Sentinel of American Comics

Chapter 256 News from Wakanda

African coast, giant marina in Salva.

Looking around, dozens of dilapidated old ships lay quietly on the muddy beach where the tide had receded. They were like the corpses of giants, exuding the aura of aging and decay in the lonely afterglow of the setting sun.

One of the ships, which can be called "brand new", barely maintains its youthful vitality. Like other cargo ships, it is not facing the end of scrapping due to disrepair or aging equipment.

Hundreds of black people were like busy worker ants, walking around inside the dimly lit ship. They neatly arranged boxes of guns or grenades and other military weapons in the cargo warehouse. Among them, you could also see personal rocket launchers and other weapons. Partner.

For the black people who work, the riveted and well-sealed wooden boxes filled with guns and grenades are no different from bread and butter, at least in Africa.

These weapons, which are not considered advanced, will be sold by the owner of the ship to African warlords or tribal chiefs, militants from Chechnya, and certain religious organizations that claim to fight for freedom.

Ulysses Crow is a black marketeer on the African continent. The items he trades are not just arms and weapons. In fact, this bearded man occasionally plays the role of a mercenary or a robber. ——The targets are usually expensive and rare antiques, or promising scientific research equipment.

What is a bit incredible is that this black marketeer, who was born into a military family, actually has a PhD in physics and is said to have studied acoustics for a period of time.

Of course, most of the time, Crowe is still a diligent middleman, reselling military supplies and making huge profits from them. Almost the entire African continent's warlord leaders, or leaders of small countries, mercenary organizations and multinational security companies, They have all had cooperation transactions with him to varying degrees.

This black marketeer has extensive connections and has many secret channels. Stark Industries, which has not yet transformed into a new energy giant, used to be his supplier. You must know that in the past, arms and weapons manufactured by Stark were printed on them. Often the price has doubled.

Especially those niggas who have little knowledge, they are like the nouveau riche, they can't figure out what is the best, so they always choose the most expensive one.

The mantra that Crowe often talks about is that as long as the money is enough, there is nothing that cannot be bought.

"...I don't care who lied to you. Anyway, I gave you six sets of short-range heat-seeking missile equipment, but in exchange you only got a shipload of rusty scrap metal. You must compensate me, otherwise I will provide you with more equipment next time." The missile will fly directly to your house!"

Wearing a pair of dirty military boots, Ulysses Crow walked back and forth in the office. His clothes were stained with the smell of machine oil. He had a saber stuck in his waist. He had a rough appearance and exuded a fierce and dangerous aura. He doesn't seem to be an easy person to deal with.

"Mr. Eric Lancel?"

Crow hung up the phone and grinned at the white-haired old man sitting in the office chair, "Sorry to keep you waiting for so long. You are a distinguished guest introduced by Mr. Wesley. I should treat you warmly, but business Well, that’s how it is sometimes, you have to finish one thing before you can have time for the next one.”

"Mr. Crow, I don't mind your neglect, if you can clean up your office a little before I come, even spray some air freshener."

Magneto frowned. The black marketeer's office was filled with a mixture of oil, sweat, and body odor. Coupled with the airtight ship cabin and the stuffy heat rising from the outside, it was simply suffocating.

"Frankly speaking, it is a painful torture for me to sit here and discuss business with you."

The outspoken leader of the Brotherhood gradually led his compatriots to migrate to Africa. Using the support given by Sean, he temporarily gathered the warlord named Sowanda.

However, if you want to occupy a place in the African continent divided by warlords and compete with the multinational security companies, large energy companies, and guerrilla organizations for territory and resources, it is not enough to rely on a few mutants, at least you must have enough Living supplies, arms, weapons and medical supplies.

These are all necessary conditions for establishing a stable base. Relying purely on plunder by force and lacking long-term resource support, no matter how strong Magneto's personal power is, it will be difficult to maintain it.

"This is an oversight on my part. Big men like you will definitely not be able to adapt to this kind of environment... In fact, I personally would also like to open a presidential suite in a hotel, where I can discuss business with you while drinking high-end red wine."

This black marketeer naturally knew who the grizzled old man sitting in front of him was - the famous Magneto, a veteran powerhouse among mutants. If the other party was willing, he could blow up this ship to the sky with one hand. Those placed in the warehouse All the hot weapons inside will turn against each other immediately and jump up to harvest the lives on their side.

Crowe is not an idiot who cannot see clearly the situation. In addition to having a group of desperadoes who dare to fight and fight under his command, as well as his own crazy spirit of not wanting to die, a clear mind is also an indispensable condition for him to be in the position he is in today. one.

"Okay, Mr. Crow, let's get back to the topic. As the most famous black marketeer in Africa, I hope you can meet all my requirements...weapons, military equipment, medical drugs, etc." Magneto covered his nose and waved He started to say.

He didn't want to continue to tangle with this slippery guy. It was crucial to get all kinds of urgently needed materials from the other party. As long as a stable environment was established, a beautiful place suitable for living and development would soon be created. home.

"No problem at all."

Ulysses Crow slapped his chest hard, and a smile appeared on his bearded face. Coupled with the yellowed teeth, it made people even more disgusted.

"Mr. Wesley is very generous. He settled the first payment before you arrived... Collect money to do things. This is the principle of my work. No one can shake it."

The black marketeer glanced at Magneto, paused and continued: "But I can do much more than that!"

The leader of the Brotherhood raised his eyebrows and asked casually: "Mr. Crow, besides reselling arms and supplies, do you have any other talents that you need to show off? For example, carving or carpentry?"

Even before arriving, Magneto had a clear understanding of Ulysses Klaue's information. As Sean's temporary partner, he also had some control over him just like Victor Doom in Latvinia. Skynet's low-level authority.

Purchasing supplies and talking about business are just a superficial disguise. If you really need these things, with the Rand Group's ocean-going freighters, it won't be a problem at all. The founder of Umbrella has never been stingy with his allies. At his level, money and power are insignificant accessories. Although Magneto doesn't know what the other party is pursuing, it is definitely not to earn money. Childish things like wealth or enjoying power.

When he was imprisoned in the underground prison, Magneto said that he saw a familiar shadow in Sean, similar to Sebastian Shaw, that kind of uncontrollable ambition. Compared with the dead Black King, This young man is even more unfathomable.

"Wakanda, vibranium."

Ulysses Crow, who thought he had seized the opportunity, spit out two key words.

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