Sequential Evolution

Chapter 577 Experimental Telekinesis

"The power of the soul can be easily transformed into mental power through the transformation of this set of exercises."

Lin Tianyi sat cross-legged in the gray alloy cockpit, with a broken dagger blade flying around him.

This blade was the discarded blade of [The Blasphemous God-Slaying Sword]. The blade itself had lost the blasphemous power of the gods, but its sharpness was not reduced at all.

Looking at the flying knife flying around his body quickly, Lin Tianyi was excited.

It turned out that this was the greatest effect of absorbing thoughts!

The thoughts of the gods can indeed make the soul extremely tough.

But the most useful core value is the speed of the birth of mental power.

For ordinary evolvers, the soul will grow slowly in direct proportion to the strength of the body, but the speed is quite slow, and without the correct release method, there is no way to form combat power.

In fact, before Lin Tianyi got this secret method, he could also control his soul power to a certain extent.

For example, [The Evil Star Shines] and the release of murderous aura.

These skills, when broken down, all belong to the mental power release techniques of the spiritualist.

However, if ordinary people do not deliberately practice the power of the soul, it is equivalent to untrained muscles, and they cannot reach the strength of controlling, moving, and affecting objects through external release.

According to the methods recorded in the [Outline of Attack and Defense of the Spiritualist], Lin Tianyi has now absorbed a large number of thought crystals, and the strength of his mental power has reached a very high level. As long as he follows the methods taught above, he can easily complete the driving of thoughts.

Maintaining the flight trajectory of the flying knife.

Lin Tianyi's eyes looked at Lu Lixi's water cup again. As his mind moved, an invisible force immediately controlled the water cup to float up.

"Yes, this method is indeed simple and easy to understand."

"As long as the mental power is strong enough, it's as simple as an adult lifting a dumbbell."

Lin Tianyi was so excited that he controlled the flying knife and the water cup to circle around him, as if he was a child who got a new toy.

"It's just two items, I don't feel any effort at all."

"According to the book, if an entry-level spiritualist does not have special spiritual equipment, he can only control a few simple flying needles at most to kill people invisibly."

"Now, with my spiritual strength, I wonder how far I can go?"

Thinking this way, Lin Tianyi controlled the water cup to fly back to the cup holder.

Soon, the cup fell crookedly several times and finally returned to its original position steadily.

Lin Tianyi's mind moved, and the whole person instantly teleported out of the gray alloy plane and came to the wilderness wasteland.

This is a wasteland, surrounded by collapsed walls and dilapidated buildings.

Perhaps because of the battle between Lin Tianyi and the previous cloud monster, there are a large number of newly collapsed trees and walls that were collapsed by the violent shock wave, exposing a large number of steel bars.

As Lin Tianyi activated his spiritual power according to the [Spiritualist Attack and Defense Outline] to drive objects.

Suddenly, a large number of rocks and even some trees around seemed to have lost their gravity and slowly floated off the ground.

Soon, with Lin Tianyi as the center, everything within a radius of more than ten meters seemed to have entered a weightless space, not being pulled by gravity, just floating like that, which was very interesting.

"Awesome!! I can actually control so many things? And I don't feel any effort at all?!"

Lin Tianyi was very excited. He had never thought of this new ability before.

Especially when he just tried to separate his soul from his body, he was blown by that ordinary wind and his soul was almost lost, which made Lin Tianyi even more surprised and surprised.

"It turns out that when the soul leaves the body, in order to stabilize the body, in addition to increasing the mass of the soul body and finding grip like the physical body, it can also exert a force with a moving direction by releasing mental power."

"Only in this way can the soul be stable."

"Otherwise, the soul itself has no mass, so it is easy to be blown away."

Lin Tianyi had some enlightenment in his heart, but his movements were more skillful. He wanted to try to see how strong his mental power was.

His eyes fell on a ruined wall on the wasteland, an exposed steel bar outside a collapsed building. Under Lin Tianyi's gaze, the entire steel bar began to twist, rotate, and stretch rapidly along the thread.

As Lin Tianyi's eyes became redder and redder, veins began to bulge on his neck and forehead.

The power of his spirit increased rapidly, and the twisted steel bar quickly turned into a sharp iron cone, which was twisted off from the solid wall, like a ham sausage twisted from the middle, floating in the air.

Next, as Lin Tianyi's mind moved, all the various stones, trees, and steel cones suspended in the air instantly smashed towards the position where Lin Tianyi's eyes fell.

There was an old building there.

There were loud rumbling sounds, and huge smoke and dust were flying around.

And the steel cone was like an afterimage, piercing around the entire building crazily.

Swish, swish, swish...

It didn't take long before the entire three-story building was pierced into a sieve.

His thoughts could actually break the steel bars, and the sharp steel spikes he controlled were even more powerful than ordinary armor-piercing bullets!

This is the true power of those crystallized thoughts!

Lin Tianyi was extremely surprised. Such an ability was really incredible.

Wiping the sweat from his forehead, Lin Tianyi suddenly turned his head and shouted:


Immediately afterwards, a figure behind him let out a cry of surprise.

"Jhin! It's me."

Lin Tianyi breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Lu Liqian being dragged and fixed in the sky by his own mind.

This little girl actually quietly touched the position a hundred meters behind him.

"How did you come?"

Lin Tianyi asked with a smile.

Looking down at her body fixed in the sky, Luli Qian kicked the air in surprise and replied:

"You made such a big noise here, how could I not come over and take a look."

"Put me down quickly, have you... awakened your spiritual power?!"

Hearing Lu Liqian's words, Lin Tianyi smiled at the corner of his mouth. As he stretched out his finger, Lu Liqian suddenly floated towards his position in the air amid the exclamation of the other party, directly Was hugged by Lin Tianyi.

Lin Tianyi's action made her face turn red, and the little tiger teeth at the corner of Lu Liqian's mouth raised into a smile and said:

"Akashi has repaired the aircraft. If we go well tonight, we will be able to arrive at Spark Company and spend the night."

Looking at the little kitten girl's blushing face, Lin Tianyi continued to use his mental power, supported her to fly and said:

"Okay, we can't spend the night here, so let's go."

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