Sentinel of American Comics

Chapter 233 Registration Act

White House, South Lawn.

The broad lawn, collectively known as the "Presidential Garden", is lined with shrubs and trees. There is a pool in the center with a fountain spraying pearls and jade, which is several feet high. There are lush foliage planted on both sides of the south gate. The magnolia tree has a history of nearly 150 years and can be called a witness to the United States.

On a sunny and comfortable day, reporters from major New York TV stations gathered here with guns and cannons. Thousands of cameras surrounded the conspicuous platform where the speech was delivered. On it stood the spokesperson of the White House, who was talking passionately. The tone is nostalgic for the past of the United States while imagining a bright future.

After the long and boring official speech ended, the reporters cheered up. The camera focused on the bald old man in a wheelchair who was pushed onto the stage. Charles calmly faced everyone's gaze. His speech today will be broadcast to thousands of homes. tens of thousands of households, and then set off huge turmoil across the entire North American continent.

Perhaps as Sean said, the arrival of peace begins with taking the first step. If you want to change the status quo of mutants, you must make a certain degree of sacrifice.

"My name is Charles Xavier, and I am a mutant..."

The first sentence was like a boulder smashing into the sea, causing a turbulent wave. The flash lights kept cutting. Sean, who was sitting in the audience, watched all this silently.

"...Mutants are not unique individuals, they are a proliferating group. As nuclear dust envelopes the sky of this planet, human genes continue to mutate, and this is how we are born - mutants like you. It’s neither an incurable disease nor a curse from God, we’re just a step ahead on the road to evolution.”

"Due to the rejection and discrimination we have suffered, we have always hidden our identities. In fact, mutants are not uncommon. Especially in recent years, there have been more and more mutant children. This fully proves that we are indestructible, and at the same time, we are Existences that do not need to be eliminated. Because every mutant comes from among humans, there is no difference between the two."

Charles did not hold the microphone, and his voice resounded in everyone's mind. This amazing speech also followed countless radio waves and spread into thousands of households. Many newlyweds in front of the TV were filled with excitement. Concerned, if mutants really come from genetic mutations in the body, it means that everyone has the possibility of becoming a mutant.

In this case, who are they excluding and attacking?

A smile appeared on Sean's lips. When humans understand that they may be thrown into a class of exclusion and discrimination at any time, the hostility towards mutants will naturally be greatly weakened. This is the first step for the two groups to usher in peace.

In the animal world, lions will not accept sheep, and lambs will not trust lions. Only when the two realize that they actually belong to the same group, stemming from the potential hostility and vigilance deep in their hearts, will they disappear slowly.

"...We spend our lives hiding, afraid of being exposed to people's sight, the Cuban Missile Crisis, the Paris Peace Summit... There are mutants in every period of history, but we have never officially stood in front of the world, Announce our presence to everyone.”

Charles' eyes showed deep nostalgia. He still remembered fighting side by side with his friend Eric, constantly looking for compatriots to form the first generation of X-Men to fight against Sebastian Shaw, who was trying to promote the outbreak of nuclear war. , that was the time when I was most energetic and energetic, full of hope and confidence, thinking that I was about to realize the beautiful future in my mind.

But after that battle, he and Eric went in two different directions. To this day, it is difficult to prove who is right and who is wrong. They work hard for the same goal, and the former hopes to Concession ushered in peace, while the latter wanted to use violence to achieve their goals.

The professor and Magneto are still walking on the same road, but in different directions. In the end, they both reach the same goal by different paths, all for the future of mutants.

"My fellow mutants, my dear brothers and sisters, you may know my name, maybe you have never heard my story... But, I sincerely ask you today to come forward! There is no need to hide anymore. , no need to continue wandering, no need to be afraid of other people’s hateful or disgusting eyes.”

"We can also walk on the road with our heads held high, go to school normally, work, start a family, get married and have children... This is a right that we should have when we are born, and no one can take it away."

Charles looked at the young people in the audience, with a hint of longing in his complicated eyes. He hoped that his decision would be correct and not lead his compatriots into the abyss of destruction.

Humanity had failed him more than once, so the world's most powerful mind controller had to go through countless inner torments and repeated doubts before making this difficult decision.

"I will promise you here that mutants will not be subject to any malicious attacks. Washington, New York, Los Angeles, Chicago... you will no longer be aliens living in these cities. I and the White House jointly guarantee that mutants will Your rights and interests will definitely be protected, as long as you take the first step."

The loud and impassioned speech was like a pebble falling into a lake, causing ripples in circles. The mutant registration bill, which has been brewing for a long time and has been gaining momentum for a long time, will be officially passed today, and one of the leaders of the mutants, Charles Ze Vail becomes the first mutant to publicly identify himself.

Immediately afterwards, the younger generation of X-Men in the school came on stage one after another, read their names aloud in front of the camera that was broadcast live to the world, and signed the solemn bill authorized by the White House. This scene was instantly frozen, perhaps many years later. It will be included in the museum and tell future generations the hard-won peaceful history of mutants.

"My name is Ororo Monroe..."

"My name is Scott Summers..."

"My name is Jean Gray..."

"-I'm a mutant!"

Magneto, who was in the underground prison, stared at the TV screen and watched the whole process. After a while, he sighed and said: "Charles..."

This was an outcome he never expected. The old friend who had been fighting with him for most of his life finally chose to believe in humans, cooperated with the government, promoted the implementation of the Mutant Registration Act, and even issued a call to his compatriots.

"Can your innocence be exchanged for human kindness?" Magneto sneered, his low voice echoing endlessly.

If humans betray again, then the prestige and reputation that Charles has accumulated throughout his life will be completely destroyed. He will become a traitor among mutants and be nailed to the pillar of shame forever, allowing other compatriots to curse and curse him. .

The respected professor himself will also be burdened with heavy sins and will never be redeemed. He can only die in self-blame and regret.

This was an extremely risky gamble. If it were the previous professor, it would have been impossible to agree to it. However, after seeing countless futures in Sean's memory, Charles was forced to make a choice. He could no longer remain silent, at least... Fight for a visible future for our compatriots, whether it is a happy ending or a cruel end.

Magneto, who picked up the newspaper, lowered his head and pondered. Charles had already started taking action, but what about himself? Do you really want to stay in this underground prison until you die of old age?

Thinking of the choice given by Sean, the brotherhood leader frowned, and then sighed helplessly. Maybe he should make a compromise.

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