
Or don't eat?

It was a difficult choice.

Erina doesn't even look at civilian cuisine.

Not to mention the street food that is set aside.

Even the takoyaki made by Chu Feng was only put on hold for a few minutes.

But in her opinion, it is no longer new.

"Miss, or... Forget it. "

Crimson moved closer without leaving a trace, murmuring in Erina's ears.

Forget it, forget it?

How can it be!

Erina's eyebrows frowned lightly, and her burgundy eyes gradually turned firm.


Miss Ben must reveal the true face of the food truck owner today.

Street food, such an unfashionable thing, is not on the table at all, let alone qualified to set up a stall at the gate of Yuanyue.

He glared at the shop owner again, looking fierce and fierce, looking a little ridiculous.

At least in Chu Feng's opinion, Erinai's willfulness was sometimes very naïve.

Of course, he was a pure businessman who knew how to treat vexatious guests.


Akaguoguo's disregard!

Anyway, if the other party pays, the money and goods are already cleared.

As for whether to eat or not, it is entirely up to the customer himself.



Pick up a bunch of takoyaki.

The bright red lip just touches the epidermis.

Erinai instantly sensed a sense of warmth.

Obviously, the heat of takoyaki has been lost quite a bit.

I'm crazy today to eat something like this." ’

The more Erina thought about it, the more angry she became, and her resentment towards the owner of the food truck increased a little.


The shell teeth bit lightly, and the unprepared Erina, was immediately scalded by the scalding juice.

Completely beyond her expectations, the skin is getting cooler takoyaki.

Inside, it looked like it had just come out of a pot, and it was so hot that it caught people off guard.


Erina's mouth was wrapped in hot juice, and her eyes were round.

The unique tenderness of the octopus, mixed with the fragrance of cabbage, quickly stimulates her taste buds.

The 'Tongue of God' is a special gift

You can help Erinai taste the subtleties for the first time.

However, sometimes there are disadvantages.

Suddenly delicious,

It is likely that the 'Tongue of God' will forget human instincts.

For example...

When you burn your mouth, open your mouth and breathe!

This is common sense~

But Erina, apparently forgot now.

The deliciousness of the North Sea Tide

The crispiness of the Nanshan cabbage,

Wooden fish flowers pickled from deep-sea bonito....

The deliciousness that was just right together instantly burned on the tip of Erina's tongue like a spark.

She bit her lip hard.

As if I was afraid of missing the feeling of this moment.

Two lines of clear tears flowed from their wide eyes.

The whole little face was even redder.


People who didn't know thought she was moved to cry.

"Isn't it, is Boss Chu's takoyaki, and the taste I haven't tasted?"

Kobayashi was suspicious for a while, feeling as if he had missed something.

Could it be that Boss Chu's takoyaki tastes more fragrant and beautiful after being placed for a period of time?

She suddenly regretted it a little, knowing that she would strike later.

His gaze fell on the takoyaki placed on the kitchen counter.

Xiao Lin's gutan throat surged with one hand supporting his stomach.

Wondering if you want to buy another piece of takoyaki to try?


"What's going on? Is Boss Chu's takoyaki really that delicious? "

"Incredible, Miss Erina, I actually cried about the delicious food..."

"To be honest, it's the first time I've seen the eldest lady like this."

"Later, when she leaves, let's both order a taste."

"Well, that's it, today I must eat takoyaki that makes God's tongue cry."

This moment.

Erinae snapped back to her senses.

Finally realized what had just happened.


I actually cried?

Actually crying in public because of a street food?

Is there anything more ridiculous in the world?

This...... It's comparable to a large-scale social death scene.

Breathless Sen!

Erinai felt like she was going crazy.

Mu Ran looked around.

The reactions of the people around you can be seen.

The shame and grievances in my heart eventually turned into helplessness.

These people have clearly identified.

I cried because of the deliciousness of this takoyaki dish.


I was obviously just caught off guard and cried after being burned....

With a bare toothpick in his hand.

Erinai didn't let it go for a while, and it wasn't if she didn't let it go, and the whole person was very entangled.

In the end, do you want to explain?

She suddenly found that she had always been comfortable with everything, and she was completely unable to deal with this sudden situation.

At the same time, it is clear that no matter how it is explained now, others will not believe it.

Seeing is believing~

Humans always believe what their eyes see and make it 'the truth'.

'I... How is it so unlucky! ’

Erinai suddenly realized that since seeing this food truck and this man, things had not gone smoothly at all.

Sulking alone, she picked up a string of takoyaki again and viciously stuffed it into her mouth.

It seems that this bulging little ball is the food truck owner.

Hmph, see Miss Ben can't bite you!

Erina, who didn't even seem to realize it.

She has embraced the taste of street food.

Although this takoyaki is not up to the level of 'eat and cry her'.

But the taste that blended perfectly together still made her unable to fault the slightest.

For as long as I can remember, I have been tasting ingredients and spices from all over the world.

The taste of most of the ingredients in the world is deeply rooted in Erina's mind.

Even if it was suddenly scalded just now.

The tongue of God still instinctively began to parse this takoyaki.

From the selected ingredients, the proportions, to the production process...

Everything appeared directly in Erina's mind like a fast-playing movie.

All the ingredients she is familiar with, and the production method is also very ordinary, and there is nothing outstanding at all.

However, Rao is a tireless 'playback' over and over again, and she can't find any flaws.


Ultimate perfection!

The man in front of you.

It seems that the most ordinary cuisine has reached the limit of what human beings can achieve, leaving no flaws at all.

This kind of thing simply subverted Erina's cognition.

How can there be perfect cuisine in this world?

So she could only continue to eat takoyaki, trying to figure out the problem.


PS: Collection, flowers, evaluation tickets!!

May Day reading is happy! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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