Sentinel of American Comics

Chapter 277 Above the Clouds

one hour later.

Sean was sitting on a C-17 "Globemaster" strategic military transport aircraft. The back cabin was loaded with a large amount of stored Aihemann metal, which was a rare gain from this trip to Tokyo.

Yashida Ichiro originally wanted to use Adamantium metal to make a giant samurai armor, barely survive with the help of Hydra's life-support equipment, and then absorb the Adamantium metal in Wolverine Logan's body to obtain active self-healing factor.

Unfortunately, things went wrong and Logan, who was under the control of the Yashida family, disappeared. Yashida Ichiro's plan failed, and Hydra's alternative plan could only be implemented. In the end, this extremely luxurious Ahman metal armor became a The trophy in Sean's hands.

The transport plane taking off from the Yokosuka Fleet Base hovered over Tokyo Bay. The lonely island sank and only a few sharp "reefs" emerged.

A "Thresher" class submarine exploded. As a third-generation nuclear submarine, it was comparable to a conventional ballistic missile. Its huge power directly caused the island to collapse, sink and split.

Just like the explosion of the Russian K480 cruise missile nuclear submarine, it directly released a blazing high temperature of 3,000 degrees Celsius, instantly vaporizing the submarine and 25 people on the platform, leaving not even a trace.

The submarine that Mrs. Viper was riding on, even if it exploded underwater, still released huge power and almost set off a terrible tsunami. The destructive power stirred up huge waves and directly engulfed the secret laboratory located under the island. .

The entire island was hit by the shock wave, and the rock layers at the bottom peeled off, disintegrated, and fell into pieces. The debris was lifted into the air like a heavy rain, and then the island sank to the bottom of the sea within forty minutes.

Hydra scientists, Yashida Ichiro and his ambitions, as well as a large number of zombie experimental subjects and viral substances, were all buried under the cold and dark water, and no one will know about it forever.

"The perfect ending."

Sean leaned back and sighed softly.

The trouble-making Hydra was eliminated in one fell swoop, and the farce in Tokyo came to an end. Whether it was the Yashida family or other forces, they would only be silent bystanders for a short time.

In the sea below, the Japanese Self-Defense Force sent ships and assault boats and was intensively searching for survivors. The huge explosion obviously alarmed the top brass in Tokyo.

A "Thresher" class submarine exploded inexplicably near Yokohama. This will definitely make the Japanese have trouble sleeping and eating. They must investigate clearly. Unfortunately, Hydra's viral substances and test samples were all evaporated in the explosion. Almost exhausted.

The blazing high temperature is enough to evaporate and kill any tenacious virus cells. In the end, the Japanese Self-Defense Forces can only salvage the wreckage of the submarine and perhaps some rubble from the internal laboratory buildings, but nothing else.

In fact, Sean originally expected that Mrs. Viper would be forced into a desperate situation, jump over the wall, and directly spread the Ancestral Virus, and the vast Tokyo would become a hunting ground for zombies. Just thinking about this scene makes me feel emotional.

However, in doing so, the uncontrollable risk is too high. The technological barriers in this world are not strong. If the virus spreads and is not contained in time, it may create a "Marvel World Biohazard".

"I saved the world." Sean thought.

Erica successfully persuaded Yashida Shingen, and with the death of Yashida Ichiro, the grand funeral that shocked Tokyo became a reality.

As long as Mariko is controlled, Yashida Shingen can naturally take over the power of the family, and if he wants to stabilize the factions within the family, he cannot do without the strong support of the Hand.

I believe that it will not be long before, with the huge power of Erica and the Hand, infiltrating the Yashida family will not be a problem. Secretly controlling a large Japanese consortium is key to Sean's efforts to bring the Asia-Pacific region into his territory.

"Are you going to stay in Japan or come back to New York with me?"

Sean glanced at the silent Izumi Fangcun. The armed personnel in the laboratory, as well as the researchers and senior managers, all died in the hands of this seemingly petite girl.

No matter how much she looks like a normal human being, she still has an animalistic instinct. Once she falls into killing, she will be out of control.

Sean has been watching indifferently these past few days and has not restrained Fangcunquan's behavior too much. However, the girl did try hard to restrain the violence in her heart and did not indulge in hunting for food.

"I said before that I could restore you to a normal person... but I was actually lying to you."

The corner of Sean's mouth curled up slightly. How should he deal with the only ghoul in the world next?

The hooded girl trembled but said nothing. There was a sad look in the eyes of a human being who had regained consciousness. It was normal for a monster like her to be deceived, right?

Once the ghoul's identity is revealed and his true face is exposed, no one will accept him.

Fangcunquan, who knew this well, followed Sean not entirely for the illusory promise, but more to enjoy the feeling of belonging.

This made her feel good, at least she wouldn't be alone.

"Ahem, I'm not teasing you anymore. Why are you being so serious just to make a joke?"

Sean rubbed the girl's head. The reason why the ghouls, which are derived from the ancestor virus and mutated, crave human flesh and blood crazily is because the esophagus and digestive organs have been completely changed, making ordinary food difficult to swallow, and even produce Desire to vomit.

The extra cystic organs in the body need to eat human flesh to store Rc cells and increase their activity to maintain their own survival.

Ultimately, this is a complex disease caused by genetic defects, just like the vampirism spread in the Middle Ages - porphyria.

In that era when science and medicine were not advanced, if the disease was not well treated, the most severe symptoms would cause the body to become deformed, like a zombie resurrected in a horror story.

The patient's ears and nose will be "eaten" off, the lips and gums will be corroded, and the red tooth roots will be exposed. The skin will be covered with scars and become as pale as a zombie - which is actually caused by anemia.

In the dark ages of the Middle Ages, people suffering from this disease were regarded as monsters. In addition to their terrifying appearance, many doctors believed that blood transfusions could cure porphyria. Moreover, people who suffered from photophobia after illness should try to avoid irritating substances, such as The various properties of garlic have been amplified and spread, and it has become a vampire story in many villages and towns.

Over time, patients with porphyria were regarded as sinners cursed by God, real vampires.

"Okay, I do have a way to cure you. Come on, smile."

Sean said softly, with a hint of solemnity in his joking tone.

The huge transport plane passed through the dark clouds, and the pattering rain formed a curtain, covering the bustling city with bright lights below.


The girl's tight lips parted, revealing a barely bright smile.

PS: This chapter is very short, because there is a power outage at home, so just make do with it.

In addition, I have raised a flag before and said that there will be three updates in August. I will adjust the update time first ()

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