Sentinel of American Comics

Chapter 255 New York is dangerous

On the road in Wyoming, a white RV was driving slowly. There was no one in the driver's seat, and only the car speakers automatically played soothing and sweet pop songs.

The night breeze brings fresh air through the car window. Outside is the endless hills and wilderness. The bustling city with tall buildings has long been left far behind. The roads are lined with lush evergreen trees.

"Mindy, we shouldn't have sneaked out." The purple-haired girl dug into the ice cream with a spoon with an uneasy look on her face. "If Sean finds out, we will all die miserably."

The little loli was wearing a hamster pajamas, rolled around in the carpeted RV, and then lay down under the seat to play games, like a round little animal.

Hearing the purple-haired girl's words, she jumped up from the carpet and said in a serious and earnest tone: "Gary, we can't always listen to Sean's instructions - Teacher Janet told me that women should Be independent so you don’t lose yourself! So let’s kick Sean out of the way and enjoy the holidays!”

The purple-haired girl licked the remaining ice cream on the spoon, her little head suddenly unable to turn around. They were originally going to attend a winter camp in Canada, but Mindy took her own initiative and took her to Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming.

"But, you used Sean's credit card to buy an RV, snacks and so many things... If we were independent, shouldn't we use his money, just like I refused the food my father gave me."

"Uh, haha..." Minty laughed awkwardly, waving her hands and explaining: "This is all a last resort. You have to know how much pocket money a cute junior high school student has, and how much pocket money she can afford to buy one." There is an RV, and I told you, we can try other... less friendly methods, but you won't allow it."

The little loli continued to retract under the seat, enjoying the iced Coke and potato chips that made people involuntarily happy. This is the real holiday!

The sky gradually darkened and the sun sank into the horizon. The RV automatically slowed down and parked on the roadside. The modified carriage was comfortable and spacious. A soft blanket was laid on the ground. A sofa and armchairs were fixed to the four walls. The whole was divided into two parts. The two floors look like buses you see on weekdays. The lower part serves as the living room, with a small refrigerator and some tableware, as well as a dazzling array of wine cabinets, and a TV hanging on the counter.

The layout on the upper floor is much simpler, with a large soft bed and a small wardrobe. The roof of the car is also designed as a skylight that can be opened at any time. If you want to try some beautiful moods, you can lie on the bed and look up at the stars. It must feel pretty good!

Simply put, this RV is like a small mobile apartment, which can be said to be a must-have for home travel - provided you can afford the high price.

It's a pity that a certain loli just used it as a temporary bedroom to rest in. She filled the wine cabinet with potato chips and snacks, and the refrigerator was filled with soda and Coke. She had no intention of getting out of the car to go sightseeing.

"Gary, what do you think that guy Sean is doing? Could it be that he has noticed that we are missing and started searching anxiously, while saying, 'Dear Mindy, I will never let you wash dishes or skimp on money again. It’s your pocket money’, hahahaha…”

The little loli who threw the game console aside suddenly stood up and laughed with her hands on her hips. It was so funny to think of Sean's regretful and guilty look on his face.



Jiali put down the ice cream in her hand, looking like she was hesitant to speak, and finally whispered: "Have you never thought about why the RV you bought can drive automatically without a driver? And when you buy things , the credit card limit is never enough..."

The laughter stopped suddenly, and the little Loli lowered her head in frustration, munching on potato chips to vent her anger. She thought that even though it was a rare vacation, she had to be driven to some winter camp in Canada by the cruel Sean. Mindy’s little face Just drum up.

"Hmph, you just want to kick me away. I have already seen that Sean has an ulterior relationship with that neighbor girl who is like a cow... Only superficial men like big breasts. Right, Gali?"

The purple-haired girl glanced down, then nodded repeatedly, expressing her agreement with Mindy's point of view.

"But why did Sean have to send you to Canada?"

"He said New York is the most dangerous place on earth..."

Mindy pursed her lips and muttered in a low voice: "Tsk, I'm not a child of a few years old. Will there still be aliens invading the earth?"

The purple-haired girl suddenly fell into deep thought. What if she was discovered running away from home and her father came to find her?

Maybe the earth will be eaten in one bite like an after-dinner snack.

He quickly shook his little head to get rid of this terrifying thought.

"Hey, Mindy, what are you doing?"

The little loli, who looked like a hamster, suddenly crawled in front of the purple-haired girl and kissed her unexpectedly.

"There's no smell at all, Gary, you're lying." Mindy looked directly at her good friend, "You said you wanted to kiss Sean because he smelled good."

"It's true, the smell on his body... is warm, like sunshine. It feels very comfortable, and it's as delicious as ice cream. It makes people want to lick it..."

There was a serious expression on her delicate little face. After hearing her friend's explanation, Mindy thought about it, then rushed forward and kissed her again.

"Gali, I want to taste you too..."

"Ah! Mindy...don't be like this...ugh."


Returning to New York, the Basteque Building.

The white arms were placed on the man's strong chest. The bed and bed were all messy. It seems that this passionate couple had another fierce battle after returning to the apartment.

The red-haired beauty who played Miss Scarlett, the color of lust gradually faded from her beautiful eyes. The seemingly soft and weak arm gradually moved and wrapped around the other person's neck. It only took two seconds to stop. In the short time she arrived, she could break the neck of the man she was sharing the bed with.

After thinking about it for a long time, her rationality as an agent still made her give up this plan. However, Miss Scarlett felt a little angry in her heart. She felt that everything happened inexplicably, like a blitzkrieg.

This... is incredible no matter how you think about it.

Next, we can only exchange for Sean's trust in the form of an intimate partner, and get more information about Umbrella and the other party himself. We must not let this bastard take advantage of him!

This guy is like a beast. The female agent thought viciously in her heart.

Even with her physical condition, she actually felt weak and weak. You can imagine how fierce and crazy the previous battle was, from the conference room in Stark Tower, to the balcony and bathroom in the apartment, and finally the main battlefield. ——The big bed in the bedroom!

"Honey, are you awake?"

Sean seemed to be disturbed by the movements of the person next to him, and opened his eyes. His tender and affectionate gaze made Miss Scarlett's heart tingle.

Hearing the man keep chanting the name "Scarlett" in her ear, the female agent looked slightly dazed. In the extreme joy, she couldn't help but temporarily immerse herself in this role, forgetting her real name.

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