Sentinel of American Comics

Chapter 234 Protective Umbrella

The East Room is the largest room in the White House, large enough to accommodate three hundred guests, and is mainly used for large receptions, balls, and celebrations of various commemorative ceremonies. It has witnessed many important events in the history of the United States. The remains of seven presidents have been parked here, and the weddings of many presidents' daughters have been held here. Roosevelt watched Japanese sumo performances here, and Kennedy enjoyed beautiful performances. It can be said that It encapsulates the ups and downs of this country.

Sean pushed the professor in the wheelchair. The lecture on the Mutant Registration Act has ended. As the advocate of this time, Vice President Underwood has established a quite good cooperative relationship with the Mutant Academy. This man has sophisticated methods. Excellent politicians know how to show their sincerity.

It is not difficult for the government to promote the implementation of the Mutant Registration Act, give mutants a certain degree of fair treatment, and reverse people's long-standing discriminatory concepts, but it is just a little troublesome. How they treated black people back then, and applied that same method to mutants, there was almost no difference.

"What should we do next?" the professor asked softly with a look of exhaustion on his face.

As the leader of one of the two major camps of mutants, he was the first to stand up for this registration bill, which undoubtedly attracted a lot of attention. If the government directly enacted the bill, it would definitely arouse huge public opinion and resistance, but the mutants If people put it forward themselves, the effect will be very different.

"I will continue to advocate for mutants and exaggerate your unfair treatment for many years. The dark history of those who have been oppressed must first make some people sympathize. Human beings like to divide into factions and let them quarrel among themselves. Moderates and radicals Factions, racial elements, the Mutant Protection Association... a lot of camps will appear soon, and we just need to watch from the side, adding fuel to the flames from time to time, and guiding the situation."

Sean seemed to have a plan. As he said before, mutants are an indispensable and important force in his future territory. Rather than abandon them and ignore them, let the professor and Magneto continue. Falling in love and killing each other, causing countless troubles, it is better to integrate and utilize them and turn them into a good card in your hand.

"But Professor, you have to be mentally prepared. Even after hundreds of years, black people have still not received real freedom rights on this land. Similarly, mutants also need to go through a long and bumpy journey." The young man prepared it in advance. Inoculate the leader of the mutant academy.

"I understand this. We have been hiding in the darkness for too long. As long as we can see a glimmer of hope worth fighting for, that is enough." The professor said with a sigh.

He chose to believe Sean at the beginning. In fact, this young man did not disappoint Charles. No matter what the purpose, the other party did make a lot of efforts. Although this step was a bit big, it could be exchanged for the hope of peace. Then It is worth it, even if you have to endure a lot of suffering and frustrations along the way.

"Professor, use your reputation and ability to restrain the mutants, and I will also give enough benefits to let those politicians start taking action. There is one thing about this country that I like very much. Regardless of political games or racial struggles, in the final analysis, it is nothing more than It’s a money game, and the power of capital dominates everything.”

Sean pushed his wheelchair and strolled through the Blue Room, which was full of French royal style. The room was furnished with exquisite antiques and the walls were covered with gold-edged patterns, revealing a luxurious and elegant atmosphere.

"I don't want to use too drastic measures..." the professor hesitated for a long time and whispered.

The young man was not surprised by this answer. If the professor was a careerist who would do anything to achieve his goals, or a hypocrite, then Magneto and the human government would have nothing to do with him. This is the most powerful mind in the world. The biggest weakness of the controller is that he is soft-hearted and has the naivety of an idealist. Morality is the only shackle that imprisons him.

"Don't worry, this is a peaceful evolution, no one will bleed." Sean patted the bald old man's shoulder and said comfortingly: "I will let the remaining mutants see the benefits of the registration bill as soon as possible. ."

"Change must first start from the academy." The young man threw out his plan.

The professor put aside his worries and listened quietly. He was now the helmsman of the mutant ship, especially after Magneto and the Brotherhood disappeared, he was almost the sole leader of the mutants.

"Those younger children can continue to stay in the academy, allowing young people to return to society. They are not birds raised in cages. They need a broader world." Sean said. "Umbrella, Osborne Industries will provide a certain number of jobs. They can live a normal life. For young guys like John and Bobby, I can provide them with a certificate and recommend them to the State University of New York. Go finish your studies.”

"Secondly, Umbrella established a private security company under Umbrella's name. With the innate abilities of mutants, they can quickly become the leader after a period of training. The new company signed a long-term agreement with the Ministry of National Defense. Security treaty, joining the Umbrella Security Service (Umbrella Security Service), referred to as U.S.S., does not mean becoming a mercenary. They conduct joint operations with military units, and the instructor is former retired soldier Colonel Bronski."

Sean has planned many positions for the mutants. He has done his homework carefully and understands the thoughts of the young guys in the academy. People like Iceman Bobby who are eager to return to their families can get a decent enough job. Work, or go to a prestigious school to study; and for someone like Burning Man John who is impulsive and pursues power and status, joining the umbrella is the best choice.

When everyone can find their own place, the concept of mutants as a group will be gradually weakened, and they will assimilate and become a solid cornerstone of human society.

And Sean, who deliberately promoted all this, built a fence quietly and kept the mutants in it. This was the huge gain he got from it.

"Umbrella Security Force?" The professor whispered again, and finally accepted the arrangement in silence.

Sean pushed the bald old man to the balcony of the Blue Room, looking at the empty lawn, the lush trees were blooming, and there was also a magnolia tree planted by President Jackson in memory of his late wife. Now it has grown strong with the country. Grow and become a century-old tree with lush branches and leaves.

"Professor, we are ushering in a new era, which is full of changes and opportunities, but also brings chaos and conflicts. The power of science and technology has made human society continue to progress, resulting in the rapid rise of many new forces and battles between various countries. , the confrontation between various organizations, the collision between various camps... We need to establish new forces so that mutants can firmly occupy a place on this planet."

The bald old man lowered his head, with a complicated light flashing in his eyes. He remained silent for a long time before speaking out: "You said the same to Eric?"

"Slightly different." Sean replied calmly. "Your old friend Magneto pays more attention to real interests. He will not be willing to let mutants become vassals of humans, so I gave him another choice."

"Go to the distant African continent, where warlords are divided and the political power is unstable. There is enough space for the Brotherhood to show off its skills. This is also good for mutants. Magneto can wake up the human government and understand that you are not lambs to be slaughtered. ."

The young man held down the professor's shoulders. The afternoon sun was shining. He smiled slightly and said, "You are a symbol of peace and a beacon of light, while Magneto is a clenched fist and a manifestation of violence. The former makes humans put down their guard. The latter keeps the government on its toes and both parties work together to seize the future.”

"What about you? Sean, what role do you play in this?" The professor raised his head and asked.

The young man pondered for a while, and finally shook his head without answering.

He looked across the empty lawns and the continuous buildings, and seemed to see in the boundless galaxy, the ferocious cosmic overlord leading an army to attack. That was the real challenge he needed to meet.

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