Sentinel of American Comics

Chapter 198 Blooming in the midst of killing

"Ladies and gentlemen, I'm sorry to interrupt your enjoyment of the performance." The man wearing a white mask had an elegant manner and a slightly hoarse voice, like a decent gentleman.

He jumped out of the window gently and landed steadily on the ground. The huge spotlight in the center of the arena came directly over and shone on the young man who was walking slowly, like the real protagonist of this bloody dinner. . The huge space turned from silence for a moment to boiling and noisy. The buzzing sound waves rushed towards the face. The mercenaries hidden in the shadows pointed their guns at the guy.

Carrigan's estate has been in operation for a long time, and it is not without arrogant people who dare to provoke. There was once a local Romanian gangster who coveted the huge profits from the human trafficking business. After the cooperation with Carrigan collapsed, he secretly hired a group of Chechen armed forces at a high price. The elements, this group of cold-blooded thugs who gave the Russian furry bear a headache, rushed through the gate of the manor in groups on modified motorcycles, and bombarded every inch of the land with hand-held howitzers unscrupulously. There was also strong support equipped with heavy firepower outside. Almost comparable to the force equipment of the national police.

In less than a minute, they broke through the defense line inside the manor, causing heavy casualties to Carrigan's mercenaries. The Chechen militants had been fighting against the Russian army for so many years, and they were all top-notch in terms of tactical literacy or force coordination. The standard is far beyond what other rabble can compare with.

Five minutes later, Chechen militants broke into the manor. The local gangs in Romania issued a huge reward. As long as they got Carrigan's head, they could get a sky-high bounty that ordinary people could not imagine. However, it is regrettable. It was not until half an hour passed that not a single living person came out, as if they had been swallowed up silently. There was no fierce fighting or gunfire, and there was no sound of gunshots. They just disappeared from the world.

Afterwards, the local gangs in Romania were bloody purged, and the leaders were thrown into iron cages and fed to those terrible beasts. From then on, no one dared to challenge Carrigan anymore. The former mercenary leader should have become The largest leader of Romanian crime syndicates.

So when the young man wearing the white mask appeared on the stage, the distinguished guests in the arena were neither surprised nor scared. They even started shouting excitedly, looking forward to the next development of the incident, but no one thought that the other party Can walk out of this manor alive. As we all know, Carrigan's temper is not very good, so some acquaintances have begun to discuss whether this daredevil who came out of nowhere will be thrown to the werewolf as an appetizer, or will he be beaten? Cut off the limbs and give them to some powerful people with perverted tendencies to torture them.

"Your carnival ends here."

Sean walked into the iron cage calmly, and the werewolf twisted off the last challenger's head. The thick hair was stained with blood. It stared at the human who was seeking death, and its sharp fangs were exposed.

He slightly stretched out his palm, outlining a wonderful trajectory of sparkling stars, and a tiny ring gradually took shape. After many days of training at Kama Taj, it would no longer be like before because the energy was too violent and chaotic, causing magic. fail.

This is Sean's latest idea. Inspired by Kama Taj's magic system, he uses the spirit to forge a stable output tool to conduct the energy in the body, and at the same time uses his mind to forge weapons - this unique idea, Gained recognition and appreciation from the Supreme Master.

The young man put on the simple golden ring and pointed it at the werewolf running towards him. He communicated energy with his mind and constructed his body. The flame-throwing spear like lava suddenly took shape, setting off a billowing heat wave and directly detonating the whole place. The head of a beast!

Before everyone in the arena could scream in surprise, Sean released his thoughts and enveloped the entire audience. He used his powerful spiritual power to open up the flaming magic circles, and hundreds of flaming spears shot out from the darkness. It came out and penetrated the chests of the heavily armed mercenaries. It was like a judgment falling from the sky. The blazing heat burned the flesh and blood into ashes!

"...He who is on the path of righteousness, surrounded by selfish and violent villains, blessed with mercy and goodwill, leads the weak through the dark valleys, he guards his brothers and searches for lost children. To those who seek to poison my companions I will kill them with great hatred and overwhelming wrath, and when I take my revenge, they will know that I am the Lord.”

The manor's security system was easily breached by Skynet, and a passionate chorus came from the radio. It was Hallelujah from "Messiah". The majestic singing was mixed with the Old Testament passages recited by young people. , so that underneath the manor, which is full of darkness and sin, is filled with an unspeakable sense of holiness, as if you are in a chapel.

Mordo, who was traveling with Sean, was guarding the door of the metal fence. An energy-structured flame shield stood in front of him, blocking the metal bullets like a storm. In his hand was a machine gun picked up from a mercenary. , the clicking sound like a typewriter swept across, sieving the security personnel who rushed down.

The scene is violent and bloody.

The black mage listened to the chorus of Hallelujah and murmured to himself: "I execute God's righteous judgments!"

In the center of the arena, Sean stood in a huge iron cage. The rich and powerful who were preparing to watch a good show screamed and ran away. Amidst the passionate singing of Hallelujah, they were like a group of people shining into the sun. The devil is running around in embarrassment.

The luxurious clothes and calm appearance are like a delicate coat being torn apart at this moment, and the ugly side of human nature is undoubtedly revealed. When money and power cannot provide them with protection, these high-ranking dignitaries are no different from ordinary people.

On all four sides of the wall below the arena, metal gates were opened to both sides, and several huge werewolves rushed out with roars. Inferior beasts like them could not transform their bodies at will, so they were expelled and ostracized by their own race, and they were also unable to Accepted by humans, they are a group of poor homeless guys.

So Carrigan cooperated with the vampires and captured werewolves as a gimmick in the arena to attract more customers. Most of the Chechen militants were torn to pieces by these good dogs. Now, the former mercenary leader lets them deal with Sean again.

The young man smiled slightly, his mind turned, and the ring on his hand flashed with lava fire. The majestic energy was poured from the body into the ring with a structure similar to a transit station in a stable state. It looked like a miniature cross gate made of gold. Lin appeared out of thin air.

With the roar and explosion, a werewolf that rushed in the air was torn apart by the violent energy, with a shockingly large hole in its chest, and it fell. The remaining crazy beasts suddenly stopped their progress and shrank back. Go, but how could Carrigan, who was watching everything through the surveillance camera, allow this to happen? The collar around his neck burst into lightning, and severe pain rushed straight to his forehead. Their strong bodies bent down, begging for mercy. Wail.

"No one wants to leave tonight." Amidst the grand music, Sean seemed to be stepping on the drums, holding a golden cross Gatling in one hand, and dazzling firelight burst out!

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