Sentinel of American Comics

Chapter 236 New Home

"This is your private kingdom?"

Magneto, wearing a white uniform, climbed all the way to the top of Umbrella's main building through the elevator. This was Sean's private area, and not even Dr. Connors or Gwen would come and disturb him.

The leader of the Brotherhood saw at a glance that the young man standing in front of the glass curtain wall, as a veteran strongman among mutants, even though he was now a prisoner of the other party, he still maintained a proud attitude like a king and was unwilling to do anything. Begging for mercy from the enemy without dignity.

Ever since he escaped from the Nazi concentration camp and got rid of Sebastian Shaw's control, Eric Lancel secretly swore that he would never bow his knees to anyone again.

"As you can see, this is my kingdom alone, a private territory that cannot be infringed."

Sean turned around and smiled. He stretched out his hand to invite the old man to sit down. There was an ice bucket on the long table, containing two Munich beers. There were also fruit baskets and delicacies dotted around it, as if a sumptuous banquet was about to be held. Dinner.

"I hope such hospitality will not be disrespectful to your status."

With a gentle smile on his face, the young man said softly: "The Mutant Registration Act has been implemented. In just one week, more than two hundred mutants have been registered at the 'reception center' specially set up by the human government. , New York, Los Angeles, Washington, Chicago...mutants announce their identities every day."

"Under the arrangements of the government and me, they have obtained stable jobs and are also covered by social welfare security. They will soon be able to live a life like normal people."

Osborn Industries and Umbrella alone will definitely not be able to digest a large number of mutants, but with the Hell's Kitchen controlled by Wesley and the major factories under his name, there will be no problem even if the number of people increases several times. .

The government is planning to build a mutant community, and Umbrella actively donates, providing nearly 60% of the assistance funds. At the same time, it also brings in Tony Stark. Iron Man, who has not appeared for a long time, is not willing to lag behind and assumes the responsibility. A huge fee of 20%.

I believe it won't be long before mutants from the entire North American continent will swarm in. At that time, Sean can easily select and stuff young people with sufficient potential into the newly established Umbrella Security Team. Others will also have their own arrangements. The factory , schools, laboratories, etc.

Then introduce a few more capable guys to strengthen their control over the mutant population. In this way, almost all the mutants who were divided and disintegrated fell into the palm of his hand.

He is not a philanthropist who gives without knowing what to expect in return, nor is he naturally enthusiastic. The reason why he has been planning for a long time to win over Vice President Underwood and promote the implementation of the Mutant Watching Act, and now he has spent a lot of effort, is not only to obtain In addition to the professor's trust, it was just to hold this powerful force in his hands.

"Humph, this is all a good show directed by you and Charles."

Magneto snorted coldly, his face full of indignation, "I really don't know what made my old friend so crazy that he would trust a human... You are just like Sebastian Xiao, ambitious and cold. You are selfish and will betray the mutants without hesitation when the time comes! Sooner or later, Charles will fall into a situation beyond redemption because of you!"

"Is this what you say about me? Xiao? The Black King of the Hellfire Club?"

The young man curled his lips in disdain. Sebastian Xiao was just a mad scientist who wanted to realize his ambition by destroying the world. He found the key to the door to evolution from mutants, but he was unwilling to continue. After further exploration, he instead began to lead a group of mutants in an attempt to trigger a nuclear war between the two superpowers, thus gaining huge benefits.

A mutant kingdom that exists on the ruins of the ruins? It makes people laugh when they think about it. If this planet is involved in a monstrous war and World War III begins, will this be of any benefit to mutants?

Mutants are not capable of manufacturing parts on the assembly line, nor can they produce food and gasoline out of thin air. For them, annihilating humans is nothing more than digging their own graves. Only crazy people full of ambition would do this.

"This country will no longer have a place for you. The radical methods of the Brotherhood are outdated." Sean said calmly.

Magneto waved his palms as a habit. When he saw that the Munich beer in the ice bucket did not fly to his palm, he sighed and had to do it himself. Once they lose their innate abilities, the strongest among mutants are no different from ordinary old people.

The leader of the Brotherhood knows that Sean possesses the mutant inhibitory serum, and has this as a trump card. Even if he and Charles join forces, they may not be able to defeat each other.

"I agree to the conditions you proposed." Magneto said slightly depressed after taking a sip of cold beer.

His heart was filled with a touch of melancholy. He was originally prepared to show off his talents and lead his compatriots to develop their power, but who would have thought that Sean would come out halfway, causing all his plans to fail. Instead, he failed miserably and paid the heavy price of becoming a prisoner.

"Leaving this country is the right choice. It's time for the Brotherhood to get rid of the past. A new future is ahead. The Magneto I know will not be like an old man, immersed in the good memories of the past."

Sean's tone was calm. He also picked up another bottle of beer, drank it in large gulps, and stared at the white-haired old man. His majestic face had long been smoothed away by time, and the rest of his handsome appearance was smooth. Just old wrinkles.

“The history of the African continent is the bloody colonial history of European countries. In the 19th century, about 95% of the territory was divided up by the great powers, and resources were plundered for a long time. Even now, the developed countries use money and Materials continue to be harvested in another way.”

The young man explained his plan, "It was the paradise of Western colonists. Long-term ethnic conflicts, widespread tropical diseases, and environmental damage caused by industrialization have caused frequent wars and turbulent political regimes on the African continent. Although it is barren and poor, it is It has abundant resources.”

"With your power, you can lead the mutants to build a new home. Whether you play the role of a savior or a devil, everything is up to you."

Sean's eyes were deep, drawing a blueprint for Magneto's future. The Brotherhood needed a stage to display its abilities to the fullest. In a land full of chaos and struggle, it was up to them to establish a new order.

"Are you going to use this method to control us?" Magneto sneered, his eyes sharp, and the slump and old demeanor just now were gone.

"Let me take the brothers of the Brotherhood to Africa. I'm afraid you need to pay for all the materials, weapons and equipment, and medical supplies. Mutants alone cannot gain a foothold in a strange place. There are extremely vicious people there. Warlord leaders, primitive and backward tribal chiefs, military groups and mercenaries from various countries, if no one provides strong support, they will simply not be able to survive and develop."

"There is a warlord named Suowanda. I took over all his forces. These problems can be easily solved and you will soon be able to grow stronger." Sean glanced at the wary Magneto and teased: "How can the famous leader of the Brotherhood act like a hesitant coward?"

"Please make it clear, who is the prisoner who has lost his freedom? You can go back to the underground prison, and I can still choose another person from the mutants. Maybe he will be more obedient than you."

Magneto was speechless. Today was different from the past. He no longer had any bargaining capital. He sighed deeply. In front of this young man, even the most arrogant and conceited person could only lower his head.

The other party can always use tempting bargaining chips to make you his weapon. Although he knows that the Brotherhood is just a pawn to be used, the aging Magneto still cannot refuse this cooperation agreement.

He is no longer an energetic young man. His old face is covered with wrinkles. He has wasted too much precious time fighting against humans and professors for many years.

"Say goodbye to Charles for me."

The old man's eyes were full of nostalgia and sentimentality. Although they had been in opposing camps for a long time, it was undeniable that the professor was indeed his only friend.

When Magneto decided to set foot on the African continent, he and his old friends who fell in love and killed each other may never have the chance to meet again in the future.

"Don't worry, you will eventually get what belongs to you." Sean seemed to be chanting an aria, "I look forward to the brotherhood building a beautiful home in a utopia."

ps: Recently I saw a reader saying that I update every day. This is purely a rumor and has been handed over to a lawyer~

In addition, don’t the consciences of those readers who jumped to read it feel hurt? The number of subscriptions for that chapter of the boat show reveals the nature of your headline-making tactics ̄へ ̄

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