Sentinel of American Comics

Chapter 225 Violent Fighting

The hour hand moved back slightly, and Samuel Stern, who saw that the situation was not good, quietly left the warehouse while Blonsky was fighting with a group of mercenaries who were injected with Hulk serum.

When he saw that the ferocious and violent yellow giant still had an overwhelming power advantage over a dozen mutated mercenaries in the field, he knew that nothing could be done and he should retreat first. His side was at a disadvantage. Several mutated giant dogs had their heads smashed alive, and there were several corpses of mercenaries lying in the warehouse. There were also strange noises coming from the room where Betty and her group were being held.

Losing the hostage in hand is tantamount to losing the bargaining chip, and there is no chance of winning if it continues.

Samuel was filled with anger. He didn't expect that Sean was hiding his secrets. His own strength was far beyond everyone's imagination. This New York genius with countless haloes over his head was really well hidden.

The stupid and arrogant Justin Hammer also tried to get rid of the other party and embezzle Umbrella. Thinking about it now, it is simply ridiculous. The strength the young man showed just now is even more terrifying than Blonsky.

The mutated mercenaries controlled by the mind rushed forward crazily, holding back Blonsky. Samuel sneaked into another nearby warehouse, packed away all the required experimental materials and data, and of course the most important thing, could Bruce Banner provided a steady stream of serum samples.

This poor man who fell into Samuel's well-designed trap became the opponent's blood bank. His blood had to be drawn at regular intervals, and he also had to be injected with inhibitory drugs for a long time to prevent the Hulk in his body from awakening.

"Dr. Banner, we have to leave quickly." Samuel copied all the experimental materials and pushed open a dilapidated room in the warehouse.

Banner was tied to a simple operating bed, transporting various nutritional solutions to maintain survival. The other end was connected to many infusion tubes, so that the frantic Samuel could draw blood at any time and prepare serum samples for more in-depth research. Research.

"Sean Sipers... damn bastard!"

Thinking of how many days of hard work had been destroyed by Bronsky and Sean, Samuel's eyes were bloodshot and his heart felt like a knife. Among people, twenty qualified test subjects were created, but now they had to start from scratch again.

Banner has been in a semi-conscious state for many days, and Hulk seems to be sleeping. No matter how he calls, there is no response. For the first time, he is so eager for the appearance of the green beast.

Dimly, he seemed to see Samuel Stern's figure shaking, and intermittent voices came to his ears: "...I could have at least taken Elizabeth Rose as a hostage... If I had known better, I might as well have killed that woman... …”


The sluggish consciousness in the brain instantly seemed to be stimulated by something, causing a violent chemical reaction. Torrents hit the numb nerves. Banner raised his eyelids forcefully, and all the strength in his body was trembling, trying his best to call out The monster inside!

Anger filled his chest, like boiling volcanic lava. The figure shining with green light loomed in his heart. Banner pulled his vocal cords and shouted with all his strength: "Hulk!"


The lava volcano that had been accumulating for a long time suddenly erupted!

Samuel was shocked! He looked at Banner who easily broke free from his restraints. His thin body, which was caused by long-term blood pumping and bed rest, rapidly expanded like a balloon. The strong muscles with clear lines bulged and bulged, and those green pupils were staring at him!

"Listen to me and explain...Dr. Banner, I did all this out of good intentions..."

Samuel fell to the ground and spoke incoherently. He looked at the mighty Hulk, his mind full of doubts. He clearly injected him with a large dose of inhibitory drugs every day.

One after another, mental shocks continued to blast towards the green giant beast. Samuel struggled to death, trying to control the transformed Dr. Banner. If the Hulk could be tamed into a puppet in his hands, then all the losses would be lost. It's worth it!


In Banner's remaining consciousness, he kept mumbling to himself, and the mental shock from Samuel was like a stone hitting his head. Apart from bringing a feeling of dizziness, it had no other use. .

The Hulk staggered, like a drunken man who had drunk too much, and his steps staggered. Gradually, Banner's thoughts fell silent, leaving only the Hulk's fanatical anger.

Opening his green eyes, he only saw a weird-looking man with a big head, like a fly making a buzzing sound. Those mental shocks made Hulk upset. He roared, and the violent sound waves shook the warehouse, like a Small hurricanes stirred up the dust and scattered it.

He swung it casually, just like driving away annoying insects, and directly blew out Samuel Stern's big head. He raised his huge foot and then dropped it heavily!

With a soft "pop" sound, this little character who shouldn't have had so many roles in the first place, with endless regret and unwillingness, turned into a miserable puddle of flesh.

The Hulk didn't realize it at all. He just wanted to find the beautiful figure flashing deep in his heart. The anger that had been imprisoned for many days became an inexhaustible source of power in his body.

Like an angry bull, he smashed open the wall of the warehouse, and the ground shook like a wail. At this time, Blonsky broke the neck of the last mutant mercenary, and just saw the green giant beast running towards him. He couldn't help but The earth is filled with joy.

"Big guy, I've been looking for you for a long time!"

There was no time to think about why the Hulk suddenly appeared. Bronsky rushed forward, and the two huge bodies collided hard, setting off terrifying ripples of airflow. The powerful force shook the warehouse used to store goods. Bits and pieces.

"Remember me? In Brazil! Rio de Janeiro!"

The four thick and powerful arms were like the horns of a bull, pressing together tightly. The two sides trampled the ground to create fine cracks. The terrifying wrestling lasted for half a minute. Blonsky, whose fighting instinct was engraved in his bones, retreated and dodged. The Hulk suddenly lost his target, and his huge body lost its balance and fell forward.

Taking this opportunity, he rushed forward and pressed down on Hulk's body, slamming down with his giant fist like a hammer, like a violent storm that destroyed everything!

"You only have this ability..."

Before Blonsky could finish his mocking words, Hulk, who had been hit hard by several punches, raised his hand to block and blocked the huge punch. His ferocious face was full of anger, and his green eyes were shining with pure light. .


With one punch, Blonsky was thrown away. The Hulk roared and strode out with a violent momentum. The whistling air flow stirred up dust. Blonsky, who was accidentally hit, There was even more excitement in his eyes, this was the battle he longed for!

The two giants jumped high and collided with heavy fists. The huge repulsive force caused both sides to fly out and break through the empty warehouse which was quite narrow for them.

Hulk fell on the port pier, and his huge body fell on the mountains of containers. With a rumbling sound, he was directly buried by the falling huge box, while Blonsky stepped into the ground with his feet and plowed out. A deep ravine stopped the retreat.

A thick palm tore open the container. The metal plate in the Hulk's hand was like a fragile piece of paper. He threw out several huge boxes filled with goods and used them as throwing weapons to hit the rushing people. Bronski.

Blonsky, who is known for his hatred, hugged the crane parked at the port pier with both hands, suddenly pulled off the boom used to suspend the heavy objects, and used it like a baseball bat to smash the roaring container into pieces. The cargo poured down like a torrential rain, falling from mid-air.


The Hulk beat his chest, the rage in his heart growing stronger, and his explosive muscles seemed to grow in size again.

"I've always wanted to prove...that I am more powerful than you!"

Bronski exerted his strength with his legs and stepped on the hard ground to create two small craters. His huge body jumped into the air, and the lifting arm he clenched in his hand was like a stick, tearing the airflow and slamming it down!

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