Sentinel of American Comics

Chapter 167 Female Thor

"Mortals, put down Mjolnir. Asgard's artifact will not be allowed to be desecrated by humble people!"

The majestic sounds came from all directions, turning into rolling pressure, shaking Sean's spiritual will.

A pair of vicissitudes of life and wise eyes slowly opened, penetrating the barrier of time and space, and the illusory figure was projected from the distant star field, condensing into a mighty old man wearing golden armor and a golden helmet, perched on his shoulders There are two divine crows, which respectively symbolize thought and wisdom, holding the famous gun "Gangnir", and the only single eye is shining with cold light.

Sean smiled slightly and ignored the sharp scolding of the King of Asgard. Odin coming across the sky was not enough to make him pay too much respect. The sharp golden light flashed from the depths of his eyes, and the surging... The golden torrent burst out of the body, like an astronomical tide, roaring in the void.

The King of Asgard's will was strongly impacted, and the solid image was like water waves, with tiny ripples. Odin, who had just woken up from his deep sleep, did not expect that this seemingly humble Midgardian could actually It has great power that can resist the gods.

Under the human body, there is a heart-stopping terrifying aura, as if it is a fiercely burning sun that will erupt with unparalleled light and heat at any time.

"Dear King of the Gods, maybe I will go to Asgard to visit you in person soon. Before that, you should deal with your enemies first."

Sean chuckled softly, and his spirit condensed into a sharp cone with astonishing penetrating power. The figure of the god that emerged in the spiritual world was like a bubble in a dream, being gently punctured.

This was a little trick he learned from his professor, and it seemed to work well when he used it on Odin, whose sleep was interrupted.

"No matter who wields this hammer, anyone who is qualified can obtain the power of the God of Thunder——"

The young man muttered these words in a low voice, and the hand holding Mjolnir was already wrapped in blazing golden flames. He wanted to use the purest strength to pick up this metal war hammer that symbolized glory and power.

The two violent forces continued to collide, and the golden torrent surged and rolled, like a raging flood about to burst its banks, hitting again and again the power hub of Thor's hammer sealed by infinite divine power - the core of a star that was about to be annihilated.

The invisible thoughts turned into light wind, raindrops, and threads, and penetrated into Mjolnir bit by bit. Under the indestructible metal shell, there was a huge and incomparable flaming sun. The overwhelming hot fire filled the field of vision, intertwined with it. With different forms of pure energy, various natural elements are mixed and mixed to form a stable and solid structure.

"The blessing of the gods?"

Sean's eyes flashed, and his thoughts continued to extend, following the complex and mysterious rune veins, passing through layers of blockades and obstacles, the obscure fluctuations rapidly changing, as if it was a password door that constantly modified data. , it must correspond to the correct fluctuation frequency of Mjolnir in order to be recognized by it.

As if sensing the intrusion of a strange aura, Mjolnir's resistance became stronger and stronger. The huge power it contained was like a monstrous tide, following the intruder's thoughts, a mighty wave. The will rushed into Sean's mind, crackling and flashing with lightning, like thunder and thunder exploding one after another.

The golden sun hung high in the sky, and the light shone through his mind. The flickering electric light could not shake Sean's spiritual will at all. Through this mighty will, he seemed to have touched the core of Mjolnir, and the golden light enveloped the beating body. The electric light penetrated into the central core of Thor's hammer bit by bit.

The fierce struggle between consciousnesses interferes with the changes in the material world. Thick dark clouds accumulate in the sky, and the free charges in the air beat happily, as if they have found a home, they are rushing to gather here.

Vaguely, Sean seemed to be traveling up the river of time and saw an uninhabited celestial body in the vast dark universe about to burn out and reach the end of its life. The star gradually disintegrated, leaving only the core. Floating quietly among the rubble, it was finally discovered by the King of the Gods who happened to be there. He picked it up casually and threw it into the huge furnace of the dwarves to cast the infinitely powerful Thor's Hammer.

"A qualified person?"

Sean smiled faintly, and Mjolnir, which was standing on the crater, was picked up casually. It was no longer as heavy and sluggish as before. The light hammer emitted invisible magnetic field fluctuations, driving the charge in the surrounding space, condensing it into Thunder and lightning.

This is the reason why Mjolnir is truly called an artifact. It has the characteristics of being difficult to destroy, super energy-containing properties, huge mass and the ability to control magnetic fields. Thor has only exerted a part of its functions. Became one of the most powerful people in Asgard.

The battle in the town became more and more intense, with the Sentinel Armor taking the initiative. With the speed of flickering movement and the control of the most powerful intelligent life on the planet, the Destroyer could only passively withstand the stormy offensive. The scorching ray that rushed towards Thor slowly stagnated in the void. The space channel was like a huge whirlpool, slowly expanding and opening, and a figure wearing golden armor was about to land.

"Odin!" A roar interrupted the arrival of the King of Gods.

A tall giant with dark blue skin flashed in the light and shadow. It was Laufey, the king of the frost giants who lived in Jotunheim. He was also Odin's lifelong enemy. After Loki learned of his life experience, he secretly met the frost giants. Colluding, the space channel in Asgard was opened and a large number of Frost Giants were put in to deal with the sleeping adoptive father.

The scorching ray paused for a moment, and Thor turned over to avoid the fatal blow. He raised his head and looked at the Destroyer who was accumulating energy, with a hint of perseverance in his eyes, and strode towards the center of the battlefield.

"Brother, no matter what I did to make you angry, no matter what the reason is for you to do these things, I am extremely sorry. Stop engaging in unnecessary fights. Come on! Take my life and end it all. !”

Thor's calm approach to the Destroyer stems from the proud character of the Asgardian prince, who does not want others to make sacrifices for him.

Loki, who was sitting on the throne, did not speak. He turned to look at the sound of fierce fighting coming from the back of the dormitory. The King of Frost Giants and the King of Asgard, the supreme kings of the two kingdoms, were engaged in a thrilling battle.

He closed his eyes slightly and sighed: "There is no chance to look back."

The Destroyer turned around, and before Thor could be happy, the giant armor raised his hand and knocked the God of Thunder away, and the hot fire that had been accumulated for a long time spurted out.

"Hey...silly girl."

Within Sean's sensing range, the female astrophysicist rushed into the battlefield, looking left and right as if looking for traces of someone.

Before that scorching light kills Thor, it will first penetrate Jane who is blocking the way. Sean doesn't care what the consequences will be if the son of Odin dies, but he can't just watch this outstanding female fragrance that he admires so much. Xiaoyu died.

"Hold it!"

A low voice rang in her ears. Almost subconsciously, Jane stretched out her hand, and a hammer wrapped in electric light fell from the sky and fell into her palm.

The metal warhammer does not seem heavy, but is handy. The bright electric light illuminates all directions, and gentle and powerful power pours into the body. Jane, who has always been intellectual and elegant, holds the hammer and raises it high to the sky. There are lightning and thunder, and dark clouds are gathering. It seems like the Valkyrie from Nordic mythology is resurrected.

The surging power came out of his body, blocking the incoming scorching fire. Jian seemed to be driven, swinging the hammer and hitting it hard.

The silver-white armor from God's Realm didn't have time to resist, but was hit by the magnificent power contained in Mjolnir. The indestructible metal body fell apart in an instant and turned into fragments.

The dark clouds dispersed, the fighting subsided, and the bright sunshine shone on the earth again. Jane stood there blankly, completely unaware of what happened.

ps: I wish the seniors who are taking the college entrance examination good luck in the exam (trying to be cute) ヾ(*ΦωΦ)ツ

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