Sentinel of American Comics

Chapter 168 The days away from New York (Part 1)

In the Basteque Building, Mindy opened the door on tiptoe with a small schoolbag on her back, her two ponytails swaying. The huge room was extremely deserted. Thinking of Sean heading to New Mexico, the little loli curled her lips and threw away her schoolbag. On the floor, then after rolling a few times on the soft carpet, he settled into the sofa like a hamster.

After resting for a few minutes, Mindy squirmed and crawled into the cabinet, found a few favorite movie discs, and finally selected "Lolita". Accompanied by the melodious music at the beginning, the little Loli finally got up and jumped up and down. Run to the refrigerator.

"One box a day." After reading the instructions on the note, Mindy pursed her lips. Although her little face was full of displeasure, she still only took one box of ice cream.

Then she ran to the locker dedicated to storing snacks, where a note was also posted: one pack a day.

The little loli's eyebrows were raised high. When she saw the cabinets filled with potato chips of various brands, Mindy felt a war between heaven and man in her heart. It was like two villains were constantly tempting her, one with a long face. The two devils with small horns whispered that since Sean was away anyway, it was a great opportunity to enjoy life; the other one said righteously that if the big devil found out, the consequences would definitely be extremely miserable.

Thinking that after the last parent-teacher meeting, her pocket money was halved, she was not allowed to play games for a month, and she was even deprived of the right to enjoy soda and potato chips. The painful and painful time was still fresh in her mind, and Mindy couldn't help but shudder. Shivering, he shook his head vigorously, took out a bag of original potato chips, stared at the bag of BBQ flavor next to him with reluctant eyes, and closed the cabinet door with great perseverance.

With the end of a movie, the bottom of a bag of potato chips was gone. The little Loli licked her fingers and lazily sat on the sofa. For dinner, she could order takeout pizza or call the housekeeping company to ask for a meal. Temporary nanny, if you don't like either of them, then go to the doctor's house in the science and engineering house upstairs for dinner.

Touching her belly, Mindy wrinkled her face. Life without Sean at home was too boring. She didn't want to go out alone, and she couldn't cook. She could only live on soda and potato chips.

However, intimidated by Sean's intimidation, the little Loli gave up the idea of ​​going to the cupboard to get a few more bags of potato chips. She was bored and lying among the corpses. Suddenly, Mindy got up and took out the mobile phone in her small schoolbag. .

She recently met a new friend in a pizza shop near her school. She was a poor girl who had run away from home. She was only a few years older than her. Since she had no change or identification, she could only stay in that small shop temporarily. helper.

"Gali, this is Mindy..." The little loli chattered a lot and hung up the phone with satisfaction after twenty minutes.

Perhaps out of the mutual sympathy between foodies, Mindy easily became good friends with the purple girl named Gary. While Sean was away, she could just call her to her home and have a game of her own. Their party!

"Hmph." Staring at the locker full of snacks, Mindy looked proud, "Anyway, I didn't say that others could only take one pack."

The little Lolita, who was proud of her wit, happily nestled on the sofa, looking forward to the happy days of being drowned in soda and potato chips.


"The world is changing. In the Age of Discovery, our ancestors crossed the vast ocean and arrived at the vast and fertile North American continent. After being tempered by blood and fire, they established today's prosperous and powerful free country... To this day, we The spirit and will of our fathers still float over this continent... We have become the protagonists of history, playing the role of reformers! Change means opportunity, and we should seize it!"

In the high-rise reception room of the Hilton Hotel, Tony was standing on the podium talking, his expression full of pride and confidence. Since devoting himself to new energy projects, this playboy has regained his vitality.

Today is the celebration party for Stark Industries to completely enter the energy market. After the last assassination incident, Tony knew that he had really broken up with those energy giants and oil tycoons. Even with the huge power of S.H.I.E.L.D., after some investigation Going down is fruitless, which shows how terrifying the forces behind these people are.

Just when Pepper was worrying about how to open the market, Koch Industries took the lead in extending an olive branch. This behemoth standing at the top of the energy industry actually invited Umbrella to cooperate in smart grids, and then planned to cooperate with Star Cooperate closely with Croatian industry to complete the upgrading of the energy market.

As soon as this news was released, there was an immediate uproar in the international futures market. Those speculators who saw the right opportunity and wanted to make a fortune were almost wiped out by the rapidly changing situation. In this competition for money and power, the winner enjoys a gluttonous feast and divides the delicious and huge cake, while the loser can only leave sadly after losing all his wealth.

When Stark Industries and Koch Industries reach a strategic cooperation, the top market will be destined to be gradually eroded by new energy sources, and Umbrella will follow closely. With the latter's extensive channels and energy network, it will effortlessly Able to capture the vast market of mid-to-low-end, most middle-class families in eastern and western and coastal cities are full of praise for low-cost and efficient solar products, saying that they completely solve the problems of home heating and electricity consumption.

In the foreseeable future, the old energy system will gradually fall apart under the joint impact of tripartite cooperation. Those energy groups that once dominated the world, guided the country, and can easily manipulate a small country, if they are unwilling to abide by the new rules of the game, they will undoubtedly They will all become losers eliminated by the general trend.

The atmosphere of the celebration reception was lively. The elites who could be here, maintain a calm demeanor, and have a graceful demeanor were all winners who enjoyed the fruits of victory. In this business game, they were in the right camp and chose Sta. A new energy alliance formed by Gram Industries and Umbrella.

"When we leak a little bit of residue from our hands, they are in high spirits, clapping their hands and laughing, thinking that they have joined the game of power and stepped into the sumptuous banquet at the top of the upper class."

After finishing his speech, Tony walked up to Pepper, with a trace of disdain in his eyes, overlooking New York shrouded in the night. The lights were bright, and the neon lights were connected together, like a sea of ​​light. Looking at the city through the glass, there was a faint glow. The meaning of blurred dream.

"I heard that there was a severe sandstorm in New Mexico. I wonder how that guy Sean is doing?" Tony smiled and continued: "It's a pity that he didn't even come forward on such an occasion. The head of Koch Industries, But I am very interested in him."

"His secretary said that he was stranded in New Mexico due to an accident, and it might take a while before he can return to New York." Pepper said softly.

With the rise of Stark Industries again, the new CEO's burden is much lighter, and thanks to the secret help of SHIELD, at least he no longer has to bear the heavy pressure from the Department of Defense.

Tony, who took off his steel armor, still maintained his confidence and pride. As a price for resisting military officials, he agreed to the one-eyed black man's invitation and became a scientific advisor to S.H.I.E.L.D., and recently officially joined as Iron Man. in.

The guy who calls himself the leader of S.H.I.E.L.D., Nick Fury, plans to organize and recruit superheroes to form a powerful group. This makes the cynical playboy quite moved and lets Iron Man lead a group of the most powerful people in the world. People, fighting criminals and saving the world are undoubtedly attractive.

"Well, Avenger, I like this title." Tony thought proudly as he took a glass of wine from the waiter's hand.

ps: So did you guess what the easter egg in this chapter is?

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