Sentinel of American Comics

Chapter 243 Battle on the Highway

The moment the gunshot rang out, the surrounding time seemed to stand still. The high-speed rotating hot bullets were like a slow-motion picture flashing frame by frame. The air flow was like flowers blooming in the void, slowly coming from the muzzle of the gun that sprayed the bullets. bloom.

The faint smoke of gunpowder floated around, and before the yellow bullet casing fell, the metal bullet was already close to Sean's temple. He didn't even need a breath, his head would be like an exploding watermelon, and blood and brain matter would splash around. In mid-air, it became a ball of turbid and unpleasant viscous substance, and then life died and consciousness returned to darkness.

But unfortunately, this is not a western action movie, and Sean and Deadpool are not two cowboys fighting with guns. In other words, they are not characters in gunfight movies. If they are hit by bullets, they will bleed, be injured, or even die. . In this world filled with superpowers and non-human creatures, anything is possible.

Time resumed flowing, and the expected bloody scene did not appear. The high-speed rotating metal bullet had not had time to penetrate Sean's head and break the hard skull, but was squeezed by invisible force, as if it was stuck in sticky glue. Lose kinetic energy and fall.

"Wow, buddy, you turn out to be a magician! You look even more powerful than David Copperfield!" Deadpool covered his mouth in a pretentious manner and exclaimed in surprise.

Then he pulled out another large-caliber pistol from his waist. In the small car body, both guns fired volleys, and the roaring fire was continuous. What was even more frightening was that due to the extraordinary physical fitness of this mercenary gentleman, The recoil of the two large-caliber pistols had almost no interference for him, and the bullets fired continuously remained at the same level, like a long jet of flame.

Facing the roaring and exploding high-speed bullets, flames bloomed in the depths of Sean's eyes, like lava rolling and flowing in the center of the earth. The air seemed to be burning. The blazing high temperature rose and spread. An invisible force rolled up the airflow, which was extremely terrifying. The energy storm brewed and exploded, like a huge amount of high explosives detonating.


With a loud bang, the sturdy and collision-proof black car turned into a fierce flame that shot up into the sky. Sean was unharmed in the high-temperature flames, while Deadpool screamed and slammed the car door, using extraordinary reflexes to avoid it. The roaring waves of turbulent air.

Even so, the self-proclaimed greatest mercenary in the universe was still thrown away by the strong airflow and fell heavily on the guardrail next to the road in a large shape.

The night was getting darker, and there were not many cars passing by on the highway. Sean took off his expensive suit with scorched marks. It was obviously impossible to communicate normally with a psycho, so he had to take an unusual approach. communication style.

"Mr. Ten Million, your reaction is too violent. Why don't you just stand there obediently and let me chop off your head?"

Deadpool stood up in embarrassment, threw away the empty pistol, and drew two knives from his back. Since he became a mercenary, he has never encountered such a difficult opponent in his career.

"I am happy to be killed by the great mercenary Mr. Deadpool, provided you have this ability." Sean stood there with a slight curve in the corner of his mouth, "It is said that Deadpool is the golden name in the mercenary world. There’s no one he can’t kill, and now it seems like he’s not worthy of his name.”

"I am the greatest mercenary in the universe. When you see Deadpool, you will be embraced by the goddess of death, buddy!"

Deadpool screamed loudly, his voice accompanied by cold light, and the red figure suddenly arrived, as if his body was filled with strong explosive power, and a ray of silver light instantly struck Sean's neck, as fast as a lightning bolt.

Taking a slight step to the right side of his body, Sean narrowly avoided this almost perfect stab. His toes tapped the ground lightly, and his body was like a taut bow. He shot out with an arrow and suddenly crashed into death. In the waiter's chest, Peiran's huge power carried the faint whistling wind and thunder, knocking the nervous mercenary away.

"Dude, how much do you weigh? Over three hundred pounds? I feel like I was beaten up by a crazy bear!"

The mean voice appeared in Sean's ears again. Deadpool was like an unbeatable cockroach with tenacious vitality. As his collapsed and broken sternum healed quickly, he immediately rushed forward again.

The light of the knife cut through the night, like a cold light passing through the void. Deadpool swung the long knife at an extremely fast speed, and the blade stirred up the airflow, making a "whooshing" sound.

Sean did not use his ability to suppress this weird mercenary with excellent fighting skills. The blood in his body was flowing slowly, like boiling and hot rolling magma, roaring and activating every cell in his body. He liked this kind of swimming. The feeling of walking on the edge of danger and death, the surging desire to fight surged, like a ferocious beast opening its eyes and fangs, thirsting for blood and killing.

The two people were fighting at close range. Sean took tiny steps, like a ghost that appeared and disappeared at the same time. He was dodging the sharp blade light that suddenly flashed out of the darkness and the high-speed slashing blade in a very small space. A large amount of wind pressure was set off, the air flow was fierce and intense, traces were cut out of the solid ground, and sparks flew everywhere!

"Fight like a man! Brother, do you only know how to hide and hide? A real man should fight face to face! Hey, something feels wrong..."

Deadpool waved his two swords, and the cold light was like stars, blocking all of Sean's escape routes, like a large silver net intertwined with sword lights. Murderous intent surged towards him, as if the young man's body would be dismantled in the next moment. Eight dollars.

"Do you have this confidence?" Sean asked with a smile.

A faint golden light lingered on the arm, an invisible force field penetrated the body, and the space seemed to rise up with a large amount of water mist, as if it was twisted and deformed, and the hazy space was filled with bizarre and illusory scenes.

Before Deadpool could react, a sharp pain came from his chest. Sean didn't know when he passed through the blockade of layers of sword light, and the hand knife wrapped in blazing heat pierced the mercenary's chest. The flesh and blood organs were evaporated by the golden flames, without even a trace of blood dripping out.

"I heard that Mr. Deadpool will never die no matter how much damage he suffers. I'm really curious, how fast is your healing speed?"

Sean said with great interest. This mercenary who looked like a psychopath was indeed very skilled, but the most surprising thing was probably the self-healing factor awakened in his body.

Like Wolverine Logan, Deadpool has the ability to quickly regenerate and heal. This kind of perverted self-healing that cannot be killed, coupled with his excellent fighting skills, and his extremely troublesome talking skills, can definitely be called A terrifying and terrifying opponent.

However, it is precisely because of his talkativeness, his unparalleled venomous tongue, and his strong anti-hero character that Deadpool has always been difficult to be accepted by the public. At the same time, he is not welcomed by superhero groups. In the end, he simply rented an apartment and resumed his mercenary career.

"To be honest, I felt a little dizzy and even felt like vomiting. It was like I drank an entire wine cellar."

Deadpool's steps were shaky, like a staggering drunkard, and he put a hand on Sean's shoulder. The shocking hole in his chest gradually healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

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