Sentinel of American Comics

Chapter 199 The Evil Spirit Reappears

Electricity surged through the strong bodies of the werewolves. These beasts, tamed by Carrigan and the Vampires, could only roar crazily. Their blade-like claws tore out several bloody traces on their chests, and their powerful hind legs plowed the ground. When he came out of the ravine, his eyes were filled with blood, and he growled lowly at Sean like a wild dog.

Centuries ago, werewolves were kept as slaves by the vampires. It wasn't until Lucien, the great werewolf king, rebelled that he was able to fight against the vampires who were also descendants of Alexander. Now, except for the three major temples and Kamatai, The angels and demons expelled by Ji are the two kings on the throne of the dark world. Although they can only dormant in the Eastern European countries where dragons and snakes are mixed, at least they can still survive as a race.

The previous Supreme Mage Agamotto established three major temples with Kama Taj as the core, and developed mages and demon hunters. The good days of these dark creatures were over. The vampires of the old era used to be the protectors of human nobles. After the rise of werewolves, they also regarded the weakest humans as food. Unfortunately, with the development of the times, they were unable to truly become the masters of the world and had to be swept into the dust. corner of.

When the mage system was officially established, these dark creatures hidden in human society were completely cleansed. Faced with the cruel reality, the leaders of the vampires and werewolves were forced to put down their pitiful dignity that they no longer had, and knelt down to the supreme mage, begging. Peace and life.

The golden cross Gatling spit out fire, like the violent roar of a giant dragon. The werewolf who was driven forward fell to the ground with a cry, and a big hole was blasted out of his strong body. Sean put the energy-embodied weapon in his hand, cast his gaze on the squirming figure in the shadow, and said with a smile, "How long are you going to hide?"

The crowd in the center of the arena disappeared, and the rich and powerful were desperately looking for a hiding place, fearing that the young man who easily killed the werewolf would find him. Unfortunately, when he returned to the metal fence above the manor, a black man was killing people, bloody The violent scene shocked them. These panicked big shots were scurrying around like ants on a hot pot, trying to find a way out.

In the darkness at the end of the corridor, a handsome blond man carrying a luxurious cane walked out. The sharp-eyed guest saw the hidden secret passage behind the wall. He shouted and commanded the other party in a commanding tone, demanding Open this secret passage and let them escape as soon as possible.

The blond man grinned, with sharp canines showing at the corners of his mouth, and a cruel smile appeared on his pale face, "Why leave in a hurry, the banquet is not over yet."

His figure approached like a ghost and pulled over a trembling beautiful woman. His long fangs pierced blood vessels and his scarlet eyes were full of satisfaction. As a vampire from the Volturi family in Italy, the blond man thinks he is very stylish. According to common sense, blood accounts for eight percent of the human body, but he will only absorb one-eighth of the essence, which comes from the heart. and the mind, where human beings are at their purest.

The Volturi family has always been considered the royal family among vampires. Their strict requirements for screening blood are comparable to humans' demanding standards for top-quality wine.

In just ten seconds, the beautiful woman who was unfortunately spotted by the vampire as a dessert before the meal lost her luster, and was thrown away by the blond man like a pale doll.

"Trash that is not even qualified to be used as food." He glanced at the trembling rich and powerful with an indifferent look.

The bat wings spread out from behind, like a spinning knife wheel, setting off a bloody and violent killing!

"Human, no matter you are a mage from the temple or a demon hunter, you will not be able to get out of here today."

After dealing with the group of powerful and wealthy people who were like lambs to be slaughtered, the blond man stood above the private room, looking down at the young man standing in the center of the iron cage. The young man was wearing a pure white mask, carrying a gold Gatling cross, and was surrounded by several fallen bodies. The werewolf corpse underneath, combined with the chorus of Hallelujah that gradually dropped in voice, was full of eerie beauty.

Violence and blood are intertwined, and redemption and justice coexist, just like a dark-style religious oil painting.

"Breathe the last breath of air, you won't be able to see the sun tomorrow."

The blond man's bat wings contracted. As a high-level vampire, he possesses strength and speed beyond human imagination, plus an almost immortal recovery ability. Even the mage of the London Temple may not be a worthy opponent. .

"Maybe it will rain tomorrow." Sean said a cold joke. In the shadows from all directions, pairs of bloodthirsty and indifferent scarlet eyes stared at him.

The blond man snapped his fingers, like an elegant nobleman, a frenzied tide surged in the darkness, and countless bloodthirsty bats gathered into a crushing wave, directly engulfing the young man's figure.

These little cuties are his domesticated pets. They are extremely bloodthirsty. They once sucked an adult man into a mummy within twenty seconds. This is also one of the recreational activities that the blond man often spends his time. As an immortal species, vampires can sleep through deep sleep. To delay aging, you must find some special hobbies or fun in your long life, otherwise how will you spend those boring days.

"That loser Carrigan, I have to do everything myself." The blond man complained.

If he hadn't been afraid of Mephisto's power, he would have torn the dirty and disgusting former mercenary leader into pieces long ago. The lord of hell who can compete with the Supreme Mage will soon be able to truly reincarnate. Descend into the material world.

If the vampires and werewolves can get each other's protection, they may no longer have to fear the three temples and the supreme mage, and their era will come again!

The bursting fire interrupted the blond man's beautiful longing. With Sean as the center, strong flames burst out, like a fire lotus blooming. The vampire bats surged like a black tide and were instantly licked by the tongues of fire. Burn to ashes!

The golden cross of Gatling disintegrated and deconstructed, and a dazzling golden glow bloomed in the ancient ring made of energy. The young man gently opened his hand, and hundreds of magic arrays were formed in an instant. Densely packed flame spears were arranged in an array, attacking Targeting the blond man standing there.

"I'm very curious about how strong the recovery ability of high-level vampires is."

Sean's open palm clenched suddenly, and a violent energy reaction rushed towards his face like a wave of anger. The young vampire who was born in the Volturi royal family had a look of fear on his handsome and pale face, and was almost suffocated by the terrifying pressure. It was too much for him to bear. The bat wings behind him popped out like blades. Just as he was about to flutter his wings and escape, the raging fire light and the rolling heat waves came straight down!

Hundreds of flame-throwing spears, like a powerful cannonball, bombed the entire area indiscriminately, blasting out a huge deep pit in the land where the blond man stood. With the overload of energy, it was cast in the form of a magic weapon. The ancient ring disintegrated into stars and sparks of fire, and the thunderous roar slowly subsided. The private room above could not see its original appearance at all. The entire protruding platform was torn into dark ravines by the violent force, and it could be vaguely seen. I saw a bloody figure squirming.

"Ho ho..."

The mass of charred flesh and blood, which was almost invisible in human form, did not die. The strong vitality made this high-level vampire still struggling desperately, with fear flashing in his empty pupils, even though he was burned by the flames, almost Complete loss of visual function.

"Tsk, tsk, you are really tenacious, maybe worth using as experimental material." A demonic voice sounded quietly.

Sean was squatting half-crouching. He fiddled with the wriggling mass of burnt black flesh. Deep down, he was quite interested in the genes of the so-called immortal species. There were three blood descendants in Alexandria, the vampires, the werewolves, and the humans with recessive genes. They were respectively Have different natural strengths.

As my mind wandered, the roaring sound of the engine was faintly heard, and a hole was opened in the solid wall. The Ghost Rider, whose body was burning with flames, drove the Yamaha Devil with a ghost-faced skeleton and rushed into the arena in an extremely cool way. .

"You...are all guilty!"

ps: Not very satisfied, it’s so annoying, I don’t even have time to revise the article~

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