"Didn't... No star rating? "

Chu Feng's words were astonishing.

Directly stunned everyone present.

So far.

More than a dozen people have already tasted his dishes.

But including Kobayashi gentian, everyone who has eaten it is good.

The level of cooking of the other party is definitely not low!

This is the consensus of all present.


Such people ....

I didn't go to IGO certified stars.

What does he want to do?

Everyone does not understand.

"Chu, Boss Chu, why don't you go to certify?"

Kobayashi Gentian asked everyone's heart.

Everyone pricked up their ears, all wondering why.

As long as the students of Yuanyue do not have bad grades and can get the recommended places of the lecturer, they will first get the certificate of one-star chef.

This is seniority, and it is also their confidence in the future to move towards society.

Now, some people have actually given up this confidence when they have innate advantages.

It's like throwing away the gold in your hand to pick up sesame seeds.

"Perhaps, he was also a star chef today."

"It's just some special reason, and it ended up being a street stall..."

The story, most likely, will look like this:

"The genius chef became famous at a young age, but he was suppressed by the culinary family, and eventually went into exile in a foreign country..."

"The genius boy lost his sense of taste, was tragically resigned from the marriage by a famous family, and the teenager was angry and made a three-year contract..."

"Defeated halberd, left the country, busking, honing cooking skills. Just wait for a long time, vowing to regain the glory of the past..."

In this world, the influence of the Dragon Kingdom online novel is equally terrifying, and there are a large number of readers all over the country.

Yuanyue students can't study cooking 24 hours a day, and they always find some fast-paced novels to relieve stress.

For a while, some people have made up countless versions of grudges and grudges.

Boss Chu is also a person with a story.

At the age of fifteen or sixteen, it is the time of youth.

Full of longing for the future, but afraid of the depths of adults.


Chu Feng was suddenly a little confused.

What's the situation?

Why do some people look at him with sympathy?

Why do I make millions a day, and I still need your sympathy?

He naturally did not know that someone had substituted him as the protagonist of a certain novel.

When he first came to this world, he didn't know what 'star' meant to a chef.

"I'm just setting up a stall, do I have to go to IGO certification?"

Shaking his head, Chu Feng still answered Xiao Lin Gentian's question.

After all, it is a rare high-quality customer, and you can't always snub each other.



Kobayashi Gentian and Erinai were silent for a while, and they were speechless.

Oh, yes!

People just set up a roadside stall and don't need a chef star at all.

He...... Not even a chef.

At least in the perception of the Yuanyue students, no star is not a real chef at all.

However, Erina's mind was more at the moment.

The authority she thinks she has can really influence the business of roadside stalls?

Estimated, probably not!?

But the words have already been spoken, and you can't stop halfway.

Even if it doesn't have much impact on the future business of the fast food truck.

She must also make flaws and provocations today to cover up her beauty.

'Didn't you all say that what he made was delicious?' ’

Miss Ben vowed today to find out the flaws in his cooking. ’

Erina's stubborn temper suddenly came up, glared at Chu Feng 'viciously', and then motioned for Crimson to pay.

Chu Feng didn't let her wait too long.

It is estimated that it is less than a second.

Because there is still a prepared takoyaki left on the kitchen counter.

Directly hand the two plates to Erinai and Scarlet.


The other party just paid 20,000.

Kakukiri House~

Sure enough, there is money!

Chu Feng is an honest businessman, and he will definitely not get by with money.

As long as everyone is reasonable, he generally does not drive away guests.

Erina's innocuous threat just now, he didn't take it too seriously at all.

Even if the system raises his chef level to the seven-star level.

He doesn't feel like a chef either.

Identity changes too quickly.

Suddenly, he changed from a chopping and miscellaneous assistant chef to a serious cook.

Chu Feng was still a little uncomfortable.


"You're going to give me this?"

Erina's eyes widened, and her burgundy pupils flashed with a hint of coldness.

The amplitude fluctuated, and the anger that had been forcibly suppressed just now rose uncontrollably again.

If she hadn't been dazzled just now, the other party would have taken a takoyaki set aside.

"You... Are you humiliating me!? "

The more Erina thought about it, the more angry she became, and the more she looked at the other party, the more unpleasant she felt.

This person is simply more hateful than Kohei Sojin, who put his hand on his shoulder during the entrance examination.

I don't know how, the other party's random action and words can arouse her endless anger.

For a while, Erina's pretty face turned red, like a bubble pot.

"Roadside snacks are like this, have you never eaten them?"

Chu Feng naturally knew the reason why Erinai was angry.

People usually eat freshly baked food.

But many snacks are like this, put aside the extra made, and the guests can just hand them out when they come.

Of course, most of the time, customers still get something freshly baked.

But just by Erina's attitude just now.

It was impossible for Chu Feng to make a copy for her specifically.


PS: Collection, flowers, evaluation tickets!!

Summer three-day promotion, charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 13th to August 15th)

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