Sentinel of American Comics

Chapter 278 Shocking Change

The bright sunshine is shining at Tokyo Haneda International Airport.

Shingen Yashida, who got out of a Japanese luxury car, bowed respectfully to Sean who was about to board the plane, regardless of the shocked look of the driver behind him.

He had already learned the real news of Yashida Ichiro's death, and had also heard about the huge explosion that occurred near Yokohama. Yashida Shingen, who had learned everything through secret channels, naturally did not dare to show a arrogant posture.

The young man in front of him not only had a close relationship with the sole leader of the Hand, but he also quietly became the final winner. Whether it was his style of conduct or his decisive methods, it made people feel frightened from the bottom of their hearts.

As the eldest son of a large family, Yashida Shingen was very discerning and knew how to maintain a good impression. Not only did he keep his posture very low, he also prepared a gift.

"This is the little girl Mariko, who admires Mr. Sipers wholeheartedly. I hope you can let her do something around you."

Sean was a little surprised. The Japanese's moral integrity and lower limits were beyond imagination. Not only did the other party ask him to help kill his father, Yashida Ichiro, but he also gave his daughter to him.

"Mr. Sipos, please agree. This is the sincerity of the Yashida family." Seeing the hesitation on the other side, Yashida Shingen said hurriedly.

The rise of the family must rely on the support of the Hand, and gaining Sean's friendship is undoubtedly crucial. Not to mention handing over Mariko also has the meaning of being a "proton" to show that he has no different intentions.

"Then thank you for your kindness."

Sean shrugged. He never had too many sugar-coated bullets. No matter what Shingen Yashida's intentions were, there was a huge gap in strength between the two sides. It would be difficult for an ant to shake the elephant no matter what.

The two shook hands enthusiastically. During the whole process, no one cared about Mariko, who was like a puppet. Her father regarded her as a commodity, but Sean didn't care at all.

"I also want to have a beautiful woman throw myself into my arms..." Harry said jokingly while lying on his seat.

There was a gloomy look on that handsome face, as if he had woken up after a hangover, his head was groggy and he couldn't summon up any energy.

This young master Osborne was quietly abducted by Hydra and has been in a comatose state. Mrs. Viper wants him to reveal Umbrella's secret information in this relaxed state of mind.

Obviously she didn't expect that the young star in charge of Osborne Industries didn't care about anything at all. Apart from attending the board of directors normally, or flying around the world on a private jet to discuss cooperation, he paid no attention to anything else.

"I have evidence in my hand that Harry Osborne was drunk in nightclubs and sleeping on the street. If I show it to Daisy, you will have to sleep on the sofa when you get back." Sean chuckled.

When Harry woke up, he was surprised by his appearance, and then he made up an excuse that Master Osborne got drunk in Ginza, Tokyo, and was drained of his wallet by the escort girl and threw it on the street.

"How could I do such a thing!" Harry was doubtful about this. "After dating Daisy, I cultivated my moral character and stayed away from women. I was simply a model of a prodigal son turning back..."

"Harry, you know, sometimes the longer you suppress it, the harder it explodes. From a man's point of view, I can understand." Sean patted his shoulder and interrupted the other person's words.

"Don't worry, I will keep your secret." After a pause, he added.

Get rid of Harry's endless questions, Sean sat on the window seat, the plane slowly took off, the city was like a miniature model, becoming extremely small.

During this trip to Tokyo, a large amount of Ahman metal was harvested, as well as multiple samples and experimental data of the progenitor virus. I believe Dr. Maya Hansen will be very interested in this.

Hydra's initial idea was not to use viruses to create biochemical weapons. Madam Viper's initial idea was to create a drug that would enhance human genes. The subsequent zombies and ghouls were the results of research that went astray.

However, those failed experimental data were valuable in Sean's eyes. Umbrella had many gaps in genetic engineering, and Hydra's research data was enough to fill them.

The hooded Izumi Fangcun sat opposite. She looked at the snacks on the table solemnly, her eyebrows raised, and her eyes showed a nervous look.

"Bread..." The girl tore open the plastic bag and took a bite of soft and delicious toast.

"Chocolate..." followed by dark chocolate.



Fangcunquan tried every snack on the table and chewed and swallowed carefully. The rotten and fishy taste did not appear in the past, and the desire to vomit and nausea seemed to have disappeared.

"This is only temporary. I found information about inhibiting ghoul active cells from Hydra's laboratory, but if you want to truly return to normal eating conditions, you must undergo semi-modification surgery." Sean leaned against the porthole On the edge, he said lazily.

"Just wait to be sliced ​​and studied."

The young man threatened the girl in a playful manner.

This little ghoul who volunteered to become Umbrella's experimental material can be said to be a breakthrough in genetic engineering technology. The ancestor virus mutated, and while retaining the clear thinking of the test subject, both physical fitness and quality were greatly improved.

If bloodthirsty rage and the side effects of eating human flesh could be eliminated, it would undoubtedly be a perfect evolutionary direction. As a separate subject, it would surely excite the scientists who are waiting for food.

Sean closed his eyes, and the huge wings flew across the clouds, leaving ripple-like traces. The ripple-like clouds gathered and dispersed.


S.H.I.E.L.D., scientific research base.

This top-secret steel building echoed with evacuation sirens. Four hours ago, a burst of energy erupted from the deep underground experimental center, and the value continued to rise.

This immediately alerted Nick Fury. The Cosmic Cube is a safekeeping item of SHIELD, and its importance is self-evident. He could not tolerate any mistakes, so he rushed to the base as soon as possible.

"Dr. Selvig did not conduct the test. He was not in the room at all. The Cosmic Cube triggered automatically and could not be turned off." Colson reported.

All the black-clothed agents and scientific researchers in the entire underground space are packing their things and preparing to evacuate at any time. Helicopters and transport vehicles are coming in an endless stream, carrying important instruments, equipment and core members. These are precious assets of SHIELD.

"How long will it take for all of them to be evacuated?" Fury asked solemnly.

"The area will be cleared in another half hour." Coulson issued an early warning notice after he first learned that the Cosmic Cube was out of control.

As an experienced veteran agent, he is well aware of the necessity of preparing for the worst in everything. Once something unexpected happens to the Cosmic Cube, at least it will not cause irreparable heavy losses.

"Dr. Selvig, you have to give me an explanation." the black director asked.

In the empty underground building, only Selvig and a few researchers were left, who were working hard to debug and control the restless Cosmic Cube.

Bruce Banner, who was also involved in the research project, was sent out by Coulson as soon as possible. This guy would transform into a big green guy once he got angry. He was no less dangerous than a nuclear bomb.

"The energy of the Cosmic Cube is very active. Even if I cut off the power, it has no effect because it is an energy source in itself," Dr. Selvig explained.

The terminals of the laid pipes and cables are connected to a circular metal instrument, with a cube placed in the middle, shining with blue light and continuously emitting energy pulses.

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