in his mind.

As if sensing something, the metal armor took heavy steps and ran towards the town. The ground trembled and shook. The black-clothed agents blocking the front were helpless in the face of such non-artificial objects. The gun shot out The intensive firepower could not even penetrate the metal surface. The giant armor with the title of "Destroyer" opened its face like liquid metal. The violent and intense energy gathered, and the blazing rays spurted out like fire.

The roaring sound was endless, and the residents of the town also discovered the abnormal situation. The thunderous sound attracted everyone's attention, and soon people saw this silver-white giant full of metallic texture.


Thor, who had just met the three warriors of Asgard and Sif, looked solemn. As the prince of Asgard and the future heir to the king, he instantly recognized that this silver-white giant was actually a giant armor. His father, Odin, wanted to deal with a certain person. The super armor forged against the threat of these dark creatures possesses powerful divine power and is indestructible itself.

"I must restore my divine power, otherwise I won't be able to defeat it at all!" For the first time in his life, Thor experienced this kind of frustration of being powerless.

He had no choice but to let the Three Warriors of Asgard and Sif delay the Destroyer's footsteps, and as a mortal himself, he chose to evacuate the residents of the town to avoid causing more casualties.

"Go and take Daisy and the others away." Sean patted Harry on the shoulder.

Looking at Young Master Osborne running out, he chuckled softly. The golden light swirled like running water. In an instant, the sentinel appeared here, but this time it was not worn on Sean's body, but appeared out of thin air.

The golden figure's eyes were empty, like a void, exuding the aura of a cold, dead thing.

The sentinel loaded with intelligent control is just an empty armor at this time, and the driving energy comes from the Ark reactor, so it can only last less than half an hour of combat.

If he rushes forward carelessly like this and fights the strongest armor from Asgard, it will inevitably attract the attention of SHIELD, so it is better to let Skynet control the Sentinel armor to fight with the King of Gods. The creations compete with each other.

Taking advantage of this chaotic situation, Sean still has other tasks. His goal is the Thor's hammer that "only qualified people can pick up."

"Skynet, let the King of Asgard see whether the armor of the gods is stronger or the creation of mankind is greater."

Following Sean's order, the Sentinel Armor immediately seemed to have become conscious, turning into a stream of light and rushing into the battlefield.

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