"Ten million is enough for you to buy several wine cellars, even if you open your own winery, so if you want to make money for drinking, you have to keep working hard, Mr. Deadpool." Sean supported his steps. The staggering Deadpool reminded him kindly.

This mercenary, whose real name was Wade Wilson, was actually the experimental product of mutant gene testing. A scientist named Ajax—perhaps it would be more appropriate to call him the leader of a third-rate laboratory—successfully created this A guy who is always talkative and annoying.

Speaking of which, this is inextricably linked to Hydra, a group of Nazis who are keen on sabotage and conspiracy, perhaps because their leader, the Red Skull, is derived from the super soldier serum. Therefore, I particularly like to conduct various human experiments.

Brainwash Captain America's friends into the Winter Soldier, cooperate with Samuel Stern, attempt to copy the Hulk serum, and use the Mind Stone to develop modified humans... For example, this kind of business cannot be done any more skillfully, so mutants have great prospects. Hydra will naturally not let go of the experimental project.

Ajax is a scientist under the name of Hydra. At first, he was just a doctor's assistant with a sadistic habit. Later, for some reason, he was noticed by Hydra agents and absorbed into it, becoming the leader of the mutant manufacturing factory in one fell swoop. Number one.

Through unremitting research, Ajax found a way to transform mutants and created a special potion that used various extreme pains to stimulate the mutant genes latent in human DNA. Although the success rate was extremely low, This "trivial" defect can be filled entirely through quantity.

Since the mutant manufacturing factory is located on the outskirts of New York City, right under the nose of SHIELD, Ajax can't be too ostentatious and hang up a hospital sign of a cancer cure center to recruit those poor people with terminal illnesses, like this A terminally ill patient who is about to come to the end of his life will definitely not let go of any life-saving straw, even if he knows that he will take huge risks.

After deceiving those patients, Ajax used the special medicine he developed to continuously stimulate the test targets with various inhuman painful punishments, such as hypoxia, water torture, electric shock, etc., to put them into an extreme emotional state. , thereby inducing variant genes in ordinary people's bodies and achieving successful transformation.

Since each person's recessive variant gene is different, the effects achieved and the ability produced are also different.

Take Ajax, for example. This mad scientist used himself as an experimental subject, and eventually became a mutant through acquired means at the cost of losing his touch nerves. To put it simply, he doesn't feel anything. He neither feels pain nor tastes the joy of life.

Deadpool is an outstanding masterpiece of Ajax. Wade Wilson, who turned out to be a mercenary, unfortunately suffered from cancer and was then deceived into participating in mutant genetic testing. After experiencing various painful tortures, he obtained He gained the ability to regenerate, which is almost equivalent to immortality, and the cancer was cured as a result. However, in the process, his face and body were disfigured, his nerves were abnormal, and he became a chattering super talker who seemed to die immediately if he stopped talking. chatter.

"I feel like you cheated! Just like the protagonist in a game or novel, the author must have helped you cheat, right? Otherwise, why would you win the most powerful, handsome, and charming Deadpool in the universe!"

Deadpool, whose chest was completely healed, swore firmly that Sean had just used some despicable means, otherwise he would not have lost to a top target worth 10 million.

"Come again!"

With a strange cry, Deadpool's figure strode forward, his two swords rolled like silver light, like a big net that water could not penetrate, and enveloped the young man. Like the lightning-like light of the sword, even in the face of a series of bullets, Can deflect any shot.

On the highway at night, this bad-mouthed mercenary launched an endless battle offensive against Sean, sweeping in like an endless silver wave. A dazzling light would often erupt in the silent space. The two knives were brandished and thrust out from the blind spot, carrying a terrifying murderous aura and chill.

"That's it for today, the game just isn't fun anymore."

The pace of Sean's feet was steady and orderly. Although Deadpool had a strong body, even high-speed rotating metal bullets would be sliced ​​open by his rapidly swinging blade.

But for Sean, who is already beyond the scope of human beings, his movements are not much faster than ordinary people. The sharp sword light seems to be fast, like a silver lightning, but under the deceleration of the invisible force field, it is unbelievably slow. .

"You're out, Mr. Deadpool."

Sean suddenly turned around and kicked his leg hard to the side. The wind roared and the air flow surged. Deadpool, who had just moved behind him, became the target of the blow. It was as if he had hit him on his own initiative. There was a bang, as if he was being hit hard. The kicked football hit the bridge pier and fell out into a human-shaped silhouette covered with cracks.

"Goal scored!"

The young man whistled, seemingly satisfied with the powerful and heavy blow. He walked slowly in front of Deadpool who flew out, "Great mercenary, it's a pity that you can't earn that thousand." Ten thousand bounty, if you are unemployed, you can come to Umbrella, I am quite willing to provide a talent like you with a high-quality job with promotion potential."

"Sorry, buddy, you underestimate Deadpool's character too much. A job? Do you think you can impress me with money alone? As a great mercenary, I can't be bought with just a little money, and I've been busy chasing him recently. Kill a bastard!"

Deadpool stood up with difficulty and spoke in a serious tone. If the red hood hadn't blocked his face, I believe Sean would have been able to see the other person's serious expression.

"If you are talking about that bastard named Ajax, I can share some information with you. The bald agent who is willing to hire you for five million to kill me may be able to tell you his whereabouts."

Sean took out a business card from his pocket, put it on Deadpool's belt, and said with a sincere smile: "Don't be too busy rejecting me first. Who would dislike Franklin? Besides, I'm not a bad person, so think about it. Come on, Mr. Mercenary."

"Maybe I can heal that face of yours, or give you a cooler belt. I was expecting you to be able to teleport at first."

The young man stood up and got into the black car parked on the side of the road. Bronski, who acted as the driver, glanced at Deadpool and then looked away. Half an hour ago, he received a call from the Red Queen and drove over to pick it up. This boss.

"Hey, buddy, I really can't spend a little money, unless you equip me with a luxury car, like that short guy, a personal driver on call, and preferably a big house in the center of Manhattan. , the kind with its own swimming pool, otherwise I would never give in!"

Deadpool shouted towards the starting car. Even a weirdo like him was very surprised by Sean's actions. Who would spend so much money to hire a mercenary? Is there something wrong with your brain?

"Let's wait until you complete your revenge. Remember to call me boss then." Sean didn't look back, his voice lingering in the night sky.

The cold wind blew by, and Deadpool patted his abnormal head, looked around blankly, said "Boss", and then left with a strange smile.

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