Sentinel of American Comics

Chapter 226 Shocking New York

Pentagon, Department of the Army, third floor.

General Ross received a call from his officers. The long-lost Hulk was discovered near the New York port. The green beast, which was listed as a wanted object by the Department of Defense, was fighting fiercely with another huge yellow giant. Their strength was evenly matched, and it was hard to tell the winner for a while.

The general who got the news immediately saw the two monsters fighting fiercely on the video. The arrogant Hulk was still at a disadvantage for the time being. He was pressed down and beaten by the hateful yellow giant. The violent attack was like a violent storm. , hitting the opponent one after another.

Compared to Hulk, who is like a crazy beast, the yellow giant knows better fighting skills and knows how to attack the enemy's weaknesses. In contrast, the Hulk only relies on instinct to attack.

At first, the two sides could maintain an evenly matched situation, but as Bronski slowly figured out the big man's usual tricks, he beat the powerful enemy who had once embarrassed him like a sandbag.

Of course, this is not the incarnation of hateful Blonsky, who is strong enough to defeat the Hulk, whose power rises with anger and has almost no upper limit, but Banner himself was injected with suppressive drugs by Samuel for a long time, even after getting rid of the drugs. of imprisonment, but the overall combat power has also dropped by a level.

"Mobilize the troops! Lure Hulk into an open area!"

General Ross punched the palm of his hand hard, with an excited look in his eyes. In his opinion, every cell in Banner's body belonged to the military. This time, he finally waited until the other party took the initiative to send it to him. Of course, he couldn't let it go. Pass.

"Sir, the military commission has suspended the pursuit..." the secretary said hesitantly.

"I'm not going to arrest Hulk. Those two big guys caused huge damage to New York and endangered the lives of citizens. Do you expect the New York Police Department to deal with them?" General Ross waved his hand, his attitude was tough and there was no room for doubt. . "Hurry up and call City Hall and the White House and request the deployment of the Army National Guard."

"Bring the new generation of energy weapons developed by Umbrella and mobilize mechanized troops, all for the sake of the United States! We cannot let this monster continue to rampage unscrupulously!"

The general's voice was stern. He didn't know yet that his daughter was in danger, otherwise he might have sent troops directly to New York.

Soon, City Hall and the White House received notice from the Pentagon. The New York Police Department had dispatched the ESU SWAT team to the port terminal. However, judging from the destructive power displayed by the two monsters, it was obvious that ordinary fire attacks were impossible. cause some damages.

The entire application process took less than five minutes. General Ross was given the huge power to mobilize the National Guard and dispatch troops. After a short preparation, he boarded a helicopter. After the last presentation meeting, he was ready to give up and continue the pursuit. According to Hulk's plan, the green beast is really difficult to control, and if you want to capture him alive, you will definitely pay a heavy price.

Who would have thought that Banner, who had disappeared, would return to New York at some point, which made General Ross extremely excited. He had an extraordinary obsession with the Hulk and always wanted to successfully arrest him. For this reason, he did not hesitate to fight with his daughter. A long cold war.

Fortunately, Betty has been getting along well with Sean recently, which comforts the general. The issue of his daughter's fate is a big worry for him. In Ross's opinion, the young and promising New York genius has a better future than Bruce Banner, a fugitive criminal. Much more, so he tried his best to bring the two together just to keep Betty away from the latter.

On the road leading to the New York port, more than a dozen convoys filled with fully armed soldiers were like a long queue. They were filled with tough warriors with oil paint on their faces. They were well-trained and proficient in various combat plans. They were all Ross. Elites drawn from various armies by the general.

They are equipped with the latest energy weapons developed by Umbrella, as well as the M134 machine gun known as the "Vulcan Cannon", which has a terrifying rate of fire of up to 3,000 rounds per minute. It is difficult for any target to survive its firepower attack, and The infrasonic weapons customized from Stark Industries a long time ago can be said to be fully prepared. General Ross himself serves as the on-site commander, monitoring the action process through military satellites and drones, and mobilizing the Army Air Force for fire support at any time.

"The Hulk has entered the city, moving towards Upper New York at the western end of Long Island..." The helicopter hovering in the sky reported the Hulk's trajectory.

General Ross held the communicator and shouted loudly: "Use firepower to attract it. Once that damn monster goes to the downtown area, it will only cause more casualties... Where is the other big guy?"


The heavy lifting arm knocked the Hulk to the ground. The Hulk, who had nowhere to vent his anger, passively withstood Blonsky's violent offensive. This was the first time that the usually invincible green giant was attacked to this extent. Suppressed, there was no room to fight back for a moment.

Fanatic anger dominated his consciousness. Hulk was so suppressed that he could not lift his head. His pupils were flashing with a strong green light. He took a deep breath and his whole chest immediately swelled.


A huge roar like a loud war drum rose into the sky, and the sensational sound wave turned into a frenzy. With the Hulk as the center, an invisible shock wave was set off, spreading in all directions, like countless gunpowder barrels detonating, and the boiling energy was like a flood with astonishing momentum. , rolling outward in circles!

The huge tide formed by the sound waves was like a hurricane, overturning the stacked containers to the ground. The Hulk rushed towards Blonsky unstoppably, leaving deep footprints on the hard concrete road with every step, and the anger in his chest It was getting higher and higher, thick blood vessels were beating, and the extremely strong arm muscles seemed to explode. A heavy truck parked near the dock was directly hit and broken!

The green giant waved its hands and tore open the solid carriage. Its heavy body of 1,400 pounds was like a runaway train, rumbling towards the opponent. Blonsky, who felt that the Hulk had become stronger, felt in his heart He had a strong fighting spirit and ran into him without flinching at all.

This time, Blonsky did not gain the upper hand. The furious Hulk swung his fist and hit him on the chest with such force that he knocked the retired soldier who had turned into hatred to the ground.

Then the Hulk grabbed Bronski's calf and lifted the huge yellow giant into the air, roaring to the sky like a Spartan warrior!

Blonsky, who had nowhere to use his strength, waved his hands, trying to break away from the Hulk's grip, but he could not shake the stable palms made of iron. He was thrown out heavily, like a boulder falling into the Hudson River, splashing A high splash of water.


The beautiful figure that he thought about day and night still flashed in Hulk's mind. He raised his head and glanced at the helicopter hovering in the sky, as if he had recalled some bad memories, and his ferocious face was full of anger.

The thick legs accumulated strength, leaped into the air with amazing jumping power, and then landed heavily on the ground, crushing a car parked on the road. Shouts of surprise came from all directions, as well as the piercing bees of police cars. Ming, all this makes the Hulk feel noisy and annoying.

He was like a disoriented child, aimlessly searching for the illusion in his mind. The metal bullets ejected from dozens of firearms hit the Hulk's dark green hard skin like bullets without a trace. The lethal pebbles can't even leave a scratch.

"Hey, big guy, who gave you permission to walk around New York?"

A cynical voice came from above, and a red and gold steel armor appeared.

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