Sentinel of American Comics

Chapter 237 Loki appears

A certain scientific research base of S.H.I.E.L.D., a huge city with a top-secret location, welcomed its founder today.

A black helicopter landed on the tarmac with the eagle emblem. Coulson, who was wearing sunglasses, seemed to have been waiting for a long time. The rotating blades stirred up the strong wind, blowing his thin and dangerous hair.

Female commander Hill came out of the helicopter first, followed closely by Nick Fury, the top officer of S.H.I.E.L.D., with his black windbreaker fluttering.

He looked at his confidants and asked aloud: "Did Dr. Selvig bring him?"

Colson nodded and led the two visitors behind him into the main building. There was a conspicuous sign outside, "Dark Energy Joint Development Center". The building complex above is the living area and defense of scientific researchers. boundaries, and the underground bases developed with huge sums of money are the real core for scientific research.

This research base, which is like a small town, has tens of thousands of staff. A large amount of equipment and reserved materials are brought in through continuous transport vehicles. Teams of armed agents maintain strict patrols at all times. Under their vigilance and supervision, Under this, the absolute safety inside the base can be guaranteed.

After verifying the fingerprint password and going through several security measures such as facial recognition and iris scanning, Nick Fury arrived at the underground base. The three of them walked through the long corridor, and researchers in white uniforms walked by them from time to time.

"Hello, Dr. Selvig." The black director saw the nervous astronomer.

The other party was a top expert in astronomy and Jane Foster's mentor. Their group had direct contact with the Asgardians in New Mexico. Originally, Nick Fury planned to bring everyone back to SHIELD to conduct research. A short period of inquiry and monitoring to see if we can get more information about Asgard.

Unfortunately, Jane Foster and her student Daisy were both protected by Umbrella, leaving only Eric Selvig, who returned to the UK alone. Due to a secret research project of S.H.I.E.L.D. Fury asked Coulson to find this astronomer who was not accepted by the mainstream scientific community and was quite deviant.

"You are the one who brought me here? This place is like a maze. I thought they brought me down here to kill someone." Selvig smiled awkwardly, using this method to relieve the tension in his heart.

"I've been following what's going on in New Mexico and I'm very impressed with your work."

The black director waved Coulson and Hill away, and led Selvig alone to walk in the underground tunnel. The research conducted in this secret base was related to the important development of SHIELD.

"That's not all my achievement. In fact, Jane has done more. The 'Foster Theory' she is about to publish, the door to another dimension, these are unprecedented and great discoveries that can change the world..."

Selvig said enthusiastically, but the black director had a cold face, obviously not interested in these. When he heard Jane Foster, he thought of Sean Sipers.

Nick Fury didn't like the young founder of Umbrella at all. Although he didn't seem threatening, he always felt that there was a deeper secret hidden under his gentle young smile.

"Legends and history tell us that they are often two different things, but occasionally they have something in common." The black director took Selvig to the end of the corridor, where he lay flat on a workbench surrounded by various instruments and equipment. holding a metal box.

Nick Fury pressed his hands on the fingerprint locks on both sides, and with a slight sound, the box quietly opened. What is contained inside is a blue cube, kept in a special lead box, surrounded by four dark red pipelines, connected to the self-destruction device in the lower right corner.

"What is this?" Selvig looked confused. At first he thought the box contained some dangerous items or high-tech creations.

"Power." The black director said word by word. "This is a power beyond human imagination, and if we can figure out how to harness it, it could bring endless amounts of energy."

Selvig was hesitant. He was well aware of the dangers of dealing with the SHIELD gang. However, due to the curiosity and inquiring mentality of a scientist, it was difficult to refuse directly. Besides, he was taken to the underground base. Knowing so many secrets, do I really have the right to be unwilling to cooperate?

Suddenly, an invisible figure walked up to the astronomer and whispered in his ear: "This is quite interesting."

The man spoke quietly, his handsome face was covered with dust, he looked miserable and messy, and his fine clothes were torn to tatters, like a homeless man who could not return home.

Only those eyes were still full of sharpness and revealed a hint of evil.

This destitute prince of Asgard, Loki, who fell from the Rainbow Bridge into the dark abyss, came to Earth at some point. He is now a homeless wanderer. In order to avoid Heimdall's gaze, he chose Come to the backward and remote world of Atrium.

"That's a bit interesting." Selvig was driven by inexplicable power in his heart and said this with a smile.

Seeing that this Midgardian was indeed bewitched by him, Loki showed a satisfied smile on his lips. He looked at the blue cube in the box with fiery eyes. The magnificent halo radiated outwards, with vague and subtle fluctuations. It radiates out and interweaves with gorgeous light, making people unable to take their eyes away.

Greed and desire flashed in his eyes, and then Loki forcibly suppressed his inner impulse and watched Nick Fury close the box. In the ancient history of Asgard, there is a record of the origin of the "Cosmic Cube". The prince of Asgard knew very well what terrible power that little blue cube possessed.

Even Odin, the King of Asgard, regards it as the diamond in his crown, the most precious and rare collection, and places it in his dazzling treasure house.

Later, for unknown reasons, Odin abandoned the Cosmic Cube and let it live in the backward and remote world of Atrium. However, now that Loki has discovered it, he is ready to use this precious gem with endless mysteries as a bargaining chip for his turn.

The illusory image was walking in the underground base, and no one was aware of him. Loki, who was full of conspiracy and conspiracy, had already thought of a plan. There was still a broader world beyond the nine star fields.

With the help of the news from the Cosmic Cube, he can find powerful reinforcements. If he wants to fight against the King of Asgard and regain his throne, he has to seek help from outside forces. In the vast universe, there is a murderous man. The illustrious overlord of the universe.

Even Loki's adoptive father, the invincible King of Asgard, is full of fear of the cosmic overlord who brings endless killing and war. Odin once had the idea of ​​collecting infinite gems, and even made a copy of one for this purpose. Only metal gloves.

Perhaps he was worried that this behavior would attract the coveted eyes of the overlord of the universe. In order to avoid unnecessary conflicts and disputes, Odin resolutely abandoned this idea and only talked about it with young Thor and Loki in occasional chats. , the most powerful force in the universe, the six infinite gems full of infinite mysteries.

"Next time, I won't be alone."

Loki glanced back at the brightly lit and heavily guarded underground base, with a cold look in his eyes. Unlike his brother Thor, he was deeply influenced by Odin and advocated bravery and strength.

Queen Frigga of Asgard trained him to become an elegant nobleman who was proficient in magic and knowledge. He was good at pretending to deceive and weave lies, and he was well aware of various secrets of the Nine Kingdoms.

A gust of cold wind blew up the sand and dust, and the embarrassed prince of Asgard looked up at the sky, feeling hatred and anger burning in his heart, like a burning poisonous fire. He smiled coldly, and the illusory light and shadow disappeared suddenly.

PS: Sorry, the update is a little late (ó﹏ò)

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