Sequential Evolution

Chapter 60 [Adam] Private Detective Agency

Lin Tianyi quickly flipped through the diary, and the protests from Xuantian's disciples continued to be heard.

It's a pity that the strength gap between the two people is not big to begin with. Lin Tianyi is still two against one, and he has no way to break away.

The contents of the diary record a lot of sexy news about Abyss, a young man with an empty title of earl, as well as the gradual decline of his family, the death of his father, and some secrets of the punisher.

Although each diary is not long in length, the amount of information is quite huge.

For example, he discovered that not only did Mrs. Ausar sleep with him and his father, but she also liked to deliberately call each other by the wrong name when they were intimate with each other, thereby hinting that father and son could actually be together...

Another example is that the powerful hand of the empire can shake the right minister of the entire empire with a stamp of his feet. When he was young, he once pursued His Majesty Greg, who was not the Archbishop of Storms at that time.

Of course, Your Majesty did not agree. The reason is because the right minister is a man.

Also, when Abyss went to Merlinta Manor to deliver wine, the noble Marquis and his wife actually held a candid meeting with more than a dozen nobles, including Viscount Hydera, on the grounds of maintaining a closer and closer relationship. The banquet salon where we meet.

Although Abyss also wanted to participate, unfortunately Prince Petrov should have been there at the time, so... he gave up this opportunity to establish super close 'friendship' relationships with countless nobles at the same time.

These messy peach diaries have finally improved in the past three years.

Lin Tianyi's face became a little serious.

The two clones released their grip on Xuantian's disciple's hands and motioned for him to come over and take a look together.


Alas, I am exhausted today. I finally saved my life and can sit here and write in my diary again.

After working as a punishment substitute for so many years, this was the first time I experienced the feeling of being thanked by the refugees.

This is all thanks to the private detective agency called [Adam].

[Soothsayer] This mysterious path is really powerful. I really don’t know why the church controls the formula of this potion so strictly.

If I had chosen this path, the efficiency of solving the case would have been greatly increased.

Anyway, fifty pounds, in exchange for my life, is really worth it.

It feels good to be a hero, saving the people of a neighborhood and saving hundreds of people from becoming sacrifices to the evil god. This feeling makes me feel a little elated.

It's a pity that due to the confidentiality clause of the punishment agent, I can't show off these things to those beautiful ladies. Otherwise, maybe I can use this to capture the hearts of many innocent girls.

Miss Lilith Weir will definitely be interested in such a deed.

However, we cannot relax our vigilance. Those cultists are so powerful that they will not die even if their heads are cut off. If the Inquisition had not arrived in time with Sealed Artifact 2-078, I am afraid that even the captain and I would have turned into terrifying monsters without consciousness. .

Even if I sit in front of a warm fireplace, I still can't calm down.

An ordinary person's body can actually expand and explode in an instant, blowing up a house directly. The sputtered bone fragments can even penetrate the strong body of an extraordinary person, and directly cause the opponent to lose control.

The evil god... is really scary.

Will He really come?

Almost at the same time I finished reading this diary.

The relevant content written in the diary about the disaster appeared in the minds of Lin Tianyi and Xuantian's disciples at the same time!

Although this world is controlled by seven righteous gods, there are more evil gods spying on the world!

Moreover, more than four hundred years ago, the evil god really used the deaths of millions of people in a country to successfully come to this world once.

This led to the immediate destruction of the powerful Zoroas Empire at the time, and the divine war that broke out directly attracted the seven gods to come down to earth to participate in the war.

God war?

The relevant contents that came to mind made Lin Tianyi and Xuantian's disciples' expressions stiffen at the same time.

The battlefield of gods and demons is a term familiar to everyone.

The Zoroas Empire at that time covered millions of square kilometers, and its wealth and strength were not any weaker than the current Tusossel Empire.

But now, there is a deserted continent filled with corrosion, monsters, and no sunlight all year round. It is called the land abandoned by the gods.

This is a fact of this world. God's war is enough to completely turn a continent into a forbidden zone for living things.

"The Evolution Palace generally does not issue impossible tasks to trialists. As long as we are careful, we should be fine."

As if to comfort Lin Tianyi, more like to comfort himself, Xuantian's disciple forced a smile and said.

But in fact, both of them had a keen sense of something unusual.

It was the smell of an approaching storm that filled the building.

The mission name of this mission says it all.

【His coming】

This Him refers to a certain evil god in this world? Or does it refer to the [Moon Goddess] who died or fell into a deep sleep during the divine war more than 400 years ago?

The strong sense of uneasiness made Lin Tianyi quickly flip through Abyss's diary.

In the past three years, the other party has encountered quite a lot of cases!

About the evil force Black Goat.

There are also cases of disposal of extraordinary items.

The extraordinary items in this world are completely different from those issued by the Evolution Palace. The extraordinary items here have certain side effects, are powerful, and are full of dangers.

The diary soon reached the last entry recorded.

The date above was a week ago.


Should we stay away from Intis?

Even if you go to sea and follow your colleagues to exterminate pirates.

My intuition tells me that the water surrounding the girl’s disappearance is very deep, deep enough to easily evaporate anyone who attempts to touch its essence.

How dare that lunatic Ryder Ryan take on this case without my consent? What's even more damning is that I'm still his partner!

what to do? Are you going to ask Prince Petrov for asylum? Compared with living, selling one's butt seems not unacceptable.

Seeing this, Lin Tianyi's eyes started to look weird when he looked at Xuantian's disciples.

"Is this what you said?"

Xuantian's disciples were extremely embarrassed.

After he took over the body, he did vaguely remember the previous owner of the body and seemed to have thought of a countermeasure.

But he really didn't expect that the method would be like this at first.

This is why, after seeing the name Prince Petrov and recalling some details, he began to strongly oppose his teammate Wu Guangjin and continue watching.

"What should we do now?"

Xuantian's disciple asked Lin Tianyi helplessly.

"How about you go and ask to see Prince Petrov?"

Lin Tianyi said seriously:

"Actually, this is a very good angle. As the younger brother of the current king of the Tusoros Empire, the powerful Prince Petrov has a very important say in the entire empire. With him as our background, let alone a girl The disappearance case is our current main task, and the difficulty will probably be greatly reduced."

"Go away! Is this the advice you gave?" Xuantian's disciple had already put the thunder talisman in his hand at this time, and it seemed that he was really going to use thunder to kill this bastard Wu Guangjin.

Lin Tianyi spread his hands and said thoughtfully:

"Since you don't want to take this shortcut, then... we can consider other methods and ways out."

"any solution?"

Lin Tianyi turned back to the diary with the date "1171-12-03", pointed to one of the passages on it and said:

"Why don't we try this private detective agency called [Adam's] and see what advice they can give us."

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