The flaming skull is billowing with smoke, the charred leather jacket is covered with sharp rivets, and a red chain is wrapped around the shoulder. The most eye-catching Yamaha Big Devil is like a dazzling battle from hell. The car is covered with cool patterns that make people unable to take their eyes away.

The high-temperature fire wrapped the cold metal, as if giving it a strange vitality. The blue flames spurted out from the exhaust pipe, and the front of the car was melted into the shape of a ghost-faced skull, swaying slightly, as if it was ready to attack at any time. The enemy charges.

"I feel... rich sin, like a torch in the dark night." The skull pulled off the flame chain wrapped around its shoulders, and the hoarse voice revealed hatred and disgust, "Your sins are unforgivable!"

The engine of the Yamaha Big Devil roared, and the rotating tires scratched an obvious flame pattern on the ground. Like a nightmare war horse with its head held high, the front wheel suddenly lifted up and leaped into the air in an unconventional posture. A streak of red light swirled around it. The chains of fire ripped through the wind and struck hard!

"Aren't you even given a chance to defend yourself?"

Sean tapped his toes, sideways dodging the flaming chains that were writhing like wild pythons. The poor vampire behind him, who could barely regain his human form, couldn't dodge at all and was directly entangled.

"Show mercy." The vampire who was born in the Volturi royal family begged humbly for mercy.

"Sorry, not for you." The vengeful spirit in the body laughed heartily. The Ghost Rider twitched the chain and pulled hard, burning the charred flesh and blood with strong recovery power into ashes!

With his eyes filled with hellfire, he cast his gaze towards the only tall figure standing in the field, Johnny Blaze restrained the crazy impulse of the spirit of revenge, and asked in a deep voice: "I am looking for a child named Danny. "

"What a coincidence, so am I." Sean smiled lightly.

Compared to Daredevil, who was dominated by the spirit of vengeance, the second Ghost Rider who escaped from Mephisto appeared to be much more sober. At least he could control his incomparable desire for sinful souls and try his best to maintain himself. consciousness.

"There are many people I'm looking for, vampires and werewolves, former mercenary leader Carrigan, hell lord Mephisto... the kid you mentioned happens to be on my list," the young man said calmly.

Modu came to his side. This black mage went on a killing spree tonight and tried a group of thugs who had committed crimes in the name of justice. There was a trace of solemnity on his dark face full of determination. In just one night, he had overturned his many years of thinking in Karma Taj. Demons were not the only ones in this world who could not forgive sins. If humans indulged their inner dark desires, they would be no less generous than the demons.

"Johnny Blaze, the London Temple has been looking for you."

Modu looked at the Ghost Rider sitting on the Yamaha Devil. The monastery under the temple had sent people to track the other party's traces, trying to find the person who combined the human and the devil with the help of the spirit of vengeance's keen sense of the devil. child.

"An alcoholic priest named Moreau found me. He said you can free me from this curse and get my soul back from Mephisto."

Johnny held down the flaming skull, and the spirit of vengeance kept bombarding his consciousness, trying to dominate the body. He pointed to Sean aside and said with difficulty: "Please keep this guy away from me. A little bit, that thing in my body simply regards him as a delicious snack!"

The young man shrugged and chuckled: "It doesn't have to be so troublesome."

He raised his hand and blasted a thick energy beam cannon, directly breaking through the thick wall above, like a red-hot knife cutting through butter, easily breaking through the solid reinforced concrete ground, and the light from above shot straight down. Shrouding Johnny, who is about to be possessed by a vengeful spirit.

"The dawn has come, now is your time."

The Ghost Rider was illuminated by the sun, and the raging fire gradually extinguished, and the flesh and blood on the skull recovered bit by bit. Sean and Mordo vaguely heard the unwilling cry of the vengeful spirit, and finally retreated deep into the host's body, and the flames The soaring Yamaha Devil, the coils of hell surrounding its entire body, has not been dimmed, and the ghost-faced skull conspicuous on the front of the car has twisted and changed, returning to its original appearance.

"Damn it, that guy finally went back." The stunt driver who once caused a sensation in the United States finally transformed from a skull into a human being.

The thin face is haggard and old, and the eyes are bloodshot. Obviously, every time the spirit of vengeance comes out, it is a big test for Johnny. If he does not control the crazy impulse of the spirit of vengeance, then he will become a A monster who kills wantonly in the name of judging sin!

"So have you found the mercenary leader who should go to hell?"

Mordu shook his head. He looked at Sean, who looked calm, and replied, "We let that bastard go."

The young man walked through the ruins full of rubble, with Mordo following closely behind. Johnny pushed the Yamaha Devil and left the manor through the underground passage that was opened. The light of dawn rose from the horizon, driving away the rich night. .

The vast manor standing behind the three people was once a terrible place regarded as a hell on earth, buried with countless darkness and sins. The rich and powerful regarded it as a paradise for pleasure, and regarded trampling on life and humanity as a pleasure. game.

"Why let Carrigan go?" Johnny saw that Sean was the real leader, and the black mage from the temple seemed to be just a follower.

"Of course I want him to escape all the way. When the leader of the Romanian criminal group finds that even vampires and werewolves cannot guarantee his safety, what do you think he will do?"

The young man looked at the rising sun and said with a smile: "Of course the bastard who obeys orders will find his master. Instead of relying on the Ghost Rider's perception ability to track the devil's breath in the vast sea of ​​people, it is better to follow the clues directly. , solving the source of the matter in one fell swoop.”

"Mephisto, he is the trouble that gives the temple a headache. The countries in Eastern Europe are infiltrated and ruled by vampires and werewolves to develop their power. The hell lord must not only want to be reincarnated. If he unites all the darkness Creatures, ready to defeat the solid defense line established by the temple and break the balance between the dark dimension and the material world..."

Sean paused, looked at Mordo, whose face changed greatly, and continued: "When Dormammu came to the material world to contain the Supreme Mage, the hell lord led a group of minions, which was enough to destroy the temple's many years of hard work. The business went up in smoke.”

Although Johnny couldn't quite understand what he heard, he could still tell that he was involved in a terrible incident. This was far from just some childish game where demons defraud human souls. Mephisto finally couldn't bear the long years of dormancy and prepared to Something big is going to happen.

"I have to tell as soon as possible..."

Sean waved his hand to interrupt the black mage's urgent words and said softly: "Do you think the Supreme Mage would have guessed it? She is already prepared."

"What we have to do now is to find Mephisto and send him back to his hometown!"

Mo Du was stunned for a moment, then nodded. He looked at the manor behind him and asked hesitantly: "How to deal with it here?"

This ancient manor in the suburbs is Carrigan's base camp. The hidden underground space probably houses a lot of werewolves, and maybe some vampires in hiding. As for the money and wealth stained with blood and filth, it is even more countless. .

"Mage, please remember that we are not God and cannot save everyone." Sean got into the black car that sent him here. "You can stop the evil for a moment, but you can't eliminate the darkness in people's hearts."

"Without a Carrigan, there will be other gangsters doing this business, unless you can establish enough order and nail all those vampires and werewolves, the powerful and evil-doing people, to the pillar of shame!"

Modu looked back, his eyes thoughtful, and after hesitating for a while, he chose to get into the car, while Johnny turned over and climbed into his car. Amidst the billowing smoke and dust, the three of them disappeared into the distance.

About ten minutes later, the vampires who were cowering and not daring to show their heads crawled out of the broken bricks one after another. These dark creatures hid in the shadows and did not show their whereabouts until Sean and his group left completely.

"Damn mage, we need to get their news quickly..."

The vampire's voice stopped suddenly. The vampire looked up at the flickering fire in the sky. There was a muffled sound in the atmosphere, and the rocket booster broke through the sticky air waves.

A submarine-launched Tomahawk cruise missile exploded!

Like a small sun shining fiercely, the blazing high temperature and terrifying lethality enveloped the entire manor!

The huge roar even spread to Sean and his group who were several miles away. Modu turned to look behind the car and could vaguely see a column of smoke rising up, like a mushroom-shaped cloud.

He stared at the young man with a normal expression and asked, "What did you do?"

“To execute God’s righteous judgments, as you said.”

Sean's eyes were calm and he held the steering wheel with one hand. The car speakers played "Moment of Peace" by the Papal Choir. The Gregorian chant was low and solemn, mysterious and magnificent, and the lingering echoes lingered.

The light of dawn shone on the group of three people, as if foreshadowing their journey.

ps: Dear readers, I don’t seem to like this kind of original plot. It may be because I am not sure about it. Although I feel pretty good about myself and I revise the article repeatedly every day, the data in the background speaks for itself.

I will end this trip to Eastern Europe as soon as possible. I originally wanted to expand my worldview or something (frustrated face~)

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