Sequential Evolution

Chapter 58 Battery Car

It turns out that the reason Gandalf Asimov was so interested in this girl's disappearance was because it involved the daughter of a big shot in the Church of Storms.

Searching the memories in his mind, Lin Tianyi quickly found information about the priest Mourinho.

Mourinho seems to be the head of the Church of Storm in Ghent.

His daughter Aisha, 20 years old, came to the capital, Intis, to study.

A month ago, Elsa accompanied her roommate to a dance held by Hydra Leo, the youngest son of Viscount Hydra. She returned to the apartment that night and disappeared mysteriously a few days later.

Lin Tianyi steadily took the heavy bag of gold pounds and solemnly promised Asimov, the captain of the punishment team:

"As you wish, my lord."

Asimov showed a slight smile on his broad Chinese character face, nodded and said:

"Go! Go back and have a rest. If anything happens, we'll talk about it tomorrow."


The two people left the Church of Storms headquarters and did not start communicating until they could no longer see any of their fellow punishers.

"The rewards for side missions are more generous than those for main missions, and they cannot be refused. This is not a good thing! Xuantian's disciple spoke nervously, with sorrow in his eyes.

Lin Tianyi was also silent. Based on the experiences summed up by other senior evolvers in various dungeon missions he saw on the forum, during the evolution trial process, once such a side mission appears, it will inevitably lead to a narrow escape. Of course, correspondingly, The rewards are also immeasurably rich.

"We'll make peace with it now. We can only take it one step at a time. Our current power level is still too low. Once we encounter extraordinary events involving evil gods, it's best to stay away."

Xuantian's disciples immediately recognized Lin Tianyi's idea and asked:

"What do we do now?"

Lin Tianyi looked at the still dark night and replied:

"Should we go to your house or mine? Let's sort out the information we currently know and discuss where to start the mission."

While he was talking to Lin Tianyi, Xuantian's disciple gradually became shorter and shorter, and the dark blue punisher coat he was wearing was put into his backpack.

Looking at Xuantian's disciple who turned into an animal again, Lin Tianyi asked:

"Why has it changed again?"

Xuantian's disciple said helplessly: "My transformation is my business. Can your schizophrenic body be picked up by me as soon as I transform?"

Looking at the other Lin Tianyi who appeared again at some unknown time, his body actually reached out and rubbed the head of Xuantian's disciple who had turned into a little raccoon.

"I have wanted to touch a little raccoon since I was a child, and today is a dream come true."

"I should turn into a porcupine next time. Damn it! Where are you touching? Take your hands away! Give your hands to Master Dao and let me take them away! Otherwise, I will strike you with lightning from my palm!"

Lin Tianyi nodded in agreement, put the Taoist who was constantly kicking him on the ground, and said with a smile:

"If you don't change, won't I stop touching you?"

Xuantian's disciple, who was full of shame, explained:

"It's really difficult to adapt to digesting potions. Since this mission is so difficult, we still have to adapt to this power as soon as possible."

"And... it feels amazing to be an animal."

Lin Tianyi had a vague understanding and asked:

"Visual vision, hearing, and smell have all been enhanced accordingly?"

Xuantian's disciples nodded solemnly, drew inferences from one instance and said:

"Except for my consciousness, I feel that everything has completely turned into an animal. If I can use this power well and turn into a magic wolf, a giant dragon, or some extraordinary creatures, my attack methods will become Very diverse.”

"More testing is needed."

After accepting Xuantian's disciple's explanation, Lin Tianyi asked:

"You haven't answered the question just now. Are you going to your house or mine?"

Disciple Xuantian thought for a moment and said:

"Of course it would be best to go to my house. According to my memory, Abys seems to have done a lot of research, and he has the habit of writing a diary. Based on the contents of the diary, I can trigger more memories and work on our next mission. It was of considerable help.”

Hearing what Xuantian's disciple said, Lin Tianyi knew that there was something more to come.

"It's just that it's late at night now, and there are no public carriages to ride on. My family's suburban manor is located in Intis. Even if we run quickly, I'm afraid we will have to run non-stop for more than two hours."

The schizophrenia potion seemed to have a considerable impact on Lin Tianyi's condition. After Xuantian's disciple finished speaking, he answered naturally:

"You can turn into a horse! If I ride you and run over, won't the time be shortened?"

During the first dungeon mission, Xuantian disciples met Lin Tianyi, and the two of them chatted several times in the Evolution Palace. Therefore, although Xuantian disciples were not familiar with Lin Tianyi, they knew that, The other party's mental state was definitely affected by the potion, so he was too lazy to get to know Lin Tianyi who had taken the [Psychotic Patient] potion.

"Go to your house. Wait until dawn, and then we will take the carriage to my house."

Lin Tianyi shook his head and said:

"I've got all the information on the desktop at home in my backpack. Let's go. I'd better go to your house."

As he said this, he actually took out a battery car from his backpack.

Xuantian's disciples widened their eyes and asked in surprise:

"You even brought this?"

He really couldn't understand that the capacity of the evolver's backpack was quite limited. Although it was as big as five cubic meters, it only carried necessary combat equipment, as well as sufficient food, water, clothing, tents, medicine, ropes, and tool boxes. Extraordinary props and other things already take up a lot of space.

Such a large battery car is not very cost-effective to carry around.

Lin Tianyi said casually:

"Actually, we also brought motorcycles and bicycles, but the motorcycles were too noisy and the bicycles were too slow. In this environment, battery-powered bicycles are just right."

Lin Tianyi, who has a black flame ring, is not worried about space problems at all.

If his driver's license hadn't been issued yet, he would have even wanted to buy an RV and put it in the ring space so he could use it whenever he wanted.

"Do you want me to hold you?"

"No, I'll lead the way."

With that said, Xuantian's disciple, who turned into a little raccoon, jumped directly onto the basket in front of the battery car and asked:

"Can you see the road clearly without driving lights? We are in the Victorian era after all, so we should try not to be too ostentatious."

"no problem."

Lin Tianyi replied.

Under the cover of night and fog, Lin Tianyi carried Xuantian's disciples through most of the Intis capital.

As they get further and further away from the city center, they gradually see the sadness of this era.

The dirty and smelly slums, the cleaners dragging the corpses of refugees, and the homeless and shivering street children form this huge extraordinary world.

The car drove for more than twenty minutes, and the two people finally left the city. On the outskirts of the densely wooded city, they vaguely saw a group of manors.

Pointing to a relatively small manor in the distance that was completely hidden in the darkness, Xuantian's disciple said:

"We are here, welcome to my home, Thorn Rose Manor."

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