In a flash~

The entire altar space trembled violently.

As if by some kind of strong stimulus.

The ancient god's heart began to beat violently.

Vaguely ~

You can vaguely see that the black shadow inside is distorting.

Roaring, angry, roaring...

You can see it~

Acacia, who was hiding in the heart of the ancient gods, was extremely angry.

Several times tried to rush out.

But it was stopped by the heart of the ancient gods like a copper wall and an iron wall.

The walls of flesh and blood are a visible barrier that binds Acacia's movements.

Inexplicable ~

Chu Feng wanted to laugh a little.

Does this count as cocooning self-restraint?

He didn't know how Acacia found a fallen ancient god and successfully obtained the other party's heart.

Maybe it's just a mistake, or maybe the other party doesn't know that this is an ancient god.

But anyway~

The other party obviously 353 discovered the power of the ancient gods and wanted to take this power for himself.

According to the description of Yilong and others, Acacia is because the gourmet cells in the body are out of control, so he uncontrollably improves himself, wants to gain more powerful power, and even does not hesitate to destroy the entire food world.

Chu Feng knew the gourmet cell very well and knew that this was a terrifying thing that was extremely hungry.

When the gourmet cells reach a certain level, it is difficult to suppress the gourmet demons in the body with human willpower alone.

If it weren't for the systematic transformation of the gourmet cells that entered Chu Feng's body, he wouldn't be sure to suppress this effect.

In an instant, all kinds of thoughts appeared in his mind, and Chu Feng just sighed in his heart, and waited for a doppelganger of Acacia to come.

Because he only flipped the dead line, not cut it.

With his understanding of the Straight Death Demon Eye, Chu Feng knew that once the lifeline was in danger, its individual would also have an instinctive reaction.

And what is most likely to be found is that the avatar instinctively returns to the body.

Of course, this method may only be used once.

Maybe after Acacia is on guard, he can suppress the idea of the doppelganger.

But Chu Feng did not dare to move six dead lines at the same time.

He was not sure to face the six doppelgangers of Acacia at the same time.

Super S sacrifices aura, and can only deal with one single target at a time.


Strange sounds with rhythmic vibrations resounded like waves throughout the altar.

A huge monster appeared in front of Chu Feng and Thor.

The image of the other party is extremely distorted, constantly changing between the images of whales, crocodiles, snakes, walruses and other creatures, making it impossible to distinguish its true appearance.

However, from this monster, Chu Feng and Thor felt endless hatred, as if they wanted to kill everything they saw.

Sure enough~

Before Thor could react, the monster had already attacked.

The huge tongue shot out like a spring, like a sharp arrow towards the two.

It (ccbe) is not the same as the god of gluttony, as if in a rage, completely lost his mind, and begins to kill as soon as they meet.

But Chu Feng wouldn't give it any time, and the moment he started to pull the dead line, the Super S sacrifice aura had already unfolded.

After all, he had tried once, and he found that this skill was the most suitable for dealing with the doppelganger.

According to the name of the god of gluttony, and the hatred unleashed by the monster in front of him.

Chu Feng speculated that the other party was most likely Leviathan, the god of jealousy recorded in the Book of Job.

There are many historical accounts of Leviathan, but almost every book depicts its image differently. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Some believe that He is a huge whale swimming in the sea, breathing flames, smoke from his nose, with sharp teeth and strong armor.

Others believe that He is a giant serpent capable of sparing the world several times, so he is called a crooked serpent or a winding serpent.

But either account is rife with awe and fear of Leviathan.

No doubt~

It's a monster that makes people talk about it.


This monster, which only exists in legends, screamed almost terrified after launching an attack.

The shrill cry echoed in the empty altar, and the light of the sacrificial aura had completely enveloped the jealous god.

Sacrifice, transformation, rebirth...

The Super S Sacrifice Aura is so domineering, it is so unreasonable, and it doesn't even cost anything.

This is very incomprehensible!

But now is not the time to care about this.

Chu Feng was more curious about what Acacia was thinking.

From the god of gluttony to Leviathan, combined with the seven doppelgangers of the other party, it is easy to think of the seven deadly sins of Catholicism.

Arrogance, jealousy, rage, laziness, greed, gluttony, lust.

Therefore, Acacia took the initiative to divide his seven deadly sins and took on the form of legends...

What the hell is he drawing?

Or, is it just that?.

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