Sequential Evolution

Chapter 59 Abyss’ Diary

Thorn Rose Manor is located in the eastern suburbs of the capital city of Intis. It is a manor purchased by the old Earl Eltan more than 200 years ago.

The environment here is elegant and rich in grapes. It is one of the few remaining money-making properties of Abyss, the original owner of Xuantian's disciple body.

As Abyss returned to his human form and knocked on the door of the manor, the elderly servant Old Dido opened the door with a kerosene lamp.

"My lord, you are back."

"I'll wake up Nicia and ask her to prepare some desserts for you and Master Ryan."

Abyss said to Dido, who was a bit stooped:

"No need to bother, go to bed early, Uncle Dido."

The two people crossed the manor road, which was large enough for two carriages to drive side by side, opened the door, and entered the living room. Xuantian's disciple took Lin Tianyi up to the second floor and lit the gas lamp in the room.

As the dancing sparks crackled, the ignited gas lamp immediately made a faint sound, and the study became bright.

Lin Tianyi looked around. Compared to the Viscount, who was shabby and could only live in a small and cramped apartment building, Xuantian, the Count's disciple, finally looked like a Count.

Picking up the hot water kettle next to the fireplace, Xuantian's disciple asked:

"Drink some coffee or tea?"

Seeing the show off expressions of Xuantian's disciples, Lin Tian turned over his hand and took out a bottle of canned yellow peach, and said casually:

"Heat this up for me, I like something hot, thank you."

Looking at the low-quality black tea in his hand, and then at the canned yellow peach that Lin Tianyi handed over, Xuantian's disciple's good mood to show off was suddenly wiped out, and he shouted:

"Give me a can too, I want yellow peach too."

Two cans were poured into the hot milk pot, and the flames of the fireplace slowly roasted the cans.

Xuantian's disciples sat in the study room's chair, and by the light of the gas lamp, they began to look through the files on the girl's disappearance case and Abyss's personal diary.

"In my impression, I only know the names of the younger brother of Grand Duke Kaia and the younger son of Viscount Hydera mentioned in the girl's disappearance case, and there is not much overlap at all."

"The younger brother of Grand Duke Kaia is named Kaia Ozil. He is a very intelligent capitalist. Although he cannot inherit the position of the Grand Duke, with his excellent business acumen and the support of his brother who is a powerful figure, Ozil has succeeded in In the aristocratic circle of the upper class, it is very popular."

"As for Hydra Leo, the youngest son of Viscount Hydra, they are both the second sons, and they have similar odors, and they often hang out together. This Hydra Leo is very good at attracting young and beautiful women to Ozil, and they established a relationship. A private club called [Mingmen Club] specially invites wealthy capitalists and children of upper-class aristocrats to attend.”

Lin Tian curled his lips. He also had an impression of this, but it was far less detailed than Xuantian's disciple who was an earl.

Disciple Xuantian looked through the diary and said with some pride:

"Our family's wine is quite well-known in the upper class circles of Intis. As long as I look through the diary, I should be able to find the right person to introduce us to attend the prestigious party, and I will find a breakthrough in the [Missing Girl Case]. "

With that said, he started his day confidently.

Lin Tianyi, who was standing beside Xuantian's disciple, also looked attentively.


It’s another annual wine tasting banquet at Thorny Rose Manor that we are looking forward to. I really look forward to seeing some beautiful aristocratic ladies come to our family’s banquet.

Will Miss Lilith Weir, known as the pride of the Tusossel Empire, the brightest star of Intis and the apple of Duke Lanster's eye, come? I really hope it can attract her attention!

If I could kiss her fragrance, even if I had to die, I would be willing to do so.

Lin Tian turned his head and looked at Xuantian's disciples aside. The diary here was obviously interrupted for a while.

Xuantian's disciples turned to the next page and continued watching.


Damn, I drank too much yesterday.

The beautiful Miss Lilith didn't come to our family's wine tasting party, and very few nobles came. Damn it! I hate pirates because all my father's properties in the south were destroyed?

Unbelievably, my first time was given to Mrs. Orsal, what a waste of alcohol! That old woman was 42 years old. I remember she was with her daughter before she got drunk.

When she was with me, she seemed to call my father's name. Is it an illusion?

Seeing this, Lin Tianyi and Xuantian's disciples looked at each other awkwardly.

"Your circle... is really chaotic." Lin Tianyi commented.

Xuantian disciple said angrily:

"Shut up, I didn't do this."

The two men continued to look down.


In order to save the family, my father asked me to join the Church of Storms and join the Punishers.

I haven't thought about this yet. I don't want to go to a dirty slum and deal with smelly corpses.

Don't think about this for now, I hope my father's investment can help the family improve, alas! My most beloved horse farm was sold like this. God knows what will be left when the family inherits it to me.

In short, today I will go to attend the prestigious gathering. It is said that Prince Petrov will also attend. If I can catch up with this powerful prince, life will be better in the future!

Here comes the point!

The two refreshed themselves and continued reading.

Or "1162-07-04"

Damn it!

Fortunately, I finally had the chance to catch a glimpse of Miss Lilith Weir.

She was so beautiful that it was breathtaking. Compared to her beauty, the girls I had slept with before were like gravel under the carriage.

But it was a pity that she was not interested in the prestigious society at all, and she didn't even want to wait until the ball started, so she left with an excuse.

What's even worse is yet to come, Prince Petrov actually likes men!

He's attracted to me!

When he went to the bathroom, he took off my pants, which was definitely intentional.

For God's sake, I must join the Church of Storms, otherwise... the consequences will be really unimaginable.

Xuantian's disciple had goosebumps all over his body. Apparently, the diary reminded him of many bad details.

Lin Tianyi was very interested at this time, his eyes were as bright as stars, and there seemed to be the fire of gossip burning in his eyes.

"Keep looking back! Hurry up."

Disciple Xuantian closed the diary with a snap, shook his head like a rattle, and said repeatedly:

"It's too nutritious. Let's forget it. Don't waste any more time. I've already figured out who to help us participate again."

"Mrs. Osar? Or Prince Petrov?"

Upon hearing Lin Tianyi's question, Xuantian's disciple's face instantly turned red.


Hearing Xuantian's disciple's answer, Lin Tianyi didn't know when he had split into two clones, one on the left and one on the right, holding up the tall Xuantian disciple, then he sat on the main seat and continued to read the contents of the diary. .

Xuantian's disciples struggled and kicked around, and said angrily:

"Misty Light Ember!"

Lin Tianyi waved his hand and said:

"Don't get too involved. Didn't you just say that you didn't do these things?"

Who the serious person keeps a diary? Am I right? Hahaha, please vote for me, please give me rewards, please recommend and comment.

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