Sentinel of American Comics

Chapter 169 The days away from New York (Part 2)

At twelve o'clock in the evening, Umbrella's experimental main building was still brightly lit. For real scientific workers, they never differentiate between day and night. Gwen, wearing a white research uniform, walked into the door holding the documents. After verifying her work badge, she climbed onto the 24th floor, which was designated as a confidential area.

This is a snow storage area for biological genes. It is equipped with a strict intelligent security system. It must pass two verification levels of iris and fingerprint. If you want to enter the specially set up gene bank, you need to obtain direct authorization from Sean, otherwise it will be triggered immediately. alarm.

After Gwen entered the twenty-fourth floor, she stood quietly in front of the glass door. Her palm passed through the security scan next to it and directly summoned the virtual image of the Red Queen.

The little girl who looked like an exquisite doll appeared out of thin air, her eyes were cold, but her voice was full of childishness: "Welcome, Miss Stacey."

The bulletproof glass door opened automatically, and the Red Queen, acting as artificial intelligence, walked in front like a leader, the light and shadow changing like water waves, while Gwen, holding a pile of documents on her chest, followed step by step without saying a word.

"Miss Stacey, since you have Umbrella's A-level permissions, you can currently enter the monitoring area, archives room, snow storage area and data room."

Gwen was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Apply to enter the No. 2 gene pool."

The image of the Red Queen paused for a second, and then replied: "Your authority is insufficient. Please obtain permission from Mr. Sean Sipers first."

The blonde girl's eyes turned, and there seemed to be a flash of yellow light. She had never thought before that Umbrella's defense was so in place, and the various areas were reasonably divided. It could be said that it was loose on the outside and tight on the inside, except for the researchers who moved around. In the public area, there are also three laboratories that require permission to enter, marked with four colors. The white area is for free activities, the yellow area is for staff to enter, and the red area requires authorization.

As for the black area that most Umbrella researchers have never heard of, it is a private area belonging to Sean Sipers. It is impossible to sneak into it without his direct permission.

Gwen rolled her eyes and said to the Red Queen: "Enter the data room."

Maybe you can find some information you want there. Taking advantage of Sean Sipers' absence is the best opportunity right now. If you miss it, it will be as difficult as trying to sneak in.

After verifying the authority, the Red Queen confirmed that the target met the entry conditions. The mechanical door of the data room opened automatically, and the lights in it came on one after another. Rows of bookshelf counters storing paper materials stood quietly and neatly.

As soon as Gwen walked into the information room, the hydraulic mechanical door behind her closed immediately. Before she could notice anything was wrong, a thick and powerful furry arm picked up the blonde girl and pressed her roughly against the wall.

"Intruder!" The voice was rough and loud, like thunder.

The huge palm covered with thick black hair directly pressed Gwen to the hard wall. Under the sudden force, the blonde girl revealed her original appearance, a red-haired and blue-skinned woman.

"Who are you?" A chimpanzee, nearly ten feet tall and as big as a small giant, took off his specially made headphones, and his pupils showed human emotions.

There was a trace of panic on Mystique's face. She was unable to struggle under the absolute power. The huge chimpanzee was not like the beast in the forest. It was full of smoky smell. It only knew how to bite its prey and Based on basic biological instincts, Ruiwen could actually see thoughts and emotions similar to human beings in those beast eyes.

"Caesar, put her in cell No. 1 in the basement and wait until Mr. Sipos comes back to deal with her."

The virtual image of the Red Queen appeared again, and the artificial intelligence with a childish voice revealed a hint of contempt: "You think you can sneak into the laboratory just by relying on the simulation of appearance? Your genetic data is completely inconsistent with Miss Gwen Stacy. , after entering the twenty-fourth floor, the secret alarm was triggered."

"You'd better pray that you didn't do anything bad to Miss Stacey, otherwise you will definitely end up miserable when Mr. Sipers comes back."

Feeling the Red Queen's indifferent eyes, Mystique Raven trembled all over. Fortunately, she just borrowed Gwen's work card and let her have a good sleep at home.

"Okay, yes." The huge Caesar said in one word.

Then it continued to put on the special headphones, listening to popular songs from Billboard, and hummed a few lines from time to time. The huge sound tortured Raven's eardrums.

"I hate...bananas, burgers, Caesar wants burgers, and pizza from now on."

Before the Red Queen disappeared, the chimpanzee made his request like a child with dissatisfaction, although the words were a bit difficult.


Hell's Kitchen, a hotbed of crime and chaos in the past, has now been transformed. According to the latest report issued by the city hall, the crime rate this year has reached a record low. In the dark alleys and dilapidated streets, there are no longer coquettish street girls and gang members selling marijuana pills.

Every resident who lives in Hell's Kitchen knows that no one, no matter the gangsters or the newly arrived young man, dares to take a private job here. If you are reminded and don't know how to restrain yourself, then you don't have to wait until the next day, and the other person will become A cement column at a construction site or parts from a mixer.

The one who sets order and dominates everything is Mr. James Wesley in the Star Ring Building. Not long ago, he received a public commendation from the mayor, claiming that this real estate tycoon who is passionate about charity activities and public welfare has contributed to Hell's Kitchen. We have contributed a lot to its construction and made a significant contribution that cannot be ignored.

Matt Murdoch is walking on a crowded street with a blind cane. This lawyer who once devoted himself to fighting criminals, punishing evil and promoting good, now has a stubble on his face, and his whole body exudes loneliness and decadence. breath.

He has given up his vigilante career for a long time. Since Danny Rand's death, Daredevil has been listed as the most dangerous person on the wanted list by the New York Police Department. Frank the Punisher sadly left this neighborhood, and Luke Cage Choosing to return to her family, Jessica continued to work as a private detective. As if overnight, the group of street heroes who defended Hell's Kitchen's final justice fell apart and dispersed like flowing clouds.

Matt went to see Erica a few more times, but the former girlfriend who had transformed into the new leader of the Hand still had an extremely cold attitude. He could see that it was not just the influence of the black sky. Perhaps Erica herself had a hidden yearning for darkness, and it was just his wishful thinking that he wanted to bring her to the light.

Back in the shabby apartment, Matt collapsed on the sofa and accidentally kicked several beer bottles. The dusty table, empty refrigerator, and wine bottles everywhere on the floor all proved that What a bad life this lawyer has been having lately.

"Why do you people never bother to knock on the door?"

Even though his reaction was much slower, Matt still heard the presence of a figure in the room, with a slow heartbeat and staggering steps. The person should be an elderly man.

"Mr. Murdoch, long time no see." Mrs. Gao, who had disappeared, walked out of the shadows on crutches. "I have brought you an employer, this great being, who happens to be short of a capable assistant."

"I'm not going to work with a bunch of thugs and criminals," Matt replied coldly.

Even if he loses everything, he has not yet fallen to the point of hanging out with the Hand. Even if he cannot fight criminals and fight the evil Daredevil, at least he can use the law as a weapon to help those who have no money. Poor people who hire lawyers.

"Mr. Murdoch, I am not a villain."

An old man with silver hair spoke slowly. He was holding a silver cane inlaid with a skull and standing next to Mrs. Gao. Matt, who had astonishing perception, was not aware of it.

"My name is Mephisto, and I'm looking for a reliable knight."

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