Sequential Evolution

Chapter 578 Spark Company

If you use your two legs to travel the 2,600-kilometer journey, it will probably take half a year.

This does not include the bumps and dangers along the way.

However, if you fly, it will take less than 12 hours. This is because Lin Tianyi and others were attacked by cloud monsters on the way, so they were delayed for most of the day, which led to such a slow arrival.

As the gray alloy arrived above the Spark Company, the terminal signal radar responded for the first time.

The gentle voice of the navigator slowly came out of the radar, giving people the illusion of stepping into a civilized land.

"Dear head of the violent search team, welcome to the airspace of the Spark Company."

"The gray alloy you are riding has an exclusive route. Please slow down your flight speed and follow the route guided by the radar to enter the designated route at a landing speed of 200 kilometers per hour."

Lin Tianyi stood by the porthole of the cabin.

Together with Lu Lixi, they opened their eyes wide in surprise and disbelief, and kept muttering the unique praise of Yatan Star.

"Deyambisa (interjection), Mother of Life, this place is too prosperous."

The same goes for Akasi standing next to her.

The only difference is that as the second-in-command of the Auditor of Death, the first generation of synths, and the girl from the old world, she didn't say anything, but just opened her eyes wide.

Before arriving here, Lin Tianyi had imagined countless possibilities according to the blueprint of the pre-war civilization of this world.

But at this moment-

all these assumptions fell through.

Looking down at the Spark Company at night from a high altitude, the entire huge survivor settlement is as vast as the lush starry sky.

However, compared to the distant sky, the number of lights here is so many and so bright that even if you look down at the entire modern city from a satellite, it can't compare to this wasteland settlement.

The lights here are three-dimensional and bright. In the sky, a large number of surface buildings have aircraft anti-mounted lights.

The buildings are like towering obelisks, densely stacked, forming a dense steel forest, getting higher and higher from the periphery to the middle, until they penetrate deep into the clouds and the ends of the buildings cannot be seen.

Some scattered defense space modules occasionally light up with regular hexagonal lights, reflecting some floating turrets that look very technological.

It can be seen that the base buildings here have not suffered too much damage from the doomsday nuclear bomb.

At least from the large number of floating turrets, it can be seen that a large number of pre-war civilization anti-gravity devices are buried in the foundation here.

As the eyes look in depth at the entire survivor base, the entire open super modern civilized city, the overall building presents a mountain shape, the skyscrapers are gradually increasing, and in the center surrounded by the peaks, stands a towering "tower".

It is a building that is rising layer by layer and should only exist in science fiction novels.

Compared to the Burj Khalifa in the real world, this tower looks more like some kind of magical alien immigration ship, pointing to the sky with a vertical rise, ready to launch.

All-alloy structure, extreme futuristic technology.

Its volume is at least comparable to the hundreds of buildings surrounding it, and it is connected to the clouds, making the entire cloud look like its branches and leaves.

Lin Tianyi even couldn't help but worry that if the cloud monster attacked this building, it could penetrate the entire building and kill people directly inside.

However, the facts have proved that Spark Company has stood here for two hundred years and even continued the civilization more outstandingly.

Lin Tianyi couldn't help but say, "... This looks even more cyberpunk than cyberpunk."

"Cyberpunk? An adjective from your world?"

"I have indeed never seen such a great building, but compared to our Red Fortress, this Spark Company is more like a new science and technology city."

Hearing Lu Lixi's words, Akasi couldn't help but say:

"Spark Company has indeed inherited most of the resources of the pre-station civilization."

"It is said that one month before the outbreak of the doomsday, this huge urban settlement, with the gimmick of not fearing nuclear radiation clouds and standing in the doomsday to live a normal life, absorbed more than seven layers of scientific and technological talents and wealthy people from the entire Yatan Star."

"Not only that, 20 years before the nuclear bomb fell, all kinds of precious resources, high-tech documents, and necessary collections of books were transported here and hidden underground with the declaration of continuing human civilization."

"I see."

"That's really... awesome."

Lin Tianyi, who stood by the window, didn't speak for a long time, and finally all his feelings turned into a sigh.

The gap between people is fully reflected here.

Poor people can only let the nuclear bombs do the damage.

And the culprit who destroyed the world even enjoys more abundant resources here.

This is too cruel and too realistic.

However, the world is like this, naked, cannibalistic, and without any mercy.

Compared with Spark Company, the existence of the Audit Death God, which only conducts biological human synthesis and studies mechanical immortality, is more acceptable.

The further forward, the more people can feel the pressure of approaching, as well as the prosperity and majesty of the giant city.

Long strips of passages connect the buildings, densely packed like a spider web.

Because the anti-gravity device is intact, a large number of track gliders can move freely without the help of bridges, just relying on complex annular apertures.

Some maglev cars and drones transporting materials are transporting pedestrians and goods according to the tracks set by the program.

Tiny black dots are traveling in the gaps between buildings. There are cargo drones and suspended aircraft cruising along fixed tracks.

What surprised Lin Tianyi the most was the foundation of the entire city.

The foundation here is like a huge cake, which was pulled out of the ground by people to form a neat bulge. The plateau of more than 150 meters has become a natural barrier for Spark Company.

Most of the natural disasters, beast tides, wanderers, sandstorms, and man-made waves are isolated by this huge drop.

And the sewage of the entire city is discharged into the gullies of the plain with a huge drop from a large number of pipes extending from the periphery of this cake-like plain!

It is said that there are actually many shelters around here. They all rely on picking up the pre-war civilization garbage abandoned by the Spark Company, making or disassembling the usable parts, and exporting clothes, metals, chips, ammunition, metal prostheses removed from old robots, etc. to the surrounding areas.

Following the guidance of Lin Tianyi and others at the terminal, the gray alloy aircraft slowly approached the edge of the city, as small as a bird landing on the technological plateau.

"We are here, ready to land!"

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